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The Elementalist's elite skills stress me


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I feel like all of the elementalist's elite skills are clunky and stressful to use...


* The Glyph of Elementals (that goes for the minor version as well) pushes me to watch for a cooldown that I'm going to spam anyway. Having to press that button every 10 seconds isn't fun, and doesn't give the feeling of kit management. It's an added distraction and it brings nothing to the table to have to use it myself. Why can't the elemental cast the skill himself?

* The Fiery Greatsword (that too goes for others conjured weapons) is nice, but it has that ground weapon component that always stresses me when I use it. I'm always afraid an ally might pick it before I can (sometimes even by mistake so they don't even use it and toss it right away). Also, there's that chance that I'm running towards my sword and it disappears right before I can pick it up. If the skill is meant to be shared, why allow the elementalist to pick it? If it's not meant to, why make it a ground conjured weapon instead of simply having 2 charges?

* The Tornado... Well I don't feel it has any use. It's not stressful to use, but it's not a good feeling to pick it because then I know my build could be better with literally any other elite.

* Weave Self actually is a very interesting idea. However I find it has drawbacks: Should I attune to all the elements, I will prematurely loose the reduced attunement cooldown boon. In others words, its mechanic pushes me to not use it to its full potential. Should I weave all elements anyway, the window of time to use Tailored Victory is 10 seconds, which is huge in PvP but very short in boss fights when I'm waiting for the breakbar to pop. Using it also removes all the Woven elements boons... On top of all this, I don't feel like having that faster rotation increases my DPS as mutch as I'd expect it to.

* Rebound is a barrier. It's okay I guess but I'd like it to be more interesting than that... :/


So even as an Elementalist main, I still don't find any elite skill I'm confortable with. I don't know if I should ask for a rework of those or more elite skills (we still don't have an arcane or signet elite), or if I should just try to roll with it, but I wanted to tell how I feel about the current state of things. All of this would be less of a problem if we could put utility skills in the elite slot, but that's an other debate entirely.

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The biggest issues of most skills is cooldown/usefulness ratio.

* Tornado is completely useless and it has huge cd. Whirlpool on the other hand has pretty good damage.

* Fgs is the only elite that you can say is useful in any type of content, but it's on way too high cd (same cd as battle standard which revives 5 downeds). I think that conjureds should really work with ammo or at least have their cd reduced when you dont pick up 2nd weapon after 30 seconds.

* Glyph is pretty good for open world and good option for lazy condi builds. Elemental skills are also pretty good besides earth and maybe air ones. It's bad that they dont scale, but base values on fire/water look pretty good.

* Rebound is also pretty balanced with its cooldown and base heal.

* Weave self is also pretty strong and useful on many builds, especially sword ones.


So the only things that need bigger changes are conjured weapons in general and tornado. Skills aren't really stressful, it's just a personal issue which can be solved with practice.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> The biggest issues of most skills is cooldown/usefulness ratio.

> * Tornado is completely useless and it has huge cd. Whirlpool on the other hand has pretty good damage.

> * Fgs is the only elite that you can say is useful in any type of content, but it's on way too high cd (same cd as battle standard which revives 5 downeds). I think that conjureds should really work with ammo or at least have their cd reduced when you dont pick up 2nd weapon after 30 seconds.

> * Glyph is pretty good for open world and good option for lazy condi builds. Elemental skills are also pretty good besides earth and maybe air ones. It's bad that they dont scale, but base values on fire/water look pretty good.

> * Rebound is also pretty balanced with its cooldown and base heal.

> * Weave self is also pretty strong and useful on many builds, especially sword ones.


> So the only things that need bigger changes are conjured weapons in general and tornado. Skills aren't really stressful, it's just a personal issue which can be solved with practice.

Well I don't think you can deny that it's useless that the elemental skill isn't automatic, for example. It's this kind of quality of life issues that make me unconfortable with the elite skills

> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> Wait, elementalists have Elites? I thought it was just abunch of useless skills with cool animations! Silly me.

Î Agreed x)

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > The biggest issues of most skills is cooldown/usefulness ratio.

> > * Tornado is completely useless and it has huge cd. Whirlpool on the other hand has pretty good damage.

> > * Fgs is the only elite that you can say is useful in any type of content, but it's on way too high cd (same cd as battle standard which revives 5 downeds). I think that conjureds should really work with ammo or at least have their cd reduced when you dont pick up 2nd weapon after 30 seconds.

> > * Glyph is pretty good for open world and good option for lazy condi builds. Elemental skills are also pretty good besides earth and maybe air ones. It's bad that they dont scale, but base values on fire/water look pretty good.

> > * Rebound is also pretty balanced with its cooldown and base heal.

> > * Weave self is also pretty strong and useful on many builds, especially sword ones.

> >

> > So the only things that need bigger changes are conjured weapons in general and tornado. Skills aren't really stressful, it's just a personal issue which can be solved with practice.

> Well I don't think you can deny that it's useless that the elemental skill isn't automatic, for example. It's this kind of quality of life issues that make me unconfortable with the elite skills


Well, for fire and earth elementals you'd need to spam skill on cd. Stunning target with air elem is pointless if it doesn't have breakbar ready for example. Water one has very good aoe heal, so you also don't want to spam it when you're on full HP. However earth and water ones you dont even need to use if you're not close to them.


Do you use default key bindings by any chance? That would explain obnoxious part of casting those skills often. Rebind them to something closer.

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what I think would be nice for elite skills is

1. fgs cast time and cd reduced.

2. glyph is permanent until killed and you can ground target where it uses them and they instantly leap or what ever to the location (goes for minor glyph too).

3. tornado is a reflect and makes you move faster while using it lower cd in pve would be nice too. also lower cast time would be good.

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> (...)

> * Weave Self actually is a very interesting idea. However I find it has drawbacks: Should I attune to all the elements, I will prematurely loose the reduced attunement cooldown boon. In others words, its mechanic pushes me to not use it to its full potential. Should I weave all elements anyway, the window of time to use Tailored Victory is 10 seconds, which is huge in PvP but very short in boss fights when I'm waiting for the breakbar to pop. Using it also removes all the Woven elements boons... On top of all this, I don't feel like having that faster rotation increases my DPS as mutch as I'd expect it to.

> (...)


I actually like that. :) It makes you think about deciding to waste the boons for a strong CC or to wait it out as long as possible - with the risk to miss it. It could need some tweaks - empowering direct damage, castable while moving - but I like the idea. PVP-wise at least.


I totally agree with the others though.

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I'd argue that with the prevalence of stunbreaks, the CC is not particularly strong. It already has s huge wind up time is dodged 9/10 times. Then you blow some 950 stats for a single CC that is broken out of in <1 second. With the incredibly long cast time on top of it all, I can't think of a time it's actually better to use it than to just keep attacking with buffs. Maybe in niche 1v1s vs a warrior that ran out of stability (if that ever actually happens).

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