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[suggestion] Change the provision master to not HoT


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I mostly stick to PvE, not a fan of WvW

But now and again I'm forced to WvW to get gift of battle for legendary weapons (kinda pointless to put something required for PvE into a different mode, if people are gonna do something they're gonna do it, shouldn't have to force people into a mode they don't like)

Anyways, so I have some left WvW currencies, I find stupid that the HoT recipies, runes and silgils are locked and require you to be level 55 in wvw while the PoF aren't unlocked and don't have any requirements.


I feels like this needs to be change and updated so that HoT runes and sigils are automically there, like the PoF runes and sigils.

There is no reason to keep the HoT content locked like that, now.

I know you can get them thru PvE, but I have the currency on WvW and don't intend to WvW much or at all if I can help it. So I'd rather just use the wvw currencies I've obtainted thru getting the gifts of battle, to help me elsewhere in the game that matter to me.

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Honestly if you intend on making other toons, save the WVW currencies for buying hero points for them, unless you like doing that content. Also badges of honor can be converted to gold by making badges of tribute in your guild hall.


I'd also like to point out that legendaries force you into map completion, by far the most boring thing to do in the game.

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How many of these threads must we endure? These are worse than match-up threads. At least those apply to WvW.


*Standard response*

You WvW for legendaries for the same reason we PvE for legendaries. Take the WvW requirement out for you is fine as long as the PvE requirement is removed for us.

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