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Suggestion: Conjuring weapons with a new ammo-mechanic


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I think a variation of the current ammo-mechanic would work great with the conjuring weapons.

My suggestion would look like this:


The utility-skill itself has up to two charges.

If you're not holding any conjure weapon, using the skill will place one in your hands.

With the weapon equipped, the utility-skill changes into a version which allows you to place the second weapon on the ground.

Once you let go of your weapon, the utility-skill changes back.


For elementalists this means more control over your conjured weapons, especially if they're a part of your rotation. For everyone else this means less weapons which clutter the ground.

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  • 2 months later...

Instead of all that how about this...it just poped into me noggin.

How about making conjure weapons an attunment swap? This could be cool. When u swap to fire u pull the axe swap to water pull the ice bow lighting hammer and sheild earth. Well i guess this can be a new specialization in it self and the traits will further bolster there effect like blasts feilds additions to weapon skills and damage modifiers for them as well. Idk but it juat poped in me head this idea. I think it could be something cool for ele maybe?

Edit: you can have a utility that will summon a weapon you a attuned to at your feet for your team mates to use that be a cool ting.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Instead of all that how about this...it just poped into me noggin.

> How about making conjure weapons an attunment swap? This could be cool. When u swap to fire u pull the axe swap to water pull the ice bow lighting hammer and sheild earth. Well i guess this can be a new specialization in it self and the traits will further bolster there effect like blasts feilds additions to weapon skills and damage modifiers for them as well. Idk but it juat poped in me head this idea. I think it could be something cool for ele maybe?

> Edit: you can have a utility that will summon a weapon you a attuned to at your feet for your team mates to use that be a cool ting.


No thanks.

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Its not a bad ideal you could keep a conja wepon in your rotation with out fear of loseing your wepon. The thing is i am not sure if this will fix the conjur wepon problem the "soft" kit modal may be the best chose it would go far fixing a lot of the problems.


A kit that has a cd after you put it up but not a full min long maybe 10 sec (like an atument) with the ability to put it on a full 1 min cd to put it on the ground for some one else to use. A kind of giving your team mates your atument for a time or you can chose to keep your atument but not as free swaping as eng kits.


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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


> > @"Feanor.2358" said:


> > >

> >

> > No thanks.


> Why? Because it not your idea...just saying no thanks with out an explantion is thoughtless and condescending. You could add aome constructive criticism instead.


Because it's just bad. It's extremely limiting, in more than one way. You can't switch to conjure during global attunement cooldown - which is primarily when you want to. You lose all the weapon skills from a selected attunement, and if they don't have at least niche usage you're using the wrong weapon set. And what happens with FGS? Honestly, I can't offer any constructive criticism, I see no positives to the idea.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> >

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> >

> > > >

> > >

> > > No thanks.

> >

> > Why? Because it not your idea...just saying no thanks with out an explantion is thoughtless and condescending. You could add aome constructive criticism instead.


> Because it's just bad. It's extremely limiting, in more than one way. You can't switch to conjure during global attunement cooldown - which is primarily when you want to. You lose all the weapon skills from a selected attunement, and if they don't have at least niche usage you're using the wrong weapon set. And what happens with FGS? Honestly, I can't offer any constructive criticism, I see no positives to the idea.


You did great ty. I understand now. Way better then a flat out no thanks.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Just make them work exactly the way engineer kits work. There's no need to reinvent the wheel.


I realty think putting them on say a 10 sec cd and letting the ele put them on longer cd to give the weapons to there team would keep the skills more balanced with out taking away novel effects and tools.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> >

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> >

> > > >

> > >

> > > No thanks.

> >

> > Why? Because it not your idea...just saying no thanks with out an explantion is thoughtless and condescending. You could add aome constructive criticism instead.


> Because it's just bad. It's extremely limiting, in more than one way. You can't switch to conjure during global attunement cooldown - which is primarily when you want to. You lose all the weapon skills from a selected attunement, and if they don't have at least niche usage you're using the wrong weapon set. And what happens with FGS? Honestly, I can't offer any constructive criticism, I see no positives to the idea.


If it would allow you to replace a given attunment by a defined, better set of skills then why not? Even with the ammo function the current use of conjures is what? Filling some cd time with 2 skills and then drop it? 60% of the conjure weapon skills are never used, that's flawed to me. Thats a really bad design right there, even though it let's you get high dps, the fact that our dps is balanced with such clunky mechanics inside is very bad for Players that dislike the mechanic. And I've never seen the statment "Ele cunjure mechanic is fun and very cool to play". At least one meta power specc withoutc current would be insanely great for me.


If it would give you the possibility to replace a specific attunment skillset of one of your weapons by a given this would actually increase possibilities. For example you could extend a melee weapon set with one ranged attunment, or somthing like that. It would be alot more intresting, but it will never happen anyway.

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> @"tekfan.3179" said:

> I think a variation of the current ammo-mechanic would work great with the conjuring weapons.

> My suggestion would look like this:


> The utility-skill itself has up to two charges.

> If you're not holding any conjure weapon, using the skill will place one in your hands.

> With the weapon equipped, the utility-skill changes into a version which allows you to place the second weapon on the ground.

> Once you let go of your weapon, the utility-skill changes back.


> For elementalists this means more control over your conjured weapons, especially if they're a part of your rotation. For everyone else this means less weapons which clutter the ground.


Just make them kits, like the engineer's, but give them an ammo system so they eventually run out.

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Everybody has stances and shouts now.


Elementalist and Engineer play with complex rotations. The simplest fix is to change Conjures to act as Kits. Full stop. Make their cooldown whatever the Ele's current Attunement Swap is.


If ANet wants to retain the Conjure Weapon pickup functionality for other players, then simply make it a sequence skill, and pressing it a second time drops the weapon for others to use. Dropping the Conjure in this way could double the CD on the skill, so there's an opportunity cost to giving others a FGS, or simply keeping it for yourself and your rotation. To unequip the Conjure, you simply switch Attunements.

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> @"Blue.1207" said:

> Conjures are clunky and the need to pick them up as part of your rotation is beyond terrible as a mechanic. An ammo system would be brilliant and much more fluid (especially in regards to the cast time).


not only this, conjure = replace 25 of your skills that you rapidly rotate with a conjured weapon that has 5 skills. Conjure a weapon to lose 20 skills?? A far far smarter skill would be that conjure weapon would allow you to swap to one of the other ele weapon types IN COMBAT - now that would be interesting.

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