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What class has the most knockdowns?

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So going through the storyline I spend lets say...1/3 of the time in some kind of knocked down, stunned, immobilized, etc state.


After a while I just want to return the favor to these NPC's that like to push me around. So what class would one play to have access to a whole bunch of knock down type abilities?

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Warrior has lots of Knockdowns/Stuns. Hammer F1 , 4 and 5, Full Counter on SB dazes, Shield 4, Bulls Charge. There are also more but those are the ones I usually use in WvW on my SB or to break bar in PvE. They also have access to huge amounts of personal stability which keeps you from being stunned by enemies.

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He is talking about Knockdowns, not CC on general...not sure about other specs, but Guardian have some decent Knockdowns, bane signet, Hammer of Wisdom x 2(3 if you trait it...i guess)...then for other CCs you have Shield, Hammer, Dragon Hunter traited longbow #3 and #5 plus F1 and elite Trap, and as a Firebrand you have F1 #3 and F3 #2 for a taunt.

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Soul beast ranger also has access to quite a few. stun on shortbow, knockback on longbow, hilt bash on greatsword, pull on offhand axe plus beast abilities. stone gazelle has a knockdown F2, merged you get the F2 'headbutt' knockdown plus aoe worldly impact. smokescale also has stuns. electric wyvern has cone knockback. I'll chain several of these together against foes or just to destroy breakbars.

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Holosmith has quite a few...

- Shield 4 (double tap for launch) or Rifle 4 for launch

- Thumper Turret

- Holographic Shockwave (forge skill #5)

- Prime Light Beam (aka special beam cannon) - this is a launch

- Prismatic Singularity (toolbelt skill for hard light arena) - this is a pull and a knockdown


There might be a few more that I’m missing?


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