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I'm not good. Neither should you.

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Hello fellow ranked players. Today i will probably discuss a-net's biggest blunder in spvp up to date, that makes even current horrid balance seem like a good design choice.

That is:


#Zero reason to care about getting better.


You see, there are two kinds of ppl that play ranked games.


* Those who play for rank

* Those who play for rewards.


**Rankers**. Well there are few dellusional souls chasing that legendary rank, getting better, getting organized team and what not....failing to realise the futility of their endevours.

This is not LoL. It's not balanced. It does not have e-sport scene. It does not have a really powerful twitch scene. Millions of ppl may play GW2, but that does not translate to millions of pvp'ers that are interested in real competitive matches.


The meta is stale, boring and honestly - more rotting and decayed then core necromancer design. No one is jumping in anticipation awaiting to see these "pros" play, since it's usually the same shit. And even if it's not the same it **feels** the same. Anyone even spectating these games nowadays?


**Farmers** That would be me among many. If you realize rank means nearly nothing, then you're in it for gold. And that does not relate to skill at all. No matter what skill level you are, you will be placed by the system at 50% win ratio eventually. So why try, when the win/loss ratio will stay the same? Only two exceptions to the rule are when you're **the** worst and game can't find bad enough opponents for you, which is a fail. Other is the opposite - your'e the best can game can't find enemies to match. Fail again, as i can guess leges don't get games as often as let's say silvers, due to low high elo population.


Rank does not translate into pip gains or reward track progress. Win a game at plat - it's the same loot-wise as winning a bronze one. I dare say it's actually worse, because in bronze you can try a lot of fun, offmeta builds due to enemies being bad and not punishing you mercilessly for it. Low ranks are where game doesn't reek as bad of dead corpse because meta means much less here.




With 9 professionis and 18 elite specializations on top, becoming better is a **lot of work** for hardly any rewards.


Bragging rights are almost nil in stale, unbalanced meta that lacks excitement and fan following.

Farming doesn't need rank for anything.


Only automated tourneys can be a good gold farm for high elos...but you can see the population there (hint: it's not big).

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Rank does not translate into pip gains or reward track progress. Win a game at plat - it's the same loot-wise as winning a bronze one. I dare say it's actually worse, because in bronze you can try a lot of fun, offmeta builds due to enemies being bad and not punishing you mercilessly for it. Low ranks are where game doesn't reek as bad of dead corpse because meta means much less here.


Uh, I find the exact opposite to be true. Low rating games are an absolute clown fiesta of bad players, bad builds, farmers and afkers. The only real challenge is when playing at high rating where everyone is trying with competitive builds. THAT makes for a fun game.


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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > Rank does not translate into pip gains or reward track progress. Win a game at plat - it's the same loot-wise as winning a bronze one. I dare say it's actually worse, because in bronze you can try a lot of fun, offmeta builds due to enemies being bad and not punishing you mercilessly for it. Low ranks are where game doesn't reek as bad of dead corpse because meta means much less here.


> Uh, I find the exact opposite to be true. Low rating games are an absolute clown fiesta of bad players, bad builds, farmers and afkers. The only real challenge is when playing at high rating where everyone is trying with competitive builds. THAT makes for a fun game.


Also funny because games in platinum+ literally give you more pips for just being platinum or higher. I guess some people never got to plat.

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I think removing rewards from Ranked and putting them into Unranked would fix everything for both types of players, right?


And THEN give out end-of-season rewards to Ranked players based on rank (as long as they played the required amount of games). These rewards should be good.


Unranked should have pips and chests, and also more gamemodes; as well as keeping team-queue. This should be for farming and for fun only.


Finally, f2p accounts should not be allowed in Ranked.


p.s. ideally Ranked would be pre-made teams only but that's not the world we live in anymore...

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Up to plat is literally freelo if you grasp the basics of the game. Build and stuff really doesnt matter that much; match quality is better and you get significantly more rewards.


And as you'll notice, there plenty of players meme on plenty of builds. Also the game is more balanced at high rating where people understand the concepts of rotating and counters than at low rating where PvE players run into the 4v1 mid one at a time throughout the entire match while flaming eachother or the one person that dared to go far.

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