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WvW Arrow Cart Nerfing

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Basically, whomever yells the most will win. Anet will listen to them over everybody else. Right now Fight Guilds are winning the Nerf wars. And I agree, close this thread. It's overdue. Nothing will get resolved. The Fight guilds will never budge on trying to reach a compromise. I'm sure if it were up to them, we'd have no siege at all.


And if a-net would listen to siege humpers like you the server with the best coverage would flip and upgrade all keeps at night and you would be able to defend every keep for an infinite amount of time with just 3 ppl.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Basically, whomever yells the most will win. Anet will listen to them over everybody else. Right now Fight Guilds are winning the Nerf wars. And I agree, close this thread. It's overdue. Nothing will get resolved. The Fight guilds will never budge on trying to reach a compromise. I'm sure if it were up to them, we'd have no siege at all.


> And if a-net would listen to siege humpers like you the server with the best coverage would flip and upgrade all keeps at night and you would be able to defend every keep for an infinite amount of time with just 3 ppl.


As it should be.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Kirin.7306" said:

> > might as well just remove forts and have a flag placed in the dirt to click on. seriously.


> I mean, that is pretty much what these "Fight Guilds" want. It's just no fun trying to take something from somebody who wants to defend it. Much better to just run over them and take it without opposition.


Basicly being carried by fb and scourge stacking and spam, preferalbly hunt smaller groups...


Actually its not difference from stack siege, both are lamers.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Kirin.7306" said:

> > might as well just remove forts and have a flag placed in the dirt to click on. seriously.


> I mean, that is pretty much what these "Fight Guilds" want. It's just no fun trying to take something from somebody who wants to defend it. Much better to just run over them and take it without opposition.


The only reason you're getting run over when you try to defend without siege is because you don't know how to actually fight.


This is the main long term problem with using siege over and over to defend stuff: You are successful when you otherwise wouldn't have been and over time the only practice you get is just dropping blueprints and pressing 1-5 while aiming the targeting reticle. I see this all the time. All the time.


Eventually people like you get completely left in the dust by the players who do join fight guilds and routinely practice the actual fighting aspect of the game and this accrues over years and years and now theres this entire subset of players on seemingly every server who simply cannot pull their own weight in a fight.


It's sad to see but it's a direct result of this path of least resistance mindset that so many people have that leads them to build siege instead of try the fight legit and risk losing the objective because they care more about holding a keep or a tower than they do about getting better at the game.


This minor nerf to siege only gives daylight to how far the divide has grown between the fighters and the turtles in terms of fighting ability.



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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"Kirin.7306" said:

> > > might as well just remove forts and have a flag placed in the dirt to click on. seriously.

> >

> > I mean, that is pretty much what these "Fight Guilds" want. It's just no fun trying to take something from somebody who wants to defend it. Much better to just run over them and take it without opposition.


> The only reason you're getting run over when you try to defend without siege is because you don't know how to actually fight.


> This is the main long term problem with using siege over and over to defend stuff: You are successful when you otherwise wouldn't have been and over time the only practice you get is just dropping blueprints and pressing 1-5 while aiming the targeting reticle. I see this all the time. All the time.


> Eventually people like you get completely left in the dust by the players who do join fight guilds and routinely practice the actual fighting aspect of the game and this accrues over years and years and now theres this entire subset of players on seemingly every server who simply cannot pull their own weight in a fight.


> It's sad to see but it's a direct result of this path of least resistance mindset that so many people have that leads them to build siege instead of try the fight legit and risk losing the objective because they care more about holding a keep or a tower than they do about getting better at the game.


> This minor nerf to siege only gives daylight to how far the divide has grown between the fighters and the turtles in terms of fighting ability.




You're funny.

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