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Rare Infusions in BLTC?

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > These rare infusions are simply in the zephyrite chests. The BLChests dont have anything more than the same sorta chest like they always did.


> You get Gnashblade zephyrite chests from BLC which has a chance to drop infusions.


Yes, which is exactly the same as the Zephyrite chests you buy with raw materials in the Cliffs... it just has a different name to be in the Black Lion Chest. So, are you bothered about the normal ones too, or just the black lion ones?

I don’t get the outrage, personally. The drop rate will still be as abysmal as it would be from doing the main events where they drop in the first place.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > I love all this "devaluing my effort" crap. You got it by chance.

> Yeah, that's a red herring critique.


> ****

> I think the real one is that some people are bothered by anything available from _playing the game_ to also be made available in a gem store purchase. The rarity, the randomness... those aren't the true concern. It's about the feeling that someone can just use a credit card to have the same opportunity.


> Mind you, I disagree with that critique, too: if it can be traded on the TP, then one can still use a credit card to acquire it, directly via gems→gold→TP purchase, or indirectly, via gems→gem shop rng→lucky drop→TP purchase with profits.




Then that should be voiced as such. The whole roundabout way the complaints are raised is because they know they can't defend a position of "have and have-nots" based value, so they go instead with "robbing of value" approach to gain more supporters. Games are the only place where this chasing of status symbols and resting on laurels gets defended, as every other circle of pop culture and fashion doesn't pretend its meant to hold value. Even more so now given most status symbols in games get that way through players lacking control (ie RNG), or are linked external events (convention, etc).

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Then that should be voiced as such. The whole roundabout way the complaints are raised is because they know they can't defend a position of "have and have-nots" based value, so they go instead with "robbing of value" approach to gain more supporters.


Those are different critiques. If I understand correctly, these are the various positions people are taking

* "I want to earn stuff in game, not through the gem shop, not through the TP."

* "I want some things in the game to be extremely rare, super rare, and astronomically rare... so that if I get it as a drop, it will be exciting."

* "I want things that I spent effort to get/unlock to hold value, so I don't feel that I wasted my time."

* "I want something that no one else has."

* "I want things to require skill to acquire, not just luck or gold."

* I want to be able to earn everything just by playing the game, without sliding a credit card, without RNG, without playing the TP."


These aren't mutually exclusive and they are, for the most part, reasonable points of view. My disagreement is with the idea that adding these items as incredibly rare drops from BL-Chests or from Zephyrite Supply has any bearing on the above. They will still be rare and be worth pot-loads of coin, they will still not be "earnable" in the convention sense (neither through repetition nor skill), they will remain unlocks for the 1%.


I think some people just don't like the existence of the BL Chests and see any new items in them as a new opportunity to complain about them.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> The drop rate is so low, it isn’t to give everyone these and ruin their point - it’s just to get a tiny number up on the TP, because right now, someone of them are so rare they aren’t even available. They’re TOO rare right now, and it’s a slight adjustment


This. Spent 300 usd on keys, and about 3k gold on zephyr supply chests and nothing. As someone who's spent over 10k usd in the last 12 months or so, Anet lost another customer. Well, paying customer. Time to be a free loader.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> A clever ploy to get people to destroy as much worthless resources as possible. Instead of, you know, making those resources do something.


But they do "do something" now: they act as currency.


Personally, I think it's a far better sink for oversupply than messing with recipes or requiring huge amounts for, say, guild upgrades.

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