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"Boss Blitz" achievement in wrong category, borking "Four Winds" meta achievement?

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A similar issue has been discussed here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49450/master-of-the-four-winds-bugged-at-24-25 , but I made some other buggy observations.


I already submitted this to support. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this.


The meta achievement "Master of the Four Winds" requires 25 sub-achievements to be completed, as listed in its description.

However, after completing all those 25, it still claims I only have completed 24 of it.

![](https://i.imgur.com/NsirrrD.png "")


I noticed that the "Boss Blitz" achievement point is listed in it, but is not directly visible in the "Festival of the Four Winds" category, and rather a "Master of the Four Winds" category which is not visible at all in my Achievements side bar. You can only view it separately by clicking it in the list of the meta achievement.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Lr6y967.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/nAfr31c.png "")


I guess that the wrong category breaks the meta achievement. It would be great if this can be fixed.

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On clicking the Master of the Four Winds, “Complete all achievements in the Labyrinthine Cliffs **and the Crown Pavilion**.”


Boss Blitz, and it’s other achievements are under the correct category of Crown Pavilion.

Remember this is a two-parter festival, therefore there’s different categories of achievements.

The meta-Achievement is located under the header of the festival name.

It also lists exactly what achievements count towards it (not all FotFW do, the Kookachoo flier hunt doesn’t, and I’m sure Barnstormer doesn’t either).


I don’t personally see anything confusing here.

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