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Poll: Do you want the old human female idles back?

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Hey guys! I'm re-uploading this thread since the previous one got removed.


![](https://i.imgur.com/YdT7LDX.jpg "")


In case some of you don't know, ArenaNet removed [two animations](

"two animations") from the human females characters back in 2014. It was said they were removed due to a possible glitch or due to the complaint of a small minority. The main thread that discussed this topic was locked in the old forums and the problem was never addressed ever since. I decided to bring this topic back to the surface. I posted this on Reddit and it managed to gather almost 600 upvotes! A large number of players do want these animations back, and we think it's unfair to have been left in the dark for so long. You can check out the following [Reddit thread here](
"Reddit thread here")!




Another reason why I decided to make this is that so that us, the players, have a chance to show our dissatisfaction towards this issue. Here are some reasons as to why it should be brought back:


1. **Guild Wars 2 features numerous lore-breaking and over-the-top cosmetic items such as wings and flashy backpieces, ostentatious weapons, and effects, revealing and silly armor sets, etc... This and the use of a wardrobe system allow players to customize their characters in any way they see fit.**

2. **The use of miniatures(downsized NPCs that follow players around), which have been turned into a meme in the past for interfering with cutscenes and otherwise serious plot elements. These were not removed.**

3. **Players have the choice to use wander around during conversations or even use different emotes if they want to get in the mood of the scene. ArenaNet also showed us that it is possible to set each NPC its own string of animations during these in-game conversations.**

4. **Every single race has its own unique idle animations. If we follow this whole logic of "lore-breaking" idles in specific situations, then I think it's fair to point out that all of them can fall under this category. Sylvari characters can be seen getting themselves distracted and looking around, flailing their arms and constantly showing signs of intrigue and happiness. I would say that something like that would certainly kill an "epic" moment where people are drying and a dragon is ready to fall on top of our character, wouldn't it?**

5. **Low-polygon NPCs can be seen displaying these same animations, including new ones that were introduced in the game's latest expansion. The code is still there, it shouldn't be hard to enable it back, right?**



The human female characters are the most played and beloved characters of the entire game. They are already sexualized and even had their own running animation tweaked to make it look sexier. You won't find many immersive characters in this game, apart from fashionistas and roleplayers. People enjoy diversity, and having our characters fixing their hair(even though they could be using a helm that covers their entire head) every single day of the week gets dull.


Thank you for your time! Please make sure to vote and check the Reddit thread if possible!



Please have a look at this,

@"ArenaNet" @"Gaile Gray.6029" @"Mike O Brien.4613" !


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Absolutely. I hate that Norn and Humans share hair when they are 2 different races and cultures, but anet said "let's make them the same since they look the same." I remember alot of ppl complaining when the old idle was replaced with the Norn one. But the option to have new idles would be awesome as well - none of them shared between races or genders.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Nope. Perfectly fine as it is.


> Give me content instead of an animation.


There's no need to treat this as if it would be something that would require hours upon hours of work. It's an animation that already exists within the game! All they have to do is enable it back to the player characters. :/

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> @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > Nope. Perfectly fine as it is.

> >

> > Give me content instead of an animation.


> There's no need to treat this as if it would be something that would require hours upon hours of work. It's an animation that already exists within the game! All they have to do is enable it back to the player characters. :/


With anet and how slow they're with balance and content, you never know, it may take them a week to re-enable the animation.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > Nope. Perfectly fine as it is.

> > >

> > > Give me content instead of an animation.

> >

> > There's no need to treat this as if it would be something that would require hours upon hours of work. It's an animation that already exists within the game! All they have to do is enable it back to the player characters. :/


> With anet and how slow they're with balance and content, you never know, it may take them a week to re-enable the animation.


I highly doubt such thing would delay any potential upcoming patches. Even better, perhaps they could learn from this and actually provide players with more emotes and optional idles with the release. I've been waiting for them to enable these idles back since 2015. I think it's unfair to cut them out, and leave both Human females and norn with the exact same animation.

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It would be nice to have them back as part of an extended effort to introduce more animations to buy or achieve and allow us to enable/ disable as many as we own on a per character basis. It would be nice to have an option to toggle animations off during story conversations.


Had a better post in last thread. Hope I wasn’t the reason your post got closed. I get the impression they don’t like me much, so I’m trying not to ruffle any feathers. :/

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mmmmmmhhhrrrrhhhhmmmm, dont like them. These positions are the same in almost al mmorpg japanese girly games. And in the real life, rarely i will see a woman doing these positions while "idling" in public.


More emotes yes!, like i dont know, coughing, evil laughs, disgusted.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> While we're at it, can we get an option to go back to the older human female run animation. I wish I could peg down what the current version looks like, but whatever it reminds me of is annoying.

I don't know what the old running animation looked like, but I do think the current one looks terrible. So, I'm all for bringing the old one back in hopes it's better. Way better.

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**A comparison can be found here:**



**An explanation as to what changed:**

They changed the skeleton movement around the character's ribcage to allow for artificial breast movement; she also takes wider steps and the arms extend more. The wider steps place a lot more focus on the character's butt to make it seem larger for a better _appeal_.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> What happened to the old thread??

> I repeat: I want an optional on/off button for idle animations for my characters (it wouldn't affect other players).





> @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> Maybe can bump the age rating of the game to 18 since 6 years ago it was rated 12.


That means fewer consumers, so therefore less money.


> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Never saw them started playing 6 year after they were remove so I don't miss them for sure. They can stay away.


I'm sorry, but that's not really the type of comment I'm looking for. Just because you weren't around to experience said emotes doesn't mean their value is worthless. I never managed to see these animations firsthand myself, but a lot of people do miss them. There's a petition online that managed to score over 300 signatures because of this... and look at the Reddit thread I mentioned. It's closing down to 600 upvotes!


> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> They'd likely do it if they could get some money out of it.


Emote packs and more achievements would do the trick.

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Nope. How about some optional emotes using the animation instead? Like "sassyhips" or "longstretch." I don't mind the animations being optional, but since idles aren't this overall gets a "no" from me. I don't want my toons doing this without my personal choice or input.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> Nope. How about some optional emotes using the animation instead? Like "sassyhips" or "longstretch." I don't mind the animations being optional, but since idles aren't this overall gets a "no" from me. I don't want my toons doing this without my personal choice or input.


I'm fine as long as they are turned into emotes. Would be awesome to see variations for the other races as well! But... I'm really in bringing those back since having them removed has a higher meaning than just being two idles. It doesn't make sense for them to be removed, because it means every single idle should have met the same fate.

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> @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > Nope. How about some optional emotes using the animation instead? Like "sassyhips" or "longstretch." I don't mind the animations being optional, but since idles aren't this overall gets a "no" from me. I don't want my toons doing this without my personal choice or input.


> I'm fine as long as they are turned into emotes. Would be awesome to see variations for the other races as well! But... I'm really in bringing those back since having them removed has a higher meaning than just being two idles. It doesn't make sense for them to be removed, because it means every single idle should have met the same fate.


Well, thumbs up there ;) Personally, a lot of this comes down to the fact that I don't like the overall "human" fashion/theme in this game. I already don't make light armored female humans because I can't stand the whole skimpy/frilly aesthetic that cascades down to the cultural armor and town clothes. My female humans are either heavy or medium armor classes as a result. I tend to prefer function over form. I don't really RP or do the whole "fashion wars" thing, beyond making my toons look adequate to my eyes.


I think if we had some kind of granular control over idles, etc., it might be fun to have more options. That's far behind my wish for a flash-bling "off" button or an option to turn off mount/player effort sounds though ;)

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