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There are skins not present in the Wardrobe. All skins should be present in the wardrobe.

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Please take a look at





And update the thread to include any other skins you don't see in the wardrobe.



There is a class of notable exceptions: sometimes ANet will release an update with skins intended for a future date (e.g. gem shop release, festival) that they want to stay hidden for a time. Those skins are deliberately missing from the wardrobe until the next scheduled update, i.e. no more than a couple of weeks usually.


There are other reasons for a skin to go missing, but none of them are intended as far as I know.


_updated: added thread from @"Haishao.6851" — I meant to link it, but used the wrong search terms_

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It seem to have started just a bit before PoF release. I made a [thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10855/wardrobe-still-not-showing-new-items "thread") in the bug report forum about this last October. There were a few Gemstore items from LS3 and pretty much all of PoF items not showing in the wardrobe. Joshua Diaz fixed the items from PoF at the time, but nothing was done about some of the Gemstore items.


I don't spend gems on skins that don't show in the wardrobe, even if i'd like to have them like the recent winged headpiece. I also send them a bug report in game every time there's a new one that doesn't show.


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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Some skins remain locked are gem store skins , not sure what else is locked away. Maybe limited exclusives like the ball cap and T-shirt.



OP isn't speaking about "locked" skins, but about skins that are invisible to the wardrobe.

When you open your bank to the wardrobe tab, all skins present in the game, whether obtainable currently or not, should show in the wardrobe. (If only so some of us can drool over them with envy.)

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Yeah, I remember trying to look up skins that just don't exist in the wardrobe at all until you unlock the skin. I believe the legendary backpacks from WvW and PvP are part of this issue, they just don't appear in the wardrobe at all until you have the skins, not even as a locked item.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > It seem to have started just a bit before PoF release.

> The "HideIfLocked" flag has existed since at least the implementation of the wardrobe (Spring 2014). Re: [Celebration Hat](https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skins/1036 "Celebration Hat") for an example.


But was it used for gemstore items we can purchase? The celebration hat was given to celebrate release and cannot be acquired anymore so it would make sense to keep it hidden unless you have it. But it doesn't really make sense to keep items we can get, especially one sold on the gemstore, hidden.

Are those particular gemstore items intended to never come back on sale? I hope not. It would be such a waste to have items and never sell them again.

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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > @"Greener.6204" said:

> > > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > > It seem to have started just a bit before PoF release.

> > The "HideIfLocked" flag has existed since at least the implementation of the wardrobe (Spring 2014). Re: [Celebration Hat](https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skins/1036 "Celebration Hat") for an example.


> But was it used for gemstore items we can purchase? The celebration hat was given to celebrate release and cannot be acquired anymore so it would make sense to keep it hidden unless you have it. But it doesn't really make sense to keep items we can get, especially one sold on the gemstore, hidden.

> Are those particular gemstore items intended to never come back on sale? I hope not. It would be such a waste to have items and never sell them again.


I imagine the flag is used on all unreleased content, gem store and in-game, so as to avoid spoilers, etc. Removing that particular flag is likely a manual process and therefore prone to errors (i.e. sometimes the flag may not be properly removed). It has definitely overstayed its welcome on some gem store items, as I hunted many of those IDs down manually for the wiki (I'm looking at you, Bloom Daggers...).

I agree that removing the flag on released items is likely in Anet's and the players' best interest. On the other hand, if there is no intention in bringing back some skins, then perhaps it's better to avoid teasing the player base by showing them unobtainable skins in their wardrobe.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > > @"Greener.6204" said:

> > > > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > > > It seem to have started just a bit before PoF release.

> > > The "HideIfLocked" flag has existed since at least the implementation of the wardrobe (Spring 2014). Re: [Celebration Hat](https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skins/1036 "Celebration Hat") for an example.

> >

> > But was it used for gemstore items we can purchase? The celebration hat was given to celebrate release and cannot be acquired anymore so it would make sense to keep it hidden unless you have it. But it doesn't really make sense to keep items we can get, especially one sold on the gemstore, hidden.

> > Are those particular gemstore items intended to never come back on sale? I hope not. It would be such a waste to have items and never sell them again.


> I imagine the flag is used on all unreleased content, gem store and in-game, so as to avoid spoilers, etc. Removing that particular flag is likely a manual process and therefore prone to errors (i.e. sometimes the flag may not be properly removed). It has definitely overstayed its welcome on some gem store items, as I hunted many of those IDs down manually for the wiki (I'm looking at you, Bloom Daggers...).

> I agree that removing the flag on released items is likely in Anet's and the players' best interest. On the other hand, if there is no intention in bringing back some skins, then perhaps it's better to avoid teasing the player base by showing them unobtainable skins in their wardrobe.


I'd speculate its to prevent the wardrobe unlock items from accessing them. That would be an insanely simple way to prevent achievement based ones from getting unlocked without the collection, or keep ones lacking secondary flags (like Legendary items) out of the pool.


But still..... that doesn't explain the criminally inexcusable absence of the saucy mesmer dress.






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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> I'd speculate its to prevent the wardrobe unlock items from accessing them. That would be an insanely simple way to prevent achievement based ones from getting unlocked without the collection, or keep ones lacking secondary flags (like Legendary items) out of the pool.

The list for wardrobe unocks is almost certainly manually updated, and, in either case, doesn't seem to corellate in any way with the hidden flag.



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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Some skins remain locked are gem store skins


Locked <> not present in the Wardrobe


The Wardrobe displays locked items as well, so you can preview them. But, as the OP stated correctly, certain skins are missing and won't show up _at all_ unless you acquire/unlock them. This is confusing and should be corrected.

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