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The new zephyrite gloves are awesome!

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I just wanted to make a little forum post to actually say that something new is kind of amazing, since that sort of thing doesn't tend to get feedback. Having 3 *slightly* different styles of the same glove is super nice for really getting a good angle for a person's character customization. And having a wild magic-y variant and a variant of the same gloves without the crazy effects is also super nice to add options with the wardrobe system. The non-luminescent carapace armor is a nice example, sporting some the prettiest pieces of armor in the game. The same can be said about the sunspear armor- having a more outfit-y version, and a version that can be more easily blended with other armors. Certain sets like the bladed set look super pretty, outside of all the spikes that kind of make the set silly if you aren't wearing it like an outfit. And having more 'realistic' versions of the same armor set (like what Anet did with the Zephyrite gloves) in the future would be super awesome.


Apologies if this is a bit incoherent. I like the new zephyrite gloves, is all I'm saying.

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These gloves sound like alot of fun. Nice that they added them.


Speaking of Carapace and luminescent, maaan i wish they'd go back at doing that for lw. Supposedly a full set takes them 9 months but with each episode taking 2 to 3 alone they bave more than enough time to fit an entire armor set.

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