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can we get mistfire wolf without buying digital deluxe?

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Nope, it belongs to digital deluxe version and as far i know it not possible to unlock it otherwise.

As per wiki "The skill is automatically available to level 31 characters for owners of the Digital Deluxe or Collector's Edition of Guild Wars 2. "

Maybe they can add deluxe version again for a limited time in case people want to buy it. It cost before 2k gem so i doubt people will be happy to spend money on it.

And the one for booster maybe it just a trial nothing else

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> Acquisition


> The skill is automatically available to level 31 characters for owners of the Digital Deluxe or Collector's Edition of Guild Wars 2.

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistfire_Wolf


The skill being available while trying a class in the Silverwastes with a level 80 boost is probably just because it is easier to unlock all skills for that trial.


The skill will only unlock if the Digital Delux or Collector's Edition is unlocked on your account. Not sure if and when one of those 2 might be available again. As Azraeil said, in the past the Delux edition was available tor 2,000 gems in the past in the gem store. Now if someone wants to spend this much on a purely cosmetic but useless elite, that is up to each individual (I own the wolf and have maybe used the skill 3 times in my close to 5k hours played).

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Acquisition

> >

> > The skill is automatically available to level 31 characters for owners of the Digital Deluxe or Collector's Edition of Guild Wars 2.

> - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistfire_Wolf


> The skill being available while trying a class in the Silverwastes with a level 80 boost is probably just because it is easier to unlock all skills for that trial.


> The skill will only unlock if the Digital Delux or Collector's Edition is unlocked on your account. Not sure if and when one of those 2 might be available again. As Azraeil said, in the past the Delux edition was available tor 2,000 gems in the past in the gem store. Now if someone wants to spend this much on a purely cosmetic but useless elite, that is up to each individual (I own the wolf and have maybe used the skill 3 times in my close to 5k hours played).


I play GW for fun... chose norn profession coz they live closely with the spirits of wild and chose ranger profession to have wolf and other spirits of wild creatures along with pets, spirits of wild elite transformations(norn) and ofcourse i'm attracted towards the mistfire wolf... not for utility... but for style, theme and flaunting it on world bosses and meta events... people are spending too much gold on legy items just to flaunt... while they could have ascended weapons with just the same damage except that they cant change stats like they do in legy... so why not?


you used it only 3 times? was it that baaad?? i mean, the graphics, the dmg it does, and other stuff? was it that baaad? or you're not in sync with the idea of having pets and fighting companion(I see that you main a chronomancer)?

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The skill looks nice. That's about it.


It counts as a racial skill and as such is balanced similar to racial skill: weaker than regular class elites.


The mist fire wolf its self has a duration of 30 seconds and a cooldown of 150 seconds. As such it will not be up the entire time like say a necromancer golem.


If you want it for the bling and flash, go ahead.


The other minor benefit it offers is, it's a free elite for any character you level. Thus you can save some early skill points if you so desire. It will get outperformed by almost all class elite skills though.


EDIT: which poses the interesting idea of making this a permanent pet (similar to the golem) with near no damage or usefulness (to counter balance). That's when I'd be using it in cities maybe. Until then it's pretty much meh.

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and one more thing... ppl been talking about their class being underperformed by some other class in pve... not pvp... but pve... does it matter? coz in pve everyones your ally right? even in boss fights, everyone pitches in and defeats the one main enemy... so... idk... i'm confused... is there anything that i need to know about like if you do more damage than the fellow standing next to you, will you get more loot? more gold? more rare exotic items??? and alaik, i get steel chest when defeating champion bosses(not the event reward chest we get on the right bottom of screen nor the big ones we get after world bosses killings... but the small chest lying around on the ground after the champion husk thrasher is dead)... will there be a gold platinum chest?

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People keep talking about the Digital Deluxe version being returned to the store or made available again - is it not available now? It won't show up on accounts which have already purchased it, but according the Wiki it is still in the store.


As for the Mistfire Wolf it's ok, but it's not as good as the profession-specific elites and not recommended by people who create build guides. I use it for characters who don't have enough hero points to unlock other elites, and for fun sometimes, but if you're doing anything you find difficult you'll almost certainly want to swap it for a more powerful elite.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The skill looks nice. That's about it.


> It counts as a racial skill and as such is balanced similar to racial skill: weaker than regular class elites.


> The mist fire wolf its self has a duration of 30 seconds and a cooldown of 150 seconds. As such it will not be up the entire time like say a necromancer golem.


> If you want it for the bling and flash, go ahead.


> The other minor benefit it offers is, it's a free elite for any character you level. Thus you can save some early skill points if you so desire. It will get outperformed by almost all class elite skills though.


> EDIT: which poses the interesting idea of making this a permanent pet (similar to the golem) with near no damage or usefulness (to counter balance). That's when I'd be using it in cities maybe. Until then it's pretty much meh.


whaaat??? replace it with trading golem??? noooooo!!!!!! don't be like that!!! you can wish anet to add one more new elite skill that does the job but not replace this wolf.... norns will cry if they hear such statements... **Spirits, no!** :'(

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The skill looks nice. That's about it.

> >

> > It counts as a racial skill and as such is balanced similar to racial skill: weaker than regular class elites.

> >

> > The mist fire wolf its self has a duration of 30 seconds and a cooldown of 150 seconds. As such it will not be up the entire time like say a necromancer golem.

> >

> > If you want it for the bling and flash, go ahead.

> >

> > The other minor benefit it offers is, it's a free elite for any character you level. Thus you can save some early skill points if you so desire. It will get outperformed by almost all class elite skills though.

> >

> > EDIT: which poses the interesting idea of making this a permanent pet (similar to the golem) with near no damage or usefulness (to counter balance). That's when I'd be using it in cities maybe. Until then it's pretty much meh.


> whaaat??? replace it with trading golem??? noooooo!!!!!! don't be like that!!! you can wish anet to add one more new elite skill that does the job but not replace this wolf.... norns will cry if they hear such statements... **Spirits, no!** :'(


I ment make the wolf permanent when summoned and removing its combat abilities as compensation.


I would much rather have the wolf as permanent pet than a never used summon.


The mini idea is also good.

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