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Duo Queue for Plat 2+? Post SS of your rating


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I'm going to say what i said on the other topic, but the ranked as it is now cannot let duoQ happen without doing anything else.


Daily Tournaments lately lost a lot of population because people finally had enough getting steamrolled 500-10 on 1st round/2nd round and it takes forever to get swiss tournaments.

Having DuoQ at 1600+ is going to make 1600+ players remain there and climb slowly instead of taking risks and getting -25 rating from unplayable matchs. Obviously, in theory, it would be fair to have duoQ for everyone, but they need to change the season system first before allowing duoQ at 1600+. Otherwise, you will have more players quit because they got unlucky on placement games and won't bother playing since it will take a while to catch back their spot.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> I'm going to say what i said on the other topic, but the ranked as it is now cannot let duoQ happen without doing anything else.


> Daily Tournaments lately lost a lot of population because people finally had enough getting steamrolled 500-10 on 1st round/2nd round and it takes forever to get swiss tournaments.

> Having DuoQ at 1600+ is going to make 1600+ players remain there and climb slowly instead of taking risks and getting -25 rating from unplayable matchs. Obviously, in theory, it would be fair to have duoQ for everyone, but they need to change the season system first before allowing duoQ at 1600+. Otherwise, you will have more players quit because they got unlucky on placement games and won't bother playing since it will take a while to catch back their spot.


Placement means nothing. I "accidentally" went 0-10 on a fresh account last season and ended up at 870 mmr.

It took me a day and a half of playing (steamrolling) my way to high plat with something like a 45-2 winrate.


If you're half decent at the game, you'll climb. Regardless of how shit your placements go.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > If people wanna have "fun" and play with friends, I dont see whats the problem with playing on Unranked...anyway, either bring back Teamq, so we have both team and solo queue or just keep everything soloq only.

> >

> > Completely steamrolling new players 500-0 in unranked doesn't constitute as fun unless you like standing outside the enemy's spawn for the entire game cause they gave up under 2 minutes.

> >

> > So yeah, that's a problem.


> I see your point here, but lets be real, you are a top player, you aint gonna queue with your bronze friends(or will you?), you gonna queue with other top players...its just gonna be like AT are, you gonna steamroll most of your matches without trouble, the game dont have enough competitive players to support this, and the ones that are left probably gonna start queue dodging each other, and this had happened before...aint gonna talk about you, but lets be real, most of the "top" players just want easy wins and get their titles and stuff, otherwise, we wouldnt have wintrading be a thing, we wouldnt had queue dodge, people queueing on 4am or something, etc...the most exploited Seasons were when we had the ability to queue with other players, "top" players are the ones responsible for killing any chance of sPvP be something again...remenber the Guilds leaderboards? It was all the same guild, with same players just playing with diferent names lol


How are you going to speak for us? Most of the "top" players want FUN matches. Why would they play a game if it isn't fun for them? Short answer: they wouldn't. That's why so many of them quit in favor of other games that DON'T have these types of restrictions in an online game.


While I'm not saying a few aren't opposed to easy wins for titles, why would you let a few bad eggs ruin it for the rest of the population? Just ban those that wintrade and exploit the system and continue to let people play with their friends.


The guild leaderboard issue could've been fixed just by merging all those names under one account. Anyways, again, don't let a few bad eggs ruin it for everyone. Even in that case, they did DESERVE to be at the top. Just maybe not ALL of the top spots.

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