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Permanently remove friends.

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(Apologies if wrong section.)


Ello everyone,


I guess this is would be a feature suggestion and to get other peoples opinions on it.


I've been playing the game since release and have accumulated a lot of friends over the years, majority of which no longer play.

Now, being able to remove them permanently from your friends list would be great, in my opinion. They don't go to your followers list and fill that up or fill up your blocked list.

They're just, gone from your friends list entirely.


Or if the above isn't achievable, at least an indicator on our friends list that tells us how long they've not logged in for (much like the guild system) that way, we can accurately block/unfriend the right people.


What are other's thoughts on this?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'd love to see a friends list update, but this would be near the bottom of my list of priorities. It's not that hard to go through the list now and remove people. I don't really care if they are on my followers list (as long as that doesn't affect game performance).


The only issue is (as far as my knowledge goes) there's a limit to how many people you can have on your followers list. Whilst this isn't a priority, it would be a nice update :)

It's hard in the sense of remembering people's ANET tags, "Has this person logged in over the past year? Hmm......" Specially those from way back.

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> @"LadyLuxx.3861" said:

> The only issue is (as far as my knowledge goes) there's a limit to how many people you can have on your followers list. Whilst this isn't a priority, it would be a nice update :)

If there is a limit, then it's only an issue if (a) the list doesn't manage itself to make room for newer followers & (b) people have use for the list of followers who are not friends. (I suspect that few people remember it's there.)


Whatever limit there might be, it's pretty big.


> It's hard in the sense of remembering people's ANET tags,

I guess I'm good about nicknaming people these days, so I usually have some idea who each name is on the list. (If I don't, it means they were added closer to launch, which mostly means I don't have to worry about leaving them on the list.)



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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> I personally think the followers list needs removing, and adding friends should be a mutual agreement.


I don't mind the followers list too much as it can be used for some good reasons.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I guess I'm good about nicknaming people these days, so I usually have some idea who each name is on the list. (If I don't, it means they were added closer to launch, which mostly means I don't have to worry about leaving them on the list.)



Yeah, Nicknaming is something I wish I did a long time ago (towards launch) would be helpful in this scenario. Out of my friends list (excluding guild friends) there's probably 10 people that I'm like, yep, I know you. The rest leave me with question marks haha.


It is getting to the point where I'm tempted to just unfriend everyone (except those nicknamed and guild friends etc) and just have everyone sit in the followers list until I hit the cap.


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> @"LadyLuxx.3861" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > I personally think the followers list needs removing, and adding friends should be a mutual agreement.


> I don't mind the followers list too much as it can be used for some good reasons.



And can and is used for horrible ones, such as stalking and harassment.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"LadyLuxx.3861" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > I personally think the followers list needs removing, and adding friends should be a mutual agreement.

> >

> > I don't mind the followers list too much as it can be used for some good reasons.



> And can and is used for horrible ones, such as stalking and harassment.


I personally haven't come across this but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Sorry, if it's happened to you.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If the name moves to the Followers' list, it probably doesn't have an ArenaNet tag. And, if you know a Dev well enough to have them 'friend' you, you probably remember their Display Name.


Not what I was referring to, I was referring to our arenanet names, LadyLuxx.3861 etc.

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The followers list is not something you manage at all. You have no control over your followers list.

The followers list is a tool to show you who has added you to their own friend list. Removing someone from your follower list would mean removing yourself from their friend list. It would mean you making changes on someone else's account.

So for uncluttering the followers list, there aren't many options.

1. Remove it completely. Now, if you want to find someone, you got to add them to your own friendlist.

2. Rework friending into something both people have to accept and rename the followers list to "pending friend requests". Add the ability to accept or decline a request and have them auto-decline after a certain period of time.

3. Add the ability to sort and hide followers by certein criteria like last online, name and other stuff.

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It is _especially_ annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. Remove Friend, including from the Followers list, would be a real QoL feature.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> It is _especially_ annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. Remove Friend, including from the Followers list, would be a real QoL feature.


You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.

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GW2 friend/follower system is the reason, why I am not playing this beautiful game.

It is nearly perfect for me exept this terrible thing. I can't tolerate it anymore. Followers doesn't makes us friendlier.

(Me, as example, ask players to remove me from their friend lists, or I block them. I don't think any sane person wants someone in their friend list, who bloked them.)

And I still hope, situation will change...


Remove followers and add requests.


In other games it's all right, not like facebook-in-game.

"But we are not like other games!" But you could take good from them.


Well, hope for better days)


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I like my ~~follower~~ stalker list, don't remove my toys.


Blocklist is the real stalker list, if someone wants to stalk you for real they would block you so you never even know they are stalking you, that is the biggest reason I have campaigned for years for the blocklist to be reworked.

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I don't really understand what is wrong with the follower list. I like mine. I don't really do anything where people would stalk me, so I assume they have followed me because they had a good experience playing near me, or something? I guess I get why some people might not like it. If I had a stalker, or was concerned people were tracking me in WvW or something like that, I'd like the ability to have it behave differently.


At any rate, if they do make some sort of change, I hope it's an opt-in sort of thing, where they add functionality without removing existing functionality. Perhaps allowing the followee (?) the ability to one-off click on people following them and not allow it, or to 'disable' followers globally, which then turns into a situation where anyone wanting to follow you must ask to be your friend mutually. That way, if Person A is playing as it is today, and Person B turns their Follower list off, then when you try to follow someone, it let's you know you have to ask to be their friend to follow them, or something like that.


Also, it would be a neat idea to make it behave such that you can turn the follower list on/off on the fly. Maybe you are okay with it in general, but don't want followers to see you when you are going to WvW. Toggling it on/off would be useful for someone like that.


I think they could make a change such that it provides tools for people who really don't like how it is now, without...disrupting how it is now. :3)

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> I dont understand what the problem with the follower list is. Would people rather have a system where those who stalk you have more anonymity?


> Or is it just about a different option than online / away / offline? like "friends, party, squadmembers and guildies only"


I’d rather any option of not allowing followers, blocking means blocking (ie, no location field on the block list), and another ‘log in’ option of;

‘Busy’ or ‘Do not disturb’- doesn’t show location on friends list or guild panel.



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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I like my ~~follower~~ stalker list, don't remove my toys.


> Blocklist is the real stalker list, if someone wants to stalk you for real they would block you so you never even know they are stalking you, that is the biggest reason I have campaigned for years for the blocklist to be reworked.


I agree. Blocklist should work both ways, hiding you from the player as well as hiding that player from you.

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