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Breakout (idea for expansion in very distant future xD )

Jack Redline.5379

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So basically.

We all know killing a dragon is a bad thing now. Because it like releases a lot of magic into the world. And that is bad for a balance of magic that is why it always find another host who can absorb it so the balance is at balance again :D First it went to Mordremoth (and woke it ''made it active'' explained later) both from Zaithan AND from the ley line vein Scarlet had ripped open with that big mean drill.

That was a lot of magic just like that flying around the world finding a new host = Noodle dragon xD and the other dragons.

Then we killed Mordremoth (twice just to be sure :) ) and again MAGIC has been flying around like that big blue-ish glowy thing and it found its new host again Primordus and Jormag (again woke them up Primordus as we might have noticed moved south to Fiery Islands) Again magic shaken but in balance again because those two dragons absorbed it.

But then Balthazar shoved up because one big cat needed to have bright shiny flame sword and he came and stole the device from Taimi as we know and sucked up energy from both Primordus and Jormag since they were aligned through ethernal alchemy and then we blew machine and Balhazar left with all the magic which (dragons had no bonus magic in them and fell asleep ''we getting to explanation hol' up'' :) )

Balthazar now with magic literally glowing out of his ears went to Elona to kill Klarkatorik because he wanted even more power (Klarkatorik as well always sucked up a bit of that extra magic in air and as well we noticed he absorbed the spectrums of it from Zaithan and Mordy again becoming more active)

We killed Balthazar adn again Magic flying everywhere. Aurene eat a bit but majority ate Klarkatorik which made him to go on rampage.

So far we have just fought Joko because we needed some pre-bad guy as we always have before new expansion. (Scarled 1st, Vegetable dragon 2nd, Caudecus 3rd, Joko 4th)

Aurene ate him = ate all the magic that kept him alive for so long/immortal.

So we have the long intro behind us now to the explanation.

In my oppinion Magic can be viewed as a Life power/electricity that can charge a battery and give it power to consume it (a living body)

Every time some dragon previously sleeping = deplentished from too much magic (life power) absorbed magic or at least enough magic it woke up and when you killed it or removed the magic from it the dragon would release the magic or fall asleep again because it had no more bonus magic in it.

Balthazar just wanted magic in him because he knew it can grant him infinite power that is why he wanted to slay dragons and Klarkatorik because he is currently the biggest magic battery running around (thus all the story about weapon Vlast etc we know that)

At the moment Klarkatorik really has approximatelly 4/5 of all magic that was previously stored in six dragons lets say 1/5 is rn in Aurene because she also grew up and is stronger now and that required some power for her to eat.


Since I would consider the Magic a life power/energy (to be used if absorbed) its constant outbursts must cause a lot of fallout as we have also heard from Taimi.

But what is this fallout? We never knew.

I think that this fallout is actually the damage dealt to veil between Mists and a real world Tyria.

If magic would be an energy all present on Tyria we might sort of consider it as a water or air inside of a box. Reality would be this box and Magic fills it since we are within Reality we can use Magic because it is here with us liek Air in a room we can breath it.

But these sudden outbursts of magic and the fact Klarkatorik and Aurene have currently sucked up Majority of magic that was previously well distributed it might have caused that the walls of the box/bag/aquarium = Reality have been damaged by this.

What happens if you suck up air from an enclosed room? You get vacuum. And vacuum would suck its suroundings to itself sort of as Implosion. And this way it might work with Reality walls they might have been sucked to itself because there is lack of magic out there and thus the walls of reality might be severely damaged which means only a slightest outburst f magic could cause them all to rip appart and open lets say portals to Mists = ''world of undead and past''

We all know what we see in Fractals. A fragments of mists a stuff that happened before. And also we saw ppl are trying to escape Fractals. Arkk the dude we fight at the begining of Shattered Observatory fractal. He says literally ''So close to Freedom''

Now let us think what could a rupture in a Reality opening portal to Mists cause.

All the past written down in the Mists would simply pour down on us. All those we killed alive again. Confused what is going on. Free again as some of them wanted. (yes i am talking Scarlet as well >:) )

Every thing would simply puor in and would have to save the world by enclosing this rupture or we simply be doomed. (Imagine the number of farms and events this could give 8D '' #LOOTBAGS'' )

The main villain would be lets say that dude from the Observatory we fought. Some ancient king or mage or someone who actually might have been trapped in there for his crimes or something. I could figure details if you'd like this.

And we would get to see Arkk and Dessa free. They could see the world as it is now. (Lets say they could be good guys. That they would help us Arkk mostly because he is genius on the totally different high lvl above Taimi or anyone and he would help us to stop this Apocalypse.)

The point would be that we would have to trap Klarkatorik by letting him to consume too much magic. Magic obviously as any energy vibrates. And as we heard. He an his minions are vulnerable to a certain frequency. We would simply let him suck all he can and he himself would start making that frequency and exploded. We would harves the energy defeated the bad Norn dude and enclosed the Rupture.

I can totally see the Battle with both of the main bosses.

Klarkatorik first a huge monster. After an event he would explode and he would only remain as a standard sized dragon minion (Teqatl for example) We could fight him in story. (I would very much like a real battle something in a style of Dragons Age you might check it if you want those are really great dragon fights)

Then we would kill him finally for Eir and Snaff and whoever died on the way (not mentioning Cabbage man intentionally :P )

Then we would face the Norn lets say at the portal. We would face so many opponents from past we would get epyleptic shock from memories and nostalgia and then we win.

I could actually make this a tragedy some of our well loved characters would die for effect etc. And at the end it would be like THE END.

Maybe if Ante wants they could do one more expansion for watter dragon but it wouldnt be neccesarry.

Also magic would be again in balance beacuse it would be used to fixate the rupture.

If you got all the way down here I am happy you did <3 give oppinions on how you like thsi. And have a nice day :^) :^˘

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> Every time some dragon previously sleeping = deplentished from too much magic (life power) absorbed magic or at least enough magic it woke up and when you killed it or removed the magic from it the dragon would release the magic or fall asleep again because it had no more bonus magic in it.


So for clarity, Primordus and Jormag didn't fall asleep (just) because of reduction in magic, but exposure to their weakness. Every beam of energy we saw was basically like taking a baseball bat the back of someone's head. Had it not been for Balthazar sapping some of that magic away (akin to like putting some padding on the bat or wearing a helmet while getting pummeled), the two would be dead. They basically went into a coma due to the damage they suffered. While they did lose magic, enough to make them weaker than when they rose, the primary cause of their comatose state would be the damage more than the magic.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> At the moment Klarkatorik really has approximatelly 4/5 of all magic that was previously stored in six dragons lets say 1/5 is rn in Aurene because she also grew up and is stronger now and that required some power for her to eat.


You're overestimating Kralkatorrik's power. He may have the high ground, but he doesn't have 4/5 of all Elder Dragon magic.


Firstly, you completely forget about the deep sea dragon. Secondly, when Zhaitan died his magic went into at least three directions and Kralkatorrik only got one (the other two went towards Tequatl and eventually Jormag, and one towards Ring of Fire); on top of that, those three directions would have been dissipated over time. It's unclear whether the third that went to the Ring of Fire then went to Mordremoth, or if the one that went towards Tequatl then went to LA that hen go redirected to Mordremoth, or both. Either way, both routes (especially the oine going north) would have been greatly disappated over time. Some of Zhaitan's magic even reached and settled within the Maguuma Bloodstone so you can bet some settled within the Ring of Fire and Shiverpeak Bloodstones too (and likely the two Bloodstones who are still MIA).


With Mordremoth, we saw his magic go into four main directions - north, south, east, and west. The north went to Aurene and the Maguuma Bloodstone, while the west went towards Kralkatorrik (and likely made a pit stop at Pale Tree and Shiverpeaks Maguuma) while the south went towards Ring of Fire (and the Bloodstone there). And the quarter that went east? Unaccounted for (DSD?).


Balthazar took up most of the Maguuma Bloodstone, but wouldn't have taken even the majority of the Primordus and Jormag energy that went through Taimi's Machine as the beam was not significantly shrunk when we witnessed it. He more "skimmed off the top" of those beams. It gave him a significant power boost, but it wasn't the majority - let alone full - of their power. Not only that, but Taimi's Machine was targeting Primordus' and Jormag's energy specifically, so it wouldn't have targeted any Zhaitan and Mordremoth energy that they had absorbed.


In the end, Kralkatorrik would have just under 2/3rd of Zhaitan's power, 1/2 of Mordremoth's, and probably 1/5th of Primordus' and Jormag's each (and then 1/5th of all "magic stored into the Bloodstones at before their division" though we have little clue how much this actually is since not only do we not know how much magic was left in the world when the Seers first made the Bloodstone, but we do not know how much magic the gods released or put back in, or how much magic they took from Zhaitan while he slept). Overall this would place him at about 2.5 Elder Dragons in magical amount. Not 4/5 of all Six Elder Dragons.


Aurene meanwhile only got less than 1/4th of Mordremoth, and probably about 1/5th of what Balthazar unleased (she only ate the epicenter's magic before expanding), then what Joko had. Not much in comparison, and certainly not "1/5th of all Six Elder Dragons."


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> Since I would consider the Magic a life power/energy (to be used if absorbed) its constant outbursts must cause a lot of fallout as we have also heard from Taimi.

> But what is this fallout? We never knew.





Those would be the (initial) fallout situations.


Add in Bloodstone Fen's post-explosion state for a more drastic situation, which is akin to Thaumanova's post-explosion state.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> I think that this fallout is actually the damage dealt to veil between Mists and a real world Tyria.


This is a possible additional / later on issue we may face. Both Bloodstone Fen's explosion and Thaumanova's explosion resulted in rifts across Central Tyria. While originally it was thought to be due to the chaos magic involved with Thaumanova's reactor, the results of Bloodstone Fen suggest it may just be a "high density of magic exploding" situation.


How this relates to the Mists is that the only known way for mortals to create tears into the Mists are via a plentitude of sacrifices (souls = magical energy) such as Lord Odran did. In addition, the asura gates without an end gate resulted in a mixture between the rifts of above and Fractals (copies created by the Mists of specific place/time or people) when the gates were destroyed and there were people in-transit. Instead of proper portals, rifts from the Mists open up and spew out copies of those people in-transit.


ArenaNet is certainly expanding on the whole "rifts tearing open holes in space-time" with Season 3 and 4. Though Season 4 has been due to asuratech gone wild, rather than explosive magical anomalies.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> We all know what we see in Fractals. A fragments of mists a stuff that happened before. And also we saw ppl are trying to escape Fractals. Arkk the dude we fight at the begining of Shattered Observatory fractal. He says literally ''So close to Freedom''


Hmmm, this is a slight misunderstanding of the situation. Arkk isn't trying to free himself. He's trying to free his mother whom he thinks is the real thing stuck in a perpetual loop, but at the end of it all realizes that both Dessa and himself are just copies and not the originals and that escaping the Fractals is impossible (would result in death apparently, even though [we saw something escape a Fractal before](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mysterious_Stranger)).


Basically, in the three fractals, the Arkk we see is a copy of the original Arkk who was at the time of being copied, trying to free his mother who was studying the Fractals until at some point she got copied herself and turned into a Fractal (just as Arkk was). We do not know what happened to the originals - maybe Dessa died off, and Arkk found this out and left the Mists/Fractals to live another day with a job well failed.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> All the past written down in the Mists would simply pour down on us. All those we killed alive again. Confused what is going on. Free again as some of them wanted. (yes i am talking Scarlet as well >:) )


I think this would be an extreme state. More likely we'd basically just have what Bloodstone Fen and Thaumanova look like, but world-wide. Constant rifts from place A to place Z opening up, and wildlife unwittingly going through those rifts. Imagine in the middle of the night a rift opens up in your bedroom and out comes a minotaur; on the way to get groceries, a rift opens up and nothing goes through but through it you can see Hong Kong.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


>They basically went into a coma due to the damage they suffered. While they did lose magic, enough to make them weaker than when they rose, the primary cause of their comatose state would be the damage more than the magic.


But that is what i mean. They no longer had that bonus magic and so they couldnt remain awaken. Lets imagine them like phones they were charged and therefore could go and cause havoc and awoke now they were decharged and so turned off.


> You're overestimating Kralkatorrik's power. He may have the high ground, but he doesn't have 4/5 of all Elder Dragon magic.


i stated that number just according to the fact how many dragons we still have alive. there was 6 of them 2 are dead rn = 4 + aurene (still young so not accounted for yet)

each of them would therefore be stated as 1,5 (6-4=2 2/4=0,5 if they were before stated as 1 then 1+ 0,5 =1,5) since 2 of them were sucked out that would make them like 0,5 then the 2 are split between remaining 2 dragons + Aurene so (each of them is now 2,25 and Aurene something about 0,5) this way we have twi 2,25 dragons + 0,5 Aurene + Balthazar who sucked up jormag and primordus Klarkatorik sucked up the majority of Balthazar (lets say 2/3 of him) that would make Aurene 1 Sea dragon 2,25 (which clearly isnt Tequatl that is Zaithans minion) and Klarkatorik 4,5 since he sucked up the power of Balthazar charged with power of jormag and promordus (1+1 + his power 1,5 = 3) That would end liek 4,5K 1A 2,25 SD and that would make 3/5 out of whole dragons power okay i a bit overstaded but still it was close i am weak at math xD but i am stronk :3


> Hmmm, this is a slight misunderstanding of the situation. Arkk isn't trying to free himself. He's trying to free his mother whom he thinks is the real thing stuck in a perpetual loop, but at the end of it all realizes that both Dessa and himself are just copies and not the originals and that escaping the Fractals is impossible (would result in death apparently, even though [we saw something escape a Fractal before](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mysterious_Stranger)).

> Basically, in the three fractals, the Arkk we see is a copy of the original Arkk who was at the time of being copied, trying to free his mother who was studying the Fractals until at some point she got copied herself and turned into a Fractal (just as Arkk was). We do not know what happened to the originals - maybe Dessa died off, and Arkk found this out and left the Mists/Fractals to live another day with a job well failed.


I am more thinking of Fracs as of a movie you can see and interact with. Basically you see something that is written/recorded to Mists = a very long tape with everything on it. Fracs are just showing us a certain parts of it. So that would mean that real Mists have still all of it recorded on them. Which could mean if we would break to them the recorded material would materiliaze in Real world since it would get in contact with reality/magic in reality. As if you have a bag of chips and there is hole in it all of the chips will fall out to the bowl/ground/lap/anywhere you gotta pick them from after xD


> I think this would be an extreme state. More likely we'd basically just have what Bloodstone Fen and Thaumanova look like, but world-wide. Constant rifts from place A to place Z opening up, and wildlife unwittingly going through those rifts. Imagine in the middle of the night a rift opens up in your bedroom and out comes a minotaur; on the way to get groceries, a rift opens up and nothing goes through but through it you can see Hong Kong.


That is why it is a GRAND FINALE as i said. It would be Apocalypse. A serious Apocalypse. Breakout is a good enough name for it to make you figure something is gonna be seriously blown up. And yes it would be really drastic many ppl would die and that is why the end of it would really feal like an great achievement after all that chasing and poking around to Arch nemesis. I mean it always feels good to kill Arch nemesis but Klarkatorik is totally different level and if the Norn's from Fracs deeds could be pictured like good enough as a reason to take him down it would really feel awesome. Lets say we would again got something like Lws1 was the world would change. Lets say cities would get destroyed. I vote for Sylvari town (i dont even know its name) It would have a real good feeling of end of times. And it would open doors for completely new story maybe GW3 xD lol that is just conspiracies etc but anyway i can imagine this as a good Grand finale

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> But that is what i mean. They no longer had that bonus magic and so they couldnt remain awaken. Lets imagine them like phones they were charged and therefore could go and cause havoc and awoke now they were decharged and so turned off.


Once more, you're misattributing the cause that resulted in the known effect.


You're saying the cause = lack of magic.


But I'm saying the cause = damage they suffered.


While they both lost magic and suffered damage, there's no indication that it would be the lack of magic that resulted in them going to sleep again. After all, when they go to sleep normally it is because they run out of food to eat, not because of a lack of magic within them as at that point of time, they'd have all the magic within themselves.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> i stated that number just according to the fact how many dragons we still have alive. there was 6 of them 2 are dead rn = 4 + aurene (still young so not accounted for yet)

> each of them would therefore be stated as 1,5 (6-4=2 2/4=0,5 if they were before stated as 1 then 1+ 0,5 =1,5) since 2 of them were sucked out that would make them like 0,5 then the 2 are split between remaining 2 dragons + Aurene so (each of them is now 2,25 and Aurene something about 0,5) this way we have twi 2,25 dragons + 0,5 Aurene + Balthazar who sucked up jormag and primordus Klarkatorik sucked up the majority of Balthazar (lets say 2/3 of him) that would make Aurene 1 Sea dragon 2,25 (which clearly isnt Tequatl that is Zaithans minion) and Klarkatorik 4,5 since he sucked up the power of Balthazar charged with power of jormag and promordus (1+1 + his power 1,5 = 3) That would end liek 4,5K 1A 2,25 SD and that would make 3/5 out of whole dragons power okay i a bit overstaded but still it was close i am weak at math xD but i am stronk :3


I... honestly have no clue how you even _started_ with those numbers. Heck, not even sure what you'd meaning by 0,5 etc. But even then, "according to how many we still have alive", we have 4 alive, and while two are likely at half-or-slightly-less power, this still wouldn't make Kralkatorrik 4/5ths of all Elder Dragons.


The key things I'm seeing is that you're arguing Balthazar ate up all of Jormag's and Primordus' magic, which is simply false (as I stated, the beams going through the machine weren't notably smaller so he was at best just skimming off the top). You also seem to think that all Zhaitan and Mordremoth magic went into either Kralkatorrik or Aurene by the end of PoF, which again would be false. Beyond Primordus having a good chunk of both (and this wasn't taken away from the machine by all visual accounts), a good chunk would have gone to the other four Bloodstones (especially the Shiverpeak Bloodstones and the Ring of Fire Bloodstone given their proximity being so much closer), and on top of that as we see with the ley line events in the Side Stories stuff, a bunch of Mordremoth's and Zhaitan's magic flooded into the world itself.


Basically stating that by the point of their deaths, Zhaitan's and Mordremoth's magic would have gone to not only the other Elder Dragons, but to the five Bloodstones, and simply saturate the world itself. Meaning that Primordus, Kralkatorrik, and Jormag would have gotten **less than a quarter** of those two's powers.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> I am more thinking of Fracs as of a movie you can see and interact with. Basically you see something that is written/recorded to Mists = a very long tape with everything on it. Fracs are just showing us a certain parts of it. So that would mean that real Mists have still all of it recorded on them. Which could mean if we would break to them the recorded material would materiliaze in Real world since it would get in contact with reality/magic in reality. As if you have a bag of chips and there is hole in it all of the chips will fall out to the bowl/ground/lap/anywhere you gotta pick them from after xD


Where you get things wrong is that, apparently, fractals cannot "break out". [it was attempted in Season 1 with Dessa](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals%20of%20the%20Mists%20%28story%29) and the result was a giant flash of light and the fractal had reset.


> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> That is why it is a GRAND FINALE as i said. It would be Apocalypse.

I don't think Anet would ever touch such a scenario. Firstly because it simply couldn't be done well. Maps are stuck in time, so only the new map(s) would be facing this situation, yet it's supposed to be world-wide? Doesn't really seem all that entertaining if the only spot that's suffering this world-wide cataclysm is, I dunno, some Deldrimor Front map. Sure you can make an instance in DR or LA or something, but then you'd get the same effect as Amnoon suddenly going from "giant branded crystals everywhere" to "perfectly okay" like in Daybreak, despite the fact that the charr had been incapable of reverting branded corruption from their homeland for the past decade at that point. It would just simply be jarring either way.


Secondly, it would be far too devastating that they couldn't really make a GW3 in a post-GW2 Tyria setting.


It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it would ever happen. It's too close to world ending for an MMO.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

>Heck, not even sure what you'd meaning by 0,5 etc.


I take it that Jack's from one of the countries that uses commas the way we use decimal points. That bit there would be saying that two dragons worth of magic, distributed between four dragons, is half a share for each.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> >Heck, not even sure what you'd meaning by 0,5 etc.


> I take it that Jack's from one of the countries that uses commas the way we use decimal points. That bit there would be saying that two dragons worth of magic, distributed between four dragons, is half a share for each.


ah i see now so it should be like 0.5 i really didnt know maybe 1/2 could be as well. sry for missunderstanding. Anyway it is just fun math not really important thing my point was to prove that Klarkatorik is currenlty in a state that if we would kill it and absorb the power to some battery we could fix the rupture withthat power at the very end after we defeat the final boss. It was just like a soluition math was not really important but since we started it i floated along the spring and started counting xD

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > >Heck, not even sure what you'd meaning by 0,5 etc.

> >

> > I take it that Jack's from one of the countries that uses commas the way we use decimal points. That bit there would be saying that two dragons worth of magic, distributed between four dragons, is half a share for each.


> ah i see now so it should be like 0.5 i really didnt know maybe 1/2 could be as well. sry for missunderstanding. Anyway it is just fun math not really important thing my point was to prove that Klarkatorik is currenlty in a state that if we would kill it and absorb the power to some battery we could fix the rupture withthat power at the very end after we defeat the final boss. It was just like a soluition math was not really important but since we started it i floated along the spring and started counting xD


No worries! Just because we do it differently here doesn't mean we're right. It's all arbitrary in the end. : P

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The way I see it as I’m not going to get into the mathematics of the dragon energy/ spheres etc. Is that Kralkatorrik has access to all the Elder dragon’s abilities (in various degrees) minus the DSD.


That being said, it’s hard to say how the dragon’s magic is split. When Zhaitan died did the Death sphere and the Shadow sphere enter the ley line streams. When Mordremoth died did the same thing happen? Did the mind sphere and plant sphere explode out from Mordremoth, rather then a combined state but separate spheres to be individually absorbed? Did Kralkatorrik gain more mind sphere energy while Primordus took more of the plant. Definitely an interesting topic.

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