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Who thought a 3v2v1 was a good idea?!


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Seriously, love(D) WvW, but it's impossible to enjoy playing as JQ anymore. We have NO ONE playing most of the time, leaving us outnumbered in every battleground. It's not that we don't have leadership or our players are just "bad", we do quite well when we do have the leadership. We just physically cannot fight the numbers. We are fighting FIVE servers right now, we have a very clearcut primetime that the other servers don't seem to have an issue with (Is it because they have 2 or 3 servers worth of people playing at any one time?).


I know a bunch of guilds left, NO SHIT, they should have! ANet NEVER should have thought that pitting one server against effectively 5 servers united on two fronts was a good idea. Jade Quarry was doomed the moment ANet settled on this matchup.


PLEASE relink the servers soon! WvW is effectively dead outside of scavenging for dailies and the few hours we can get a commander. It's a hopeless battle and it's no wonder JQ's chat is always full of pissed off salty people who just want a good fight but can't because we literally can't match up against FIVE FUCKING SERVERS! Right now, the results are EXACTLY what anyone with a semblance of logic would expect. The 3 server people are doing better than the 2 server people who are doing better than the 1 server people... Math... This goes doubly so when a single server with a population problem also has to defend on FOUR BATTLEFIELDS!


Either you need to limit the number of people from the other servers who can log in (to match the lowest player faction), abandon linking altogether (please) or give Jade Quarry some help now. I'm sick of the "outnumbered' buff being on my character almost 100% of the time.


Seriously though, either just abandon WvW altogether and erase it from the game or actually devote some resourses into it. It's just insulting as it never seems to get any love. There is no reason to have such a blatantly ignored feature in the game if it doesn't have any hope of actually being improved.

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while mainly roaming instead of running in a zerg, too many opponents are not an issue, the lack of opponents would be.

so my advise would be if you would usually zerg, try some roaming/smallscale/havoc while your stuck in such matches, some might even enjoy it and will make it their main playstyle wich would greatly benefit you after relink, if you have the numbers to keep up with your opponents then.

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Number of servers has nothing to do with this.


Servers are linked based on population so main issue here is not 1v2v3, it is the player movement and lack of commanders.


Issue is that server transfer costs were too cheap so all the guilds could leave at same time which is obviously anets fault.


Btw do you want to know how servers survive staying main server even though all servers are "dead" sometimes? **By server members caring enough about the server to tag up when it is necessary.** Commanding smartly is not as hard as it seems, fights are but you can make through those with patience or personal skill. You should just tag up, if you still don't want to, get someone else to tag up.


Believe me when I say this, you can revive a server from death and push it to rank 1 just by having 2 active commanders that care about it.


You said there's players, time to put up your commander tag for a few weeks and play the game together! Spam the chat, don't let it become ghost town.


Unfortunately if you only like blobs, that ship has sailed, better just swap servers.

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> @"Badwolf.9725" said:

> Seriously, love(D) WvW, but it's impossible to enjoy playing as JQ anymore. We have NO ONE playing most of the time, leaving us outnumbered in every battleground. It's not that we don't have leadership or our players are just "bad", we do quite well when we do have the leadership. We just physically cannot fight the numbers. We are fighting FIVE servers right now, we have a very clearcut primetime that the other servers don't seem to have an issue with (Is it because they have 2 or 3 servers worth of people playing at any one time?).


> I know a bunch of guilds left, NO kitten, they should have! ANet NEVER should have thought that pitting one server against effectively 5 servers united on two fronts was a good idea. Jade Quarry was doomed the moment ANet settled on this matchup.


> PLEASE relink the servers soon! WvW is effectively dead outside of scavenging for dailies and the few hours we can get a commander. It's a hopeless battle and it's no wonder JQ's chat is always full of pissed off salty people who just want a good fight but can't because we literally can't match up against FIVE kitten SERVERS! Right now, the results are EXACTLY what anyone with a semblance of logic would expect. The 3 server people are doing better than the 2 server people who are doing better than the 1 server people... Math... This goes doubly so when a single server with a population problem also has to defend on FOUR BATTLEFIELDS!


> Either you need to limit the number of people from the other servers who can log in (to match the lowest player faction), abandon linking altogether (please) or give Jade Quarry some help now. I'm sick of the "outnumbered' buff being on my character almost 100% of the time.


> Seriously though, either just abandon WvW altogether and erase it from the game or actually devote some resourses into it. It's just insulting as it never seems to get any love. There is no reason to have such a blatantly ignored feature in the game if it doesn't have any hope of actually being improved.


must be harsh when your server does not have the population. but wvw is like that. because it is open que with min at 1 max at 80 and lasts for 7 days


at this setup, there is little choice but to roam or play spvp. a atleast there you have equal opportunity.


anet by now should do world resets every 2 months whereby we all will choose a new group regularly as to balance out the population.


but i do hope wvw becomes a spvp que game. whereby we all qeue and equal nos. fill the slot and at a set time of eotm range 2 hours for a more balanced matchup.


if eotm had pips, that would have solved your issue. but its empty too.

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If the stories are true, it was your servers idea back in Decemeber to start down this path. Maybe not this exact ending point, but that's just how it went.


I can't personally say I feel for those that stayed at the end, because they likely happily went along with whatever the plan was in the beginning, potentially robbing other servers that needed what you guys got last link and quite possibly giving birth to the misery that many others have had to endure this link.


It's may sound harsh, but what goes around comes around, this is just your moment to suffer if you're willing, next time it'll probably be better and you'll have the last laugh.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> while mainly roaming instead of running in a zerg, too many opponents are not an issue, the lack of opponents would be.

> so my advise would be if you would usually zerg, try some roaming/smallscale/havoc while your stuck in such matches, some might even enjoy it and will make it their main playstyle wich would greatly benefit you after relink, if you have the numbers to keep up with your opponents then.


I have tried to roam, the problem is that by the time I flip a second supply camp, the first is flipped back. Even still, while roaming/havoc, I constantly run into bigger groups. The only "nice" part is that, with such a massive shit show for JQ, dailies like flipping camps or land claimer become super easy since there are so many easy targets...


> @"Threather.9354" said:


> You said there's players


I don't think I did, my main point I tried to convey was that we **don't** have the numbers. We have a pretty decent SEA showing, but beyond that it's a ghosttown. I saw earlier today someone trying desperately to put together a group to push back from our borderland's keep, but we only got ~10 people vs 20+ zergs from the other team, and we could only muster that much on our own servers alpine borderland, we were getting attacked in EBG too.


Beyond that, servers being linked based on population may work, in theory, but was any attention paid to when that population was around? As is, JQ is more of a SEA server than anything now from what I've seen. During SEA times, we do really quite well, but outside of that, we are constantly at "outnumbered" status. If JQ is only active in the evening, and the other "world" has 3 servers that allows it to be active at all times, then the population may be equal, but they are poorly matched. I'd love to see ANet's internal data for the average player count between the 6 servers and how it is distributed among the sides. I'd be willing to bet that JQ has the highest during SEA peak times, but the other servers all have a more stable and consistantly higher average count evenly distributed accross the 24hrs.


> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> If the stories are true, it was your servers idea back in Decemeber to start down this path. Maybe not this exact ending point, but that's just how it went.


> I can't personally say I feel for those that stayed at the end, because they likely happily went along with whatever the plan was in the beginning, potentially robbing other servers that needed what you guys got last link and quite possibly giving birth to the misery that many others have had to endure this link.


> It's may sound harsh, but what goes around comes around, this is just your moment to suffer if you're willing, next time it'll probably be better and you'll have the last laugh.


That makes me sad to hear. I only returned ~month ago, after a 8-10 month hiatus. So, for someone like me, who "stayed", I'm effectively fucked up the ass 10 ways from sunday.


The main problem I have though, is I don't want "the last laugh" next time, I want actual matchups. I don't want to be stomped, nor do I want stomps. If it was my server that started the problem (and I know I've scrounged up a few minor details of some guilds abandoning JQ), it doesn't matter. Who started the trend isn't important, fixing it is. Personally, I can't see JQ lasting until next year for the "alliance" system implementation. I've yet to see anyone mention even a brief positive note of the linking or upcoming alliance system in WvW chat, only a long list of people shitting on ANet and GW2.

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The number of worlds on each side has never been relevant. ANet always attempts to match up near even numbers, in terms of average play time in WvW (accounting for those who play a lot more than those who don't). This, of course, is nearly impossible, which is why they are changing the system to dynamically created teams.


But for ages, un-allied worlds did just fine against multiple linked opponents. The reasons why JQ, TC, and other formerly t1-t2 worlds no longer are competitive are more complex than just "ANet gave them a bad match up." There were bandwagoners and toxic alliances and all sorts of human "drama" that ANet can't reasonably plan for.


Even if I'm wrong and the OP is correct, there's almost no chance ANet is going to spend time trying to figure out something better while they are figuring out the new system. It might be 12 months away (or longer), but they (along with many of us) really want the new system to work. All available resources for balancing match ups will be devoted to the new system. The only things they'll do to the current system will be designed to generate data that will help them design the new regime.


tl;dr it's moot. The current system of allying worlds so that match ups are theoretically even for 2-4 weeks isn't going to change until the overhaul.

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1. Servers are not equal in size or activity, if they were, we wouldn't have a need for links.

2. Your server got abandoned, you will have to wait until next relink which is end of august in order to get a link server.

3. If your server is now the smallest don't be surprised if you get turned into a link and SoR takes JQ's place as a host server.

4. Many servers have had their fall to the bottom, either ride it out or transfer or play on an alt or take a break.

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Guilds jumping ship 'for the fights' is the most common cause of this sort of issue when suddenly all the commanders that used to tag up are gone and you are left with a lot less people and mainly headless who can't seem to do anything without a dorito to follow- as they have got so used to not engaging brain when entering wvw.


It then becomes a vicious circle of people logging on, seeing no dorito, log back out of wvw, soon leading to being massively outnumbered with no link in sight.


Guilds will continue to do this despite all evidence that points to the grass not being any greener elsewhere- some have jumped ship ten or more times.


I'm not sure alliances will fix the issue either- if the cap is 500 then guilds will manipulate that to ensure certain alliances are full of guild groups - then when your casual players get matched against that sort of alliance it will lead to guilds complaining there is no one to fight and casuals sitting that match out.

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I only solo roam and I usually play after 5.30pm Europe time. The maps seems to be with quite a bit of players, usually in duel spots you find always someone dueling and do their things.

The main problem is find someone while you roam around from a camp to another, or you find completely noobs in green gear doing the daily quests which can be killed holding the autoattack button, or groups of 2 to 10 people so eager to kill you that you get chased for half the map until they got their stupid 10vs1 kill and drop a siege on you.

The quantity of gankers is always higher and always less roamers... people just like easy kills more and more.


But there are moments i roam for hours and i dont find a single enemy around.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The number of worlds on each side has never been relevant. ANet always attempts to match up near even numbers, in terms of average play time in WvW (accounting for those who play a lot more than those who don't). This, of course, is nearly impossible, which is why they are changing the system to dynamically created teams.


> But for ages, un-allied worlds did just fine against multiple linked opponents. The reasons why JQ, TC, and other formerly t1-t2 worlds no longer are competitive are more complex than just "ANet gave them a bad match up." There were bandwagoners and toxic alliances and all sorts of human "drama" that ANet can't reasonably plan for.


> Even if I'm wrong and the OP is correct, there's almost no chance ANet is going to spend time trying to figure out something better while they are figuring out the new system. It might be 12 months away (or longer), but they (along with many of us) really want the new system to work. All available resources for balancing match ups will be devoted to the new system. The only things they'll do to the current system will be designed to generate data that will help them design the new regime.


> tl;dr it's moot. The current system of allying worlds so that match ups are theoretically even for 2-4 weeks isn't going to change until the overhaul.


Well actually, anet incentiviced the human drama in a lot of ways.


Rewards and "winning" are completely decoupled.

Winning puts you in T1 which is generally bad for your servers long-term health yet the desire of many new players and PPT pugs.

PPT and fights have complete different objectives because ^above; due to bad ppt balance and allowing players to bandwagon.


Anet incentiviced pipfarming and casual players moving to stronger servers to pipfarm.

Anet incentiviced not caring about PPT as they completely refused to fix any fundamental issues with them; and progressively made them WORSE than the start of the game.

Anet incentiviced bandwagoning by indirectly destroying quite a few communities either through insanely bad links / unplayable gamestate for 2+ months or by completely splitting the WvW.

Anet turned WvW into EOTM and threw out WvW completely.


The new system of alliances will be margnially better; but still doesn't look into coverage or give players on a server a reason to work together rather than to do what suits them best.


In casual PvE players work together because they all have the same goal. In WvW anet has ensured all of us have completely different goals. PPT hasn't worked proper for EU since it existed due to COVERAGE not being particularly rewarding for a gamemode where 90% of the players play on EU prime; but it's been ignored. We got skirmishes; a system "they could work on" yet never did. GG boys. We got links; which served to ACTIVELY DESTROY any strong servers there were. Pre links we had what? The strong, elitist guild servesr we had at the start of HoT are now gone. Every gulid and commander on these servers is literally gone. Most of them due to anet, many of them moved.


Rather than creating a gamemode where we get incentives to work together; anet has mostly been catering to the demands of the majority because they don't have a clear view on WvW. And the demands of the casual majority are well... questionable.


TL DR : WvW will progressively get worse and alliances as proposed to us won't fix a thing. People will come back, play a few months, get RNG'd into 4-8 weeks of awful matchups or alliance or server full of toxic pipfarmers; see nothing has changed and quit again.

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Welcome to wood league son. Remember when your high and mighty t1 superiority complex reigned over us lesser beings? Guess your community, pugs, and commanders all suck too that's why you're in lower tier. There's a way around this though! When in doubt, blackout!

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JQ should obviously not be a solo server at this point, but unfortunately all your guilds abandoned you soon after a re-link. So unless Anet step in and intervene (which maybe they should), then you are out of luck. SoR will replace JQ as a host server soon enough. As someone else said, I find it hard to really pity JQ that much. I know you had nothing to do with it, but they intentionally tanked for a long time, got a link, opened up, got bandwaggoned, started winning T1 every week, then they all abandoned the server when it was rightly closed again. The people who left are just interested in gaming the system.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Eh, ship is sinking, abandon it. It's not an easy decision to make leaving your home server, particularly if you've developed friendships there, but if you're miserable, it kinda defeats the purpose of gaming, so move on to greener pastures.


Transfers are ANET's version of boosts for WvW. It's a cheesy micro transaction that rewards ANET for not doing their jobs. Once you get on the transfer train, you are stuck always chasing a rabbit. Just like dogs running in a circle for no reason.


There is always a new SoR. Some of the idiot alliances have been transferring for years from server to server looking for something that doesn't exist.


The basic truth of WvW is that at it's core, the basic design is garbage. It doesn't work. Transfers are a fix for a system that can't be fixed. Most servers full now will be empty in a few months when the new rabbit appears and the dumb dogs follow it to nowhere again.




If you keep rewarding ANET for failure then they will never fix WvW. They aren't even working on Alliances, it's all just smoke and mirrors.

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What people aren't mentioning about JQ was the constant influx of casual players who would queue out a map and prevent a guild group from defending keeps or towers. So JQ being one of the original PVE servers before megaservers has a part to play in to why guilds left.


JQ deserved it. The warning signs were there forever.

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> @"cmpgamer.9628" said:

> What people aren't mentioning about JQ was the constant influx of casual players who would queue out a map and prevent a guild group from defending keeps or towers. So JQ being one of the original PVE servers before megaservers has a part to play in to why guilds left.


> JQ deserved it. The warning signs were there forever.


Heheh. If there were so many casuals on JQ that the "hardcores" couldn't play, then where are those casuals now? T4 is the ultimate casual tier. The mythical casual bogeyman doesn't exist. Or, even better, they followed to SoR to casual up their queues just to spite them. LOL.


Guilds who can't win blame the mythical casual for their own failings.


Now that all the "hardcores" have left for SoR they can't win. BG is handing them their behinds. Either these so called hardcore players can't win without JQ's "casuals" or the hardcore guilds were never that good to begin with and needed a bogeyman to blame.


And JQ was never a pve server. It was the go to home of most of the RvR players from other games when GW2 launched. The original bandwagon WvW server. And that is where most of JQ's accounts come from to this day. Even though many of them stopped playing years ago.

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When people talk about transferring "for the fights" sometimes it means just that but other times it is shorthand for "looking for fights we can win more consistently." Server population imbalance is a player side issue that results from the human instinct to avoid pain whether that's psychic or physical. Losing can be a bummer so a lot of players just chase the next big thing.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > Eh, ship is sinking, abandon it. It's not an easy decision to make leaving your home server, particularly if you've developed friendships there, but if you're miserable, it kinda defeats the purpose of gaming, so move on to greener pastures.


> Transfers are ANET's version of boosts for WvW. It's a cheesy micro transaction that rewards ANET for not doing their jobs. Once you get on the transfer train, you are stuck always chasing a rabbit. Just like dogs running in a circle for no reason.


> There is always a new SoR. Some of the idiot alliances have been transferring for years from server to server looking for something that doesn't exist.


> The basic truth of WvW is that at it's core, the basic design is garbage. It doesn't work. Transfers are a fix for a system that can't be fixed. Most servers full now will be empty in a few months when the new rabbit appears and the dumb dogs follow it to nowhere again.


> .


> If you keep rewarding ANET for failure then they will never fix WvW. They aren't even working on Alliances, it's all just smoke and mirrors.


What’s your source that tells you anet isn’t working on alliances? Or is this just flat out conspiracy theory garbage?

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> When people talk about transferring "for the fights" sometimes it means just that but other times it is shorthand for "looking for fights we can win more consistently." Server population imbalance is a player side issue that results from the human instinct to avoid pain whether that's psychic or physical. Losing can be a bummer so a lot of players just chase the next big thing.


To be honest, if the main guild(s) get bored and move - for whatever reason - then it forces all other guilds to choose too.

When WSR core left FSP; suddenly half the pugmanders are gone. Half the dedicated pugs follow because they know what's up.

So the guilds that remained... Well they can try pick up the slack. After all, only a small fraction of FSP players left. They still had huge coverage and the ability to queue several maps. No problemo.


But they lost more than half their population of fight-oriented players. Almost all their commanders except those from 2 guilds, that remained and kept trying.


So within a few weeks, the guilds that remain give up too. They can't raid closed; they can't raid open, they can just ... chatmand? PPT? Karmatrain? Backcap? Sit on acs? Not exactly the style of play they're aiming for. So more guilds leave. And then the "high quality amazing pug players who everyone loves" that moved en-masse to the server over the last 2-3 years? Well they just move to other places who have comms to leech from.


There's not much to "chase". Half the servers that are alive in EU rely on what... 1 or 2 dedicated guilds? Max 5 commanders? Once a few of those commanders decide to move, the majority of the community on the server will move and most pugs will simply follow. It's that simple. First time vabbi got a huge influx of FSP players (lul), the core moved to SFR for 3 weeks. Queues on SFR skyrocketed, vabbi fell 3 tiers and went from very high to medium pop in 3 weeks...


Bandwagon is very real; and it's only going to get worse. And yes, it's the result of going to places where you can win more easily. But that's very much the case for every casual player in the game, with no interest in improving or getting stronger or fair fights. Not so much for the fight guilds that actually aimed for quality fights - even if those are few and far in between. If those guilds don't exist anymore? RIP WvW all together.

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