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Share your feelings on the current state of the game ?☕️

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A little bit of context first, every six months or so I come back to the game and stay for around three months, during those three months I give myself several objectives such as completing living world achievements, crafting a legendary, participate in sPvP until I become sick of the meta, or the players, do raids and fractals until I grow tired of them, and explore again some part of the world, once all of that is done I quit.


I have to say I came back a month ago, and not a lot of major elements changed since Path of Fire, the sPvP meta feels the same even though it's far more balanced, but not quite as good as I wish it was, I liked the Istan events but clearly don't see myself farm them for long, I love the Sandswept Isles because it has great events and none of them are really destined to be farmed ad vitam aeternam, while Kourna was a huge let down, the map is just so empty and devoided of anything interesting to do, which makes me reconsider if adding a new map each living world episode is really a wise thing to do, particularly when it delays content that could be far more beneficial to the game, such as raids and fractals, sPvP and WvW, or even challenging open, either through hard meta events, or challenge mode maps.

You take a map like the Silverwastes or Dragon's Stand, you give the player the choice at the beginning of the map to to join or not an instance with new unique rewards, but harder content and less players, you introduce a spawn ticket mechanic, every time a player dies you lose a ticket, when you don't have global tickets anymore you cannot respawn, and then you add more enemies, with new unique attacks, you make the already existing mechanic harder, and introduce new ... a sort of a 100 players raid, that could be the equivalent of the Underworld/Fissure of Woe from Guid Wars 1. I know it's not necessary the philosophy of Guild Wars 2, which is very casual and friendly, and admittedly this idea would bring a bit of elitism/toxicity in the open world, but it'd be optional, the normal mode map would still be there, and would probably still be played because the overall rewards are easier to get, and I'd argue that open world needs more challenging content, otherwise you're left with re-exploring maps, which is nice but won't last long, or farm until you want to vomit. There is more room for end game content that aren't raids or fractals.


It has been almost eight months since the last raid, and even if the last one is the best in my opinion it doesn't change the fact that it has been far too long. Raids and fractals **are** the end game content of Guild Wars 2, this is what most dedicated players are going to play again an again, and ArenaNet should focus more on that, than either endless cosmetics farm in open world, or empty maps. There are a lot of things that could be improved in my opinion, like bringing some old fractals up to today's standard, I can't believe that Molten Furnace or Solid Ocean haven't been changed, when you mostly wait for something to happen in those fractals, and then kill something in less than 10 seconds. And even though I like Deepstone, outside of the puzzle before the last boss that feels like filler, and Oasis, we need more challenge mode like Shattered Observatory, a challenge we can look upon and improved at. Similarly I'd like to see the first three raid wings to get challenge mode, it would revitalize the raids without requiring as much effort as making an entire new wing, and could be something a small team work on while a bigger one makes new wing. There are really some missed opportunities.


Those missed opportunities are also seen in the balance process, there are a lot of skills/traits that need to be reworked, reworking those would bring a new life to the already existing classes, almost like getting a new weapon in some situation, like what they did with the focus on Guardian, but again it's far too slow. I really like that every dps classes has several viable builds, that being said PvE supports are still widely dominated by Druid and Chrono, mainly because Chrono is completely busted even after the countless nerfs it took, having more options on that front would help the game a lot I think.


sPvP-wise here the only form of content has been since far too long balance, and sPvP balance alternate between completely broken metas and alright-ish balance, currently we're more in the latter than former, but the content is not there otherwise, no new maps, Stronghold is still a joke of a game mode, nothing has been done to have Guild vs Guild in the game, probably the most iconic game mode from Guild Wars 1, and would clearly be a nice change of pace compared to Conquest. As I said one of the reason I stop playing is because I become sick of sPvP, and without new content it's something that happens faster every time. Also build templates would help a lot in regard of build diversity, and quickly adapting your build to the need of the team you have, to that extend having the possibility to see what build, or at least what especs our allies play with would help having better team composition before the match, which would smoother the current feeling of randomness of the matchmaking, because you'd have better tool to fix your composition.


I don't know if I'm expecting too much and if ArenaNet just hasn't the ressources to do just a fraction of that, or if they just mismanage ressources by focusing on pointless content. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the game, this is why I come back every time, but the game really does a poor job sticking me to it.

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I have plenty to do, but find little reason or intrest to do it. I agree that the best definition would be "stale". It's been the same old same old with the living world for a long time and it looks like there is little intention on changing the plan. I just can't handle another LW map with almost the exact same types of rewards and events. Thats why I haven't even finished the last one and just quit. They should make it a goal for the next LW episode (to be worked on since some are already in progress) to not have any rewards that include: skins, tonics, or minis. There should also be absolutely no collections and the next mastery skill should absolutely not involve a mount. All of these aspects should instead be filled with original, new ideas, even if it takes more time. I have listed many ideas for new, unique rewards in previous posts.

However, on the bright side, I am excited for the upcoming festivities and am hoping it brings my interests back into the game.

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Story- good, but they dont really care what the community asks for. There should be one, experienced writer and few more to help him (as Composers' team works)- asking one of the first GW2 novel authors to return.


Music is absolutely phenomenal and Maclaine is probably the only developer that always gives his 149℅- as his team does too.


PvP is a condi wars, should be renamed for CvC- Condi vs Condi- same WvW- nothing more there just grinding.


PvE- no content- 3 events that everyone grinds in.


Raids- 10℅ of the the community plays it, while it was suposed to be for everyone.


Fractals- more open for players and kinda only thing in PvE that is not total grind.


Dungs- dead.


Some of the community- See you when the next patch comes, until then: cya.



The state of the game?


We need Mercy so she can rez it.



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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Boring

> > Nothing to do other than grinding atrocious pvp


> Pvp grinding is bad because the game mode is atrocious, but grinding achievements and collections is EVEN worse. A mess, really.


> Their expansions offer no replayability, and no replayability leads to no longevity. That's why everyone abandons their expansions in under a week... which is unseen in any mmo.


PvP is mainly bad because the balance went out of the window after the HoT expansion. The time to kill times feel like ego shooters now. Really bad.

I agree on the expansion thing. Worthless throwaway content.

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I hate nearly every change that has happened since launch. I say nearly because maybe I liked something once, I don't remember. I'm also exaggerating, there are lot of things that have had no meaning to me at all but I can't really remember those either.


I hate their direction of gating everything behind things I just don't want to touch.


I'm upset.

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I came back after a long absence and stayed engaged for a while collecting mounts. But I hate how they seem to force everyone into the new specs because almost all the older ones are devalued in comparison. And the new trait lines seem shoe-horned in with little synergy with other trait lines, and too much focus on melee for ranged professions.


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Boring

> > > Nothing to do other than grinding atrocious pvp

> >

> > Pvp grinding is bad because the game mode is atrocious, but grinding achievements and collections is EVEN worse. A mess, really.

> >

> > Their expansions offer no replayability, and no replayability leads to no longevity. That's why everyone abandons their expansions in under a week... which is unseen in any mmo.


> PvP is mainly bad because the balance went out of the window after the HoT expansion. The time to kill times feel like ego shooters now. Really bad.

> I agree on the expansion thing. Worthless throwaway content.


Yup. We're pretty much paying $30-50 for elite specs alone. The rest is below mediore levels. Zero excitement.

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The game was at his apogee in living season 1. I'm lost since the beginning of extensions... My hopes are disapearing, no great world-wide event will return even dungeons and super adventure box will stay unfinished. What a shame... Living season quality getting worst. The only thing alive is the gemstore. PvP is meh for me now, and I do WvW for reward tracks... Don't have the envy anymore to grind for legendary.. Enough of farming.... 5 years and I don't have anything apart some ascended armors. The only thing I love, the guild hall isn't an active subject anymore... I dunno how long I will stay? Maybe wait for extension 3 and if boring, I will quit the game, a game I love, on which I would have bet a lot. Game is empty for me, stop whining about raid! Guild hall are still waiting for decos for 10 months now!! What about housing, return of great meta: jubilee, pavilion, four winds, marionet, aetherblade invasions??

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I dont get why some classes get different treatment then other classes for attk rules. Mostly why dose ele seem to not be able to attk behind it self but must look at there target for a lot of there skills but there are many skills that are very easily casted behind them with out missing a beat. Deflecting Shot is a realty good example of this a skill on a bow that looks like it should be only fire from the fount of the player and has many added effect tide to it but can be shot on the move and behind the player. When we have skills like Shearing Edge and Natural Frenzy that cant be even though they are magic attks


What i am trying to say is that the different devs on the different teams are playing by different set of rules and balancing of the different classes reflect this. The game detector dose not seem to be part of any of this game and i get the feeling no one is paying them no mind.

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It's very boring now. I've been playing since head start and now there is nothing to do- or at least there is if you want to farm the same stuff over and over since it takes so long to pump out 45 mins of story with months of wait in between. But oh wait Gemstore updates and recycled items are the endgame content!

Jokes aside:

Everything feels like it's been watered down for casual players to enjoy; where raids and higher lvl fractals are the only thing "challenging" in the game.

I'm personally getting burnt out I think this time it's for good. I try to keep myself going by hunting legendary weps and stuff but it's not enough.


Mounts were a mistake to add - yes they are convenient and cool, but overall they're just a cash cow with all the new skins they pump out instead of producing and developing lasting game content.

I would thoroughly enjoy player made content because their isn't any. ex) - player contest winners submits and gets implemented in the game. (Well there was a weapons contest but I imagine it'll be years if we see any part of it - if it wasn't forgotten about completely by now.) I would really like to see player designed outfits/cosmetics like hair and stuff.

To me, legendaries lost their prestige long ago and anything that has any in-game "prestige" are RNG drops that are near 0% drop rate it seems like which are the rare infusions like Queen Bee, Chak Egg, Aurilium Infusion, etc. and that often comes with middlemen/item trading. I don't like that at all.

I have 17 legendaries but I don't feel accomplished. I feel kinda drained and worn out and I would really like more story that takes awhile to play through with new dungeons to come along with the content.

I really want to like the characters and story, but everything is so dull except Aurene. I'd rather play Aurene than my own character since they're sooooo boring, they have the personality of a potato. They're not funny, they have no quotable lines except for "FOR GREAT JUSTICE" or "IM AS STRONG AS A BEAR" (I play norn) They have no defining personality traits or quirks that make them plausible as the hero of the story. They went from a nobody in 5 short years to commander with little to no story based experience to back it for them- at least not legitimate.

I wish Personal Story had more of a lasting impact in some way.

I wish Anet would fix things before inc nerfs.

The sparkle has gone imo- dungeons are pointless since they're so easy with the power creep after HoT and PoF with no incoming new dungeons since raids are the big deal now. I used to have the most fun in dungeons and some of the worst times but overall I enjoyed them back then. I mean yea the elite groups were a pain - but aren't they always in any MMO?

Standing around in DR after a WvW raid is about the only thing to do now. Fractals are dull, and don't feel rewarding anymore and WvW is full of people who are too afraid to fight and hide behind siege. (I run during EU times) However, I did run into a very friendly WvW guild that I'm happy to be in.

I wish there was more story content and un-lockable mount skins due to playing progress instead of gemstore only, similar to WoW mounts. Each game mode has mount skins that are only accessible through PvP, WvW, PvE, Fractals, Raids, Collections+standard requirements, birthdays etc.

I don't know how to say it, but it feels like that spark and drive - that holy schnikes! that we got during the scarlett event, the tower of nightmares events, the funny randomness of the april fool's day, the "plans for the future are bright!" - is all gone and the game is run by robots with no drive or ambition aside from nerfs and short lived expansions like PoF. I wish I could go back to the beginning and play through and stop at 2016 because that's when the fun and childlike anticipation began to run dry.

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I think they're backed up against the wall and really need to think about the potential of GW3 or a major, major, major overhaul before expac 3. They're trying to haul freight with a wagon and it's becoming clear how much they're sacrificing to deliver new content. The old spaghetti code and engine are clearly hampering their ability to deliver content regardless of their business model. So bring on GW3!

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I only really care about WvW so....

Balance is terrible and getting worse all the time, buffs/nerfs appear totally random.

Stale, boring match ups.

~~**_~~NOTHING TO PLAY FOR.~~_**~~

No idea when or even if we will get alliances.

Blatant hacking going on all the time, which just gets brushed under the carpet.


It just seems like anet spend very little time/energy on WvW and don't seem to mind it dying.

I take no pleasure in this, but as soon as a decent RvR comes on the market, it's game over VERY quickly I'm afraid.

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The game is pretty solid...pvp could use some nice balance, WvW have a population issue but thats on players faults Anet never forced people to stack on Servers, pretty sure Aliances wont fix it, will be the same thing with a diferent name...pve is good too, trying to get on Fractals now and do higher tiers as for Raids...eh cant see myself doing that, goes way to much against what this game was meant to be, Raids we mistake in my opinion...story, eh is good compared to other MMOs i guess, but i cant really get into it anymore, Scarlet saga was just to bad lol also killing characters just to satiate the bloodthirsty of some plyers was a horrible move(Eir and Trahearne)...they should just start all over again from the end of Zhaitan quest.

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Very dull. I get on to look at my legendaries and talk to the little friends i have left on gw2- but there is no such thing as challenging content in this game. It is perfect for people who log in 1 time a week.

I can imagine it's exciting to new players

Did you guys know the NEW LS is only an hour long? Isn't there a metal gear game you can beat in just about that time?

I think some PS1 games were entirely that long if you rushed. But the new GW2 LS is an hour long if you take your time.


The gem store is the only endgame content we have.

Raids are for PvE players

WvW will probably die after the alliance changes

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> I think the game feels really stale right now only because the last LW episode gave us nothing to do in open world. The rewards are awful. Once you finish the story (which takes like 2 hours tops) there is nothing to do.


Nah. The problem is the LW-format itself right now. The formulaic approach just doesn't cut it anymore. Episodes are more or less only additional AP nowadays and maps get deserted quickly. Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in. The latest episode was just the tip of the iceberg. Releasing an unfinished map after already delaying the release certainly wasn't wise.

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Slowly grinding my way towards a certain amount of gold for various things and WvW level 2000. The recent nerfs have made the grind a lot more tedious. I wouldn't say the LW updates are "bad" but (as a whole) they sure ain't good either. They're definitely full of wasted potential like the FTT system.


I'm still waiting for a good dragon stand esque OW map where the final boss fight isn't just a big disappointment (gameplay wise). People always whine about HoT maps but with the mounts from PoF (aside from the design of some enemies and the drop rate of certain "infusions") there's not much to complain about anymore. In general: HoT maps > PoF maps, no contest.


> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in.

Which I consider to be a good thing since Amala is one of the best boss fights OW has to offer.

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My feelings on the current state of the game?

I don't log in nearly as much as I used to. I haven't finished the story past the part where you're at the Astralarium in Istan. When I look at collections and achievements, I see an ever growing list of things that basically require untold hours of gold farming or purchase of gems to complete. I see weapon skins (usually gemstore) that are on par with 1st generation legendary weapons. I see Anet grabbing for every last hour of gameplay that they can from the player base by dragging out the release of the 2nd generation weapons.

I see a game that at one point was about casuals, that is now has a large focus on raids and "hard" content. I see a community that is starkly toxic compared to what it was just 4 years ago.

I don't generally log in now unless I am bored with mining asteroids in Eve Online (which I only do when I'm bored in the first place), even though I'm a few collection items away from finishing Dawn, which is the only piece I have left before crafting Sunrise and Eternity.

Lastly, I see an economy that is so chaotic, I can only conclude after all this time that it is how Arenanet *wants* it.


Guild Wars 2 is far from dead, as games go, but ..yeah, it's pretty much dead to me.


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What does it tell you about the state of the game, where someone's account value can be already ranked near the top and still jump 60-70 places in a month without farming anything other than doing some daily fractals and some weekly raids? I've seen 11 people leave game from my friend's list alone since the last LS chapter hit. The nerfs were the last straw for a lot of them. There's nothing new to do and now a lot of them can't do it on classes which the WANT to do it on. No new raid after 7 months, despite their claims that raids will come more regularly and disappointing new fractals which are designed to waste people's time with pointless, repetitive dialogue and mechanics that are simply there to drag out your run instead of offering any sort of challenge. Instead of balancing classes where you're able to get on any class and have some viability, they take away that aspect of the game and force you onto idiotic builds where you just have to spam 1. This game is getting worse with each patch and just because some youtuber who hasn't been here for the best part of 6 years says it's a good game purely from the perspective of a new player, they think it is when the polls you find online show that the majority of the population are not happy with their current game experience. But it's ok, they "listen to feedback" and then buff a class that no one wants to play while nerfing everything else. Instead what we get is SJW Devs getting on social media and flaming people for no reason. Why would anyone want to support this game when they clearly don't give a rats arse about the players who have already been here for ages.

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