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Healing Tablet Rev for PvE / Fotm needs to be buffed


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I like to play my rev tablet as a flavor to heal for fractals / Open PvE / Deimos but it still feel lacklustre to cover healing positions comparing to heal tempest / druid.


**Purifying Essence** + **Eluding Nullification** + **Breakrazor's Bastion** I'm having the biggest difficulty executing condi cleansing over covering for healing during T4 situations whenever I need to sustain my energy to heal or wait a bit so I can condi cleanse. I know Energy Expulsion can also condi cleanse but I hardly use it when either I need to cc or knockback mobs like molten protectors but I would already have lost a chunk of energy from just having to re-position the tablet before it already exploded and not clearing most of the condition by the time it reaches from point A to B.


Also I don't want to be the player to use tablet elite skill when the mobs are already stacked and it's just bad teamwork if they are split appart from tablet explosion.


That's not much condi cleansing or healing with just tablet comparing to tempest can easily cleanse a lot of condi with just staff 5 and overload water covering a larger radius or druid they can out heal the condi and heal with massive ticks.


The radius to heal allies for tablet when we need to move for mechanics is not wide enough to cover for 2 people in separate position apart where as when it comes to stacking it's some what okay but terrible when it comes to condi cleansing. I am using full Monk runes with Magi to heal. I don't have any harriers to cover for boon duration for regen, fury, aclarity so I would'nt know if it's a bigger difference.


I know having renegade Soulcleave's Summit / Breakrazor's Bastion + All for One trait can compensate the heals that tablet cannot give but it's the opposite what ven tablet cannot offer and (like all other healing stances appart from tablet) healing is just too long without Alarity.


Sure I tried to play healing using Herald elite but it's somewhat obsolete without pumping out the alarity (or chrono mesmer) and there are other support classes that can be better at pumping out the boons. It was somewhat fine to play back then during the early days of HoT when Wing 1 was introduced at that time but all the things that Herald rev can offer became outdated since other class can cover alot. Assassins Presence is something back then but they are easily replaced with banner of discipline.




Suggestion: When centaur stance is active, the rev can use the skills without having to pull out the tablet. However, if the player takes out the tablet and use tablet utilities, both player and the tablet can emit the skills from 2 separate positions. If the tablet is active, the energy it uses 1/3 extra of what the utility requires. The tablet can still move but if the tablet is very close to the player they can pick it back up they want to.


Also please either add / change one of the trait so all healing for rev pulse radius is large , adding a feature into Assassin's Anhillilation so that allies can also steal health in PvE open world at an interval, collecting fragments from the centaur tablet also condi cleanses, adding a trait where if staff drops a greater healing orb it does more healing and cleanses 1 condition but cannot be picked up with full health or / and lastly add another weapon to core revenant skills for support just to compensate.

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You can swap Kalla out for Mallyx during encounters that you need heavy condi cleanse. Leadership runes can also help with the bonus 6th effect. Pain Absorption is actually really solid to mitigate any high condi damage with resistance (and more boon duration from leadership runes & plaguedoctors/minstrel/seraphs helps to give longer uptime for allies) and it pulls condis off them. Staff 4 obviously as well and can be used in conjunction with PA to cleanse 3 condis/spread resistance. Also ventari upkeep-> staff 4 blast -> ventari elite (if on a boss with no adds) is a massive amount of cleanse. Lastly make sure to take Invocation with Charged Mists; good use of Charged Mists will give you a lot more energy and flexibility to heal/cleanse your allies.

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What? Lol... Ventari's tablet is the strongest healing utility in the game in both terms of pure spike healing and constant, extended healing...


You literally don't even have to cleanse conditions (Even though you can... You can even spec to cleanse on dodge rolls too if you're worried about wasting energy) because you can easily just heal through the damage.


If anything the healing specs are all unique and situationally good...

Druid - Worst healing output, but best (by a large margin) offensive support and best spam cleansing over a limited period.

Ele - Middle Healing, Best constant condition Removal; no offensive support

Rev - Biggest/Most constant heals, requires micro and can only spike cleanse; some offensive support.

FB - Best damage mitigation, lower-mediocre healing; some offensive support.


The biggest problem for rev's is that nobody cares about big heals since they're unnecessary if people can do mechanics correctly, so their lack of unique offensive support leaves them sidelined. But if you need to heal, like heal, heal a ton of damage, there's no better class than a Rev--there's a reason it's what people use to do things like solo River of Souls or hard carry bad groups.

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The biggest problem for renegade and firebrand as a support is chrono, not druid. Renegade or firebrand vs druid without taking quickness or alacrity into consideration is a very easy choice.


Id also say that Engineer would be easier to carry a bad group with. Scrapper if constant condi isnt an issue so you can protect + watchful eye away the big hitters and Holosmith will make toxic trails + afflicted a complete non-issue while keeping perma protect.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> What? Lol... Ventari's tablet is the strongest healing utility in the game in both terms of pure spike healing and constant, extended healing...


> You literally don't even have to cleanse conditions (Even though you can... You can even spec to cleanse on dodge rolls too if you're worried about wasting energy) because you can easily just heal through the damage.


> If anything the healing specs are all unique and situationally good...

> Druid - Worst healing output, but best (by a large margin) offensive support and best spam cleansing over a limited period.

> Ele - Middle Healing, Best constant condition Removal; no offensive support

> Rev - Biggest/Most constant heals, requires micro and can only spike cleanse; some offensive support.

> FB - Best damage mitigation, lower-mediocre healing; some offensive support.


> The biggest problem for rev's is that nobody cares about big heals since they're unnecessary if people can do mechanics correctly, so their lack of unique offensive support leaves them sidelined. But if you need to heal, like heal, heal a ton of damage, there's no better class than a Rev--there's a reason it's what people use to do things like solo River of Souls or hard carry bad groups.


But its only the strongest if you invest deep into healing power..... which makes it only really sensible in Raids. I'm also excluding WvW, because the tablet is awkward in most situations to use as designed..... though there are some meme builds that center around the Tablet detonation.

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I agree that the tablets is way too clunky to use, particularly is sPvP/WvW, and I'd like to see Ventari working like Scourge, as OP kind of suggested, meaning your abilities work around you and the tablet. Obviously it'd require some rebalancing, and the abilities effect should be better around the tablet than around the player, for instance the heal around the tablet would be stronger than around the player. It'd allow you to cover more ground, and not be entirely screwed by your teammates movements.


Moreover Energy Expulsion should be a pull instead of a knock back, as OP said Energy Expulsion is very counter intuitive in PvE, and Revenant lacks good pulling option.

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The healig values are great, but sadly game needs no direct heals, players prefer to stack boons since mobs are just health pools with gimmicks, and they dont have decent mechanics as well, jsut because they have aoe... thats basic stuff cant be even considerated mobs mechanics....but that's another story lol....


The condi cleanse needs to consume less energy.

The heal radios need to be improved slightly.

Tablet need to folow rev while player needs to be able to cast it on target and call it back, basicly needs to work like a 3 state Mantra, but can never go to state 1 unless tablet is destroyed.


And not related to Ventari but still related to Revenant, Crystal hybernation needs to be a invulnerability or the roots needs to be removed.....

P.S i play rev vent, on spvp, pve, and wvw, it is a pain to micro management the healing with the tablet due radios and lack of responsiveness on the tablet movement.


this is what i have been trying to make it work on the latests days since atm in dont feel like swaping build nor armor while movign from pve and wvw....



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