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The experiment has failed. Bring back DuoQ.

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The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking. If you care about the leaderboard you shouldnt play ranked matches in any non-peak hour or during any AT. You'll get stuck with players who are far below your skill level, which makes a lot of matches impossible to win. Ranked Q's got more and more boring. People deliberately lose matches to stay under the 1600 MMR hurdle so that they can at least have fun with a friend in a DuoQ. I have to admit that I wasn't against the idea to remove DuoQ for ppl who are above 1600 rating, but it turns out that this plan didn't make the game or pvp experience better. This can be partially explained by the shrinking playerbase. Maybe if we remove this SoloQ-only limitation, we might get some players back. It might improve the fun for the last remaining PvP players as well. It should be worth the try, because doing nothing won't make things better for sure.

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Remove ranked. Let ATs be for people who want to form teams and compete (create ranks based on ATs). Combine Ranked and Unranked, allow team-queue, and add more game modes... and weekly brawls. Start developing the game for fun. This thing is the furthest from a competitive esport and only get worse. Give up. Try something different. Let us have fun!

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Yes. Bring back duo q. I was 100% for solo q when ranked was actually competitive, but any kind of competition or reason to try in ranked has completely disappeared for me and for many other people too. So why not let people have more fun in ranked with their friends? I would certainly have more fun and maybe I would actually play seriously again. Carrying 4 bots is not fun in the slightest, win or lose. Playing with another player who at least knows the basics would make tryharding ranked more fun. Obviously I don’t care about that kind of thing right now, because I only play non meta fun builds, but that is a behaviour that should be discouraged by anet. Ranked right now does the exact opposite. The only way to have fun in ranked right now is with troll builds and if duo was re-introduced I truly hope that would change.

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I‘ve said it before and I‘m gonna say it again. Can the people who aren’t the slightest affected by duoq in plat 2+ ques not vote? Why do they get to vote for our fate even though they aren’t affected by it? I doubt that a silver player knows what’s best for the high ranked ques… smh

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> @"milego.4830" said:

> It's an individual rank leaderboard. It shouldn't even be allowed bellow 1600 tbh.


> If you want to duo queue, just play unranked or ATs.


Its not indvidual rank lmao, Its a *team* game you rely on your *team* to gain those rank points. If you want solo play all the time id suggest single player games instead of mmos

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duo, while playing with randoms against a strong duo can be frustasting I'd take that instead of getting this quality of matches that have been getting worse season by season.

At least with duo I can play with a friend increasing the fun by 1000000% and if you want to tryhard it's also better than going solo while praying for your team to not be full of persons who wait for beasts respawns.

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I think at the very least its worth trying again and seeing if match quality improves. I’m pretty sure it will, and it can be fun to queue with someone.


The only real disadvantage of duoq back is the feeling that you can’t soloq if yoh actually care about rank, but let’s be honest. As it is right now its hard to care anyways because match quality is generally pretty bad.

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Labeling the removal of duoQ as the cause and dwindling of the playerbase as the effect with no definite link between them is something I strongly disagree with. The only reason I want duoQ back is so we can find out whether there's actually some truth to this.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> Remove ranked. Let ATs be for people who want to form teams and compete (create ranks based on ATs). Combine Ranked and Unranked, allow team-queue, and add more game modes... and weekly brawls. Start developing the game for fun. This thing is the furthest from a competitive esport and only get worse. Give up. Try something different. Let us have fun!


There cannot be a "gamemode for fun". There cannot be a "competitive" gamemode for fun and casuals. See stronghold. See WvW.


Casuals can get lured into PvP by rewards and the idea of fun; but the moment they don't need to win and they doubt they will win they have no reason but to AFK. A hugely increasing problem in both WvW and PvP. PvP by design isn't suited for players who play casually and non-competitive.


The reason PvP died is because they tried to keep the ingame aspect of it casual friendly for 4-5 years rather than giving us actual balancing.


Give up trying to design the entire game for your PvE playerbase; it only further alienates the playerbases of the other modes and has never made them healthier. It's only made them progressively worse after an initial goldrush of PvE players.

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Duo is already breaking the system at lower brackets and people have proven they will abuse duo queue for match manipulating.


If anything they need to remove duo queue altogether from the 1600-. Right now the meta isn't to mesmer or scourge, its to match manipulate with duo queue shenanigans up until 1600 then win trade to the top.


Banning win traders did help but its still insanely obvious this stuff still goes on

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> @"Cougre.6543" said:

> Labeling the removal of duoQ as the cause and dwindling of the playerbase as the effect with no definite link between them is something I strongly disagree with. The only reason I want duoQ back is so we can find out whether there's actually some truth to this.


Two of the often heard reasons why people did quit PvP are:

- You cant play with ur friends. In unranked you can, but if you both have a reasonable skill level you often get 500-0 matches.

- In soloQ nowadays you get a lot of teammates who are below your skill level. Playing with a friend reduces this chance of getting such teammates.


Im not saying that the removal of DuoQ was the killing blow to PvP, but it is most likely one of the many.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> Duo is already breaking the system at lower brackets and people have proven they will abuse duo queue for match manipulating.


> If anything they need to remove duo queue altogether from the 1600-. Right now the meta isn't to mesmer or scourge, its to match manipulate with duo queue shenanigans up until 1600 then win trade to the top.


> Banning win traders did help but its still insanely obvious this stuff still goes on


I don't see how DuoQ is related to wintrading and match manipulation. If I want to deliberately lose a match, I can do that on my own as well. I don't need a DuoQ partner for that.

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