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Disappointment with Griffon Mechanics

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> they need to put dive, pullup, on the ui and maybe other things and not leave it to the person to figure out there are special keys. Sadly i only discovered in Kourna that Holding the space bar while diving gave you a super speed dive and i wasn't the only one that found this out for the first time. I know its the space bar mechanic for all the mounts. but for all the mounts this has been a discovery process. If they had been listed on the ui it would have been much easier.

Yeah, this, the griffon's controls need to be unified so there's one dive button and one pull up button and both are on the skill bar, instead of having the engage attack (which _also_ makes you dive!) on the skill bar and the rest undocumented. It makes the whole thing _way_ more confusing than it needs to be.

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I would personally like them to design areas with mounts in mind. I have no problem using the spring to skip content that I don't want to waste time on. I get to play my way. Introducing movement mechanics only to restrict them or turn them off is bad design and shouldn't be supported via content purchases. I voted for more mounts by buying PoF, and will buy the next expansion based partly on new mounts and mechanics introduced.


The biggest disappointment of the HoT living world masteries was the fact that they will never be used anywhere in the game. That's sad. Why can't I vine swing in rata sum? Personally, I don't think they will ever give us flight. Will it ruins things if they did? No. Things would just change. Like they did, like they always will.

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> @"hallowedhearth.1592" said:

> @"Algreg.3629" Regarding why this has to do with end-game...I've played 3,449 hours and 32 minutes over the last 6 years. There is only end-game left.





so what is your business in lower level areas then you want to bypass :) ? Or in other words, you fail to explain any connection of flying and endgame. Is flying endgame? Where are you flying there? Into the raids? Can't you just use WP or the raid lobby? A conundrum.

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The irony of phrases like "what WoW did" and "we'll never have full flight" is that it all just seems completely backwards to me.


What we have in our game is far closer to real, 'full' flight than what WoW did (at least when I played, many years ago, if they completely overhauled it, then please elaborate). WoW's flight, when I played, was 'swimming in the sky'. It was more akin to watching live streams that [person at other company] used to do for [another game] when they would put their GM mode tools on and they would just run around the sky.


I think what we got is far more fun and interesting. This coming from someone that, honestly, was largely indifferent, but slightly opposed, to mounts in this game to begin with.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > they need to put dive, pullup, on the ui and maybe other things and not leave it to the person to figure out there are special keys. Sadly i only discovered in Kourna that Holding the space bar while diving gave you a super speed dive and i wasn't the only one that found this out for the first time. I know its the space bar mechanic for all the mounts. but for all the mounts this has been a discovery process. If they had been listed on the ui it would have been much easier.

> Yeah, this, the griffon's controls need to be unified so there's one dive button and one pull up button and both are on the skill bar, instead of having the engage attack (which _also_ makes you dive!) on the skill bar and the rest undocumented. It makes the whole thing _way_ more confusing than it needs to be.


I agree with the original sentiment and the follow up here. I have the most difficulty having to find key commands to use for the special actions, and I see this big, empty bar on my screen, and wonder why it's not there.

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> @"hallowedhearth.1592" said:

> It's not about making them obsolete; it's about improving existing flight. But hey, one can dream. Add individual keybinds for speed dive, speed up


We have those already, you just need to level the mastery.


> and why not a dodge?


You automatically evade with all mounts while moving left/right when being attacked, it's a shared skill if you earn when you have the mastery track maxed: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Path_of_Fire_mastery_tracks

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ANet doesn't want to add full flying freedom. Not to mention it would render every other mount pointless. Why springer ever if you can fly as high as you want? Why skimmer when you can fly over any water? Also adding high altitude maps or combat flight suddenly makes Griffons mandatory. A mandatory 250g sink. A mandatory PoF purchase. A mandatory PoF story playthrough.


I also don't see how adding full flight extends the end game any more than any other current content they add. Sure it adds possibilities. But so does other content ANet adds to the game. And if you really have a problem moving through old maps, beetle does a pretty fantastic job of doing that. It takes a bit more skill--to weave through terrain, to avoid hitting hard stops, to avoiding dismounts, but I've been having a lot of fun learning and practicing.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > they need to put dive, pullup, on the ui and maybe other things and not leave it to the person to figure out there are special keys. Sadly i only discovered in Kourna that Holding the space bar while diving gave you a super speed dive and i wasn't the only one that found this out for the first time. I know its the space bar mechanic for all the mounts. but for all the mounts this has been a discovery process. If they had been listed on the ui it would have been much easier.

> Yeah, this, the griffon's controls need to be unified so there's one dive button and one pull up button and both are on the skill bar, instead of having the engage attack (which _also_ makes you dive!) on the skill bar and the rest undocumented. It makes the whole thing _way_ more confusing than it needs to be.


I'm pretty sure they left the skill bar open with plans for mounted combat options. But like a lot of things, that idea probably fell through just as it was starting, and had to make way for a faster turn around on the expansion. They might still have something in the works for the next few LS chapters...... but I'm not holding my breath on that given the current resource shortage in the Dev teams.

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