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[Vid] Soulbeast Vs All classes wvw duels/1v1s - part 1

kiritsugu emeya.3962

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Make sure to check out the description for specific timings vs different classes in the vid (weaver ,spellbreaker ,revenant , scourge ,mirage , holosmoth , and dragonhunter) , its part 1, ill start gathering more clips vs other specs classes that weren't in this video, for the players in this video each one of them is strong and serves as a good example for how 80% of the fights soulbeast comes across looks like in 1v1 casses. thanks for watching and i hope you enjoy it and learn abit on how i fight each class, using **the 2 builds **linked in the description!!!!

(ill do an update later on sme tips on how to deal with each spec/class in this video)

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Nice I'd like to see more fights against boon Holo and mirage (that build you fought with the clone spam in particular) what are some of the tells you look for also how the hell do you get siamoths maul to hit I can never seem to get the thing to land.

> @"GUFF.5692" said:

> Great video, hope to see more "vs X profession" dueling vids.


this is part 1 ill include more builds/professions in part 2, which would take a while, against the power clone shatter/spam mirage builds, there weak point is our stability as long as you're stacking alot stability they can't do anything except abuse stealth and kite. some of the ways for me to hit siamoth maul is simply by starting with brutal charge for the knock down following up with the siamoth maul, baiting them to attack u and stay in close range by just usig the f3 inv and then go for the siamoth maul, and one more unexpected way is to enter stealth then try to get as close as possible, also woks perfectly against classes that block, ould be good timing to enter merge mode, and use the maul directly with sicem.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> Great one, man. As i've mentioned before sick duels against very skilled players, some who i know to be the best of the best roamers for sure. Keep it up! B)


Thanks donnee really glad u enjoyed it.


> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > @"guest.9472" said:


> Also @"kiritsugu emeya.3962", thank you for the video. I always appreciate a ranger video :) !


U2 kris thx for the support



> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:


> **Enjoyed the video kiri!**


> We all know it's you shadow


Shadow as in shadowfall/pass?

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> @"Jay.3409" said:

> how do you use bear/salmon im new to ranger and i thought everyone runs eagle or that other mobility pet with smokescale


> awsome vid btw, ur amazing!


so sorry for the late reply, so first of you have to claim each pet across tyria, you can search for the pets on gw2 Wikipedia, for there locations, this is if your asking how to find the pets. if ur asking about them build wise, i use bear/smokescale for sustain/dps, diff between siamoth and bear in WVW is that bear offers more sustain than siamoth, bear has 2 valuable abilities which are defy pain (receive 0 dmg for 3s) and spiritual reprieve (a 4k heal skill with 4s of resistance) and finally bear's f2 skill which removes 2 condis from nearby allies, on the other hand siamoth offers brutal charge (a knockdown), unflinching..( take 0 dmg for 4s) and its f2 which offers either stealth or plasma that you'll have to pick up and use. other players rune eagle for the mobility, which helps in keeping range with the enemy, and running away from outnumbered fights. bear/smokescale is more of an offensive build type, siamoth is more of an aggressive build type, youll have to simply just understand when to use each of the pet's skills when fighting an enemy.

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