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Music you're listening to during Raids/Fracs

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90% of the time I listen to the awesome in game music, like everyone should do. Or do you turn off a console game's music and listen to external one? It seems odd and it seems off. Kills atmosphere. But maybe since I am still a console gamer in my heart I am used to listen to the in game tunes.


Anyway, since I do _not_ always listen to the in game music. Especially in old maps where I heard the same tunes over and over, I recently listened a lot to RUSH - a great Canadian Prog Rock band with more than 40 years of history:


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Gotta be instrumental with no lyrics. With lyrics I can't focus, can't hear commander.

This pretty much. tho i will ad that some instrumental also can be.. annoying. So i'll say some fairly calm ones. Lately i have discovered a band called [Danheim](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLTQVYwu-M-MnfOJDKlFnOQ "Danheim"), they make non vocal Nordic viking music which i like a lot. so that is what i am listening to: here is one of their tracks:


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