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Helping a "clicker" adjust...?

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> 1000% buy him a MOBA style mouse. They come with 6+ thumb buttons.


> I use a razer mouse with *12* thumb buttons, which sounds like a lot - and it is - but I could never play another MMO without it.

This. I would never go back to a standard mouse + keyboard setup, now that I'm used to having thumb buttons.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> I would invest in a good multi button mouse.... except for the Naga.... Razor software issues are not worth putting up with to for it.


> I recently got the Z mouse.... despite being an underwhelming use of its features, I have now have enough buttons to cover all but one skill. Use 1-5 for skills, all utilities to mapped to push buttons, F skills on the upper and pull buttons, mounts mapped bottom row keys, Griffon on Ctrl+space (for easy access while gliding), and Elite on X for legacy reasons. On an older mouse I couldn't map the F keys, and had to do that by hand..... it "worked", but engineer being the piano that is, made it tricky in really movement heavy fights.


> Having a enough buttons on the mouse for fast reaction skills is BY FAR the best investment you could ever make for this game. TONS of things start becoming possible by doing this. I can't even do clicking other games because of it..... its just so much more efficient to have everything within easy reach, and split between the hands.


I use a SteelSeries Rival 500. Enough mouse buttons to map skills 6 - 0, F1 - F5, and Dodge; all in easy to remember positions.


Unfortunately for the OP, I don't know of any way to get rid of the mouseover tooltips.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > I'm a clicker and I don't get tool tip popups, which maybe due to the fact I don't hover my mouse cursor over any of the "buttons", but I thought there was a way to disable tool tips ...let me check my settings.


> I think one used to be able to do that, but I can no longer find that setting.


I don't know if we had the ability to stop it, but I could have sworn we had a slider to delay it because that always irritated me as well so I know I played with it.

But like you, I can't find it either.

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Ready to have mind blown? I am a die hard clicker. I also use the arrow keys to move, the six row for mounts, and 0 on the numpad for enemy tabing. I never use any other keys in combat. All skills are clicked with mouse. Every MMO I have ever played, for the past 17 years, I played like that.


Now, can we please have the OPTION to disable tool tips, because I am old, and will never change.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"darksoverign.5360" said:

> > a good clicker is nothing to scoff at we tend to have faster reflexes and beter planning than most that's why we go un noticed I've done everything there is to do in wow/gw2 as a clicker purist and I'm always top or neer top dps and I've even almost reached top 500 in pvp… so pvp scrubs might wanna get better ;D.


> So how does a good clicker overcome the problem the OP mentioned where the skill info boxes keep popping up and covering large parts of the screen during the fight?


I rarely even see the tool tips because I don't need to hover over a skill to know what I'm using I do it in a fluid motion from skill to skill and I'm usually focusing on the fight I'm currently in so I don't look at the skills even I just do it instinctively but I have been doing it for 5 almost 6 years now so I might not be the best example for new players.

but yea I do agree with the need to either remove the tool tip from the main abilities and just have people read them from the "spellbook" not sure why we should be able to read mid combat in the first place.


Anet logic I suppose ;D

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I can **Definitely** recommencement action cam. I mostly play more "MOBA-Style", even though i don't like MOBAs, but what i mean is my fingers rest on "1,2,3,4" and my Thumb on "V/sparbar". I Walk using either Autorun on "R" or as a toggle or by holding down both mouse buttons. I have mapped my utilities to my mouse (G502). One more tip, setting Ground Targeting to "Fast with Range Indicator" is **very** helpful.

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Great that you're getting your boyfriend into gw2, I myself have been playing gw2 with my girlfriend for 3 years now :) Back when I started playing I was a clicker as well, and I did fairly well in both pve and pvp, so it is certainly possible to play the game that way, but finding your mouse can sometimes be hard do to all the visual noise there is in gw2.


Here is my suggestion to what your boyfriend can do to make his experience, going from being a clicker to a keybind user, more smooth. For starters he should get used to using the left and right mouse button for movement. I am sure you already know this, but holding left and right mouse button down wil give you complete movement over your character, as well as move your character forward. If he can't deal with this, using right mouse click and w is also fine. This will prevent him from being able to click the skills, and 'force' him to use the keybinds he have.


Now for the keybinds. Keybinds are really personal, and we all created differently (i myself have freakishly big hands), which is why no specific set of keybinds works for every person. However i will give you an idea of some of the keybinds i used when i was trying to stop clicking.


W=move foreward. A=strafe left. D=strafe right. Dodge=V (i believe dodge on V is default). I don't use S for movement at all.

Utility skils:

Q=heal. E=utility1. R=utility2. T=utility3. C=elite

My weapons:

weapon skills are set to defualt 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Weapon swap=½

Class specific skills:

Class skills (toolbelt skills, attunements and so on) are also default f1, f2, f3 and f4, with the exception of f5 which i have bound to X. I find this very natural because i can easily reach, without having to remove my fingers from my movement keys.


The most important thing is that reaching feels natural for him, and he can always switch his keybinds around a little, nothing is set in stone. I know that i wrote a wall of text, but i hope it might have been of some help :)


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Playing Champions Online you get to pick where your abilities were and you had access to a top bar which was hotkeyed to Alt 1-9. I've set my skills to Alt 1-5 for easier access and changed target reticule settings to reduce the amount of clicks needed from ranged to far.


The problem is if you don't try and condense your keys to a slick theme you're going to fumble a lot.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> With all do respect. It's 2018 ans WASD with action combat is the way to go. Wouldn't take long to get used to it just set thing up for him and take to maps.


What possible relevance does the current year have on whether someone prefers mouse clicking over keybinds?

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