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Option to Disable Please

X T D.6458

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Were you always left-clicking to dismiss in the past? That could be the source of frustration, since that opens the Achievement panel now. I have no idea if it's an easy fix, but perhaps they could reverse the buttons (left-click dismisses, as before, and right-click opens the panel as an added feature for QoL).


Personally, I like the feature. When I would click them in the past, I was honestly interested in learning more about the Achievement or getting an update on what was missing. I rarely clicked to dismiss.

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I think they should have just added functionality instead of adding functionality while changing what was already there. Left clicking dismissed achievement pop-ups, and changing that for the sake of changing it was really stupid. I hate change for the sake of change. The added functionality of being able to open the achievement window is great, but it should have been put on right click instead of going onto the LMB.

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You can already disable the feature by... retraining to right-click instead of left-click. (And yes, I'm also having trouble adjusting.)


In my opinion, the current mechanic is how it should have worked from the start: left-clicking for taking you to achievement is consistent with UIs across more applications and games; right-clicking to dismiss is semi-consistent.

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I really like this feature because for some reason I thought it was in the game already, so if an achievement popped up when I wasn't expecting to complete one I'd click on it expecting it to take me to the hero panel and show me what the achievement was and allowing me to check if there was any more to it (like if it was tier 1 of X or if there's a meta achievement).


I don't think I ever bothered to dismiss achievement notifications because they always disappeared quickly anyway.


Having said that I don't think changing it to right-click to open would be a problem for me, so if the current method is annoying people I'd consider that an acceptable fix.

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