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What's the most multitasking? Mirage or chrono?


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Hi, I just came back to the game and I want to play my mesmer, my first char created at the release.


I've a full viper ascended set, which is more viable for the mirage, but I can change the stats if needed, I don't mind.


I'm looking for the most multitasking class. I want to play fractals, why not start to try raids, WvW sometimes, and of course open PvE (try to solo content mostly) and events such as the one we currently have.


-So, what is the most multitasking or balanced specialization?

-What's the best to solo things?

-What's the best to farm the events (even if I know, the mesmer is probably the worst farmer of all times)

-What's the best to farm bags in WvW

-What's the most usefull prefered by the other players playing with you?

-What's the best roamer? Mirage I guess?

-What's the most balanced gears? Direct damages or viper?


Well, Recently, I played as a necromancer and an elementalist and even warrior, so I'm a bit lost. I love my mesmer (it's my first toon!) and I really want to main her again. But I want to pick the good spe because I'm not interested in changing my stats every 10 seconds!


By advance, thanks for your help fellow mesmers!

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**Best Solo**

Probably Chrono if you know what you're doing, but people will make good arguments for mirage too. Realistically you won't go wrong with either choice here.


**Best to farm events**

Probably mirage; it's got better spammable aoe and tagging stuff. That being said, most events are easily farmable without spam tagging like vanilla orr farming, so again you'll be totally fine with either choice.


**Best for WvW bags**

Scourge. Or spellbreaker. Herald too. I'm serious. Mirage is absolute trash in WvW groups. Chrono is powerful...and completely locked into the support role. You will not get a lot of bags. If you expect it you will be immensely disappointed. If you need that, you must play a different class.


**Most useful for other players**

Gotta be Chrono here. It's one of the best supports in the game for every single game mode. Hard to compete with that.


**Best roamer**

Probably mirage, but Chrono isn't bad, just a bit less flexible.


**Most balanced gear**

Kinda depends on what you mean by balanced. If you mean "useful in the most situations" then minstrels on chrono, cause you can be WvW group support, raid support, havoc support, and fractals support with it. If you need to deal damage you're gonna be out of luck though. Reverse that if you get viper instead. Long story short, no such thing. Swapping gear stats is an inescapable part of the game, and fighting against that will only result in making you bad at most of what you try to do.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> Mirage is absolute trash in WvW groups.


Unfortunetly a self fulfilling prophecy.


Zergs no longer use focus parties so classes that are excellent for it arent allowed to play effectivly, hence they suck and thats why zergs no longer use focus parties.

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Chrono pretty dominant in WVW squads here


WvW squad is all about the 5 same classes anyway ... no diversity in here.


For those who wonder which ones :

* Firebrand support

* Bubble Spellbreaker

* Hammer Herald

* Scourge bomber

* Boon Share Chronomancer.


Ofc you'll see other builds and classes ... but those are the optimized ones I got from WvW guild raids.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > Mirage is absolute trash in WvW groups.


> Unfortunetly a self fulfilling prophecy.


> Zergs no longer use focus parties so classes that are excellent for it arent allowed to play effectivly, hence they suck and thats why zergs no longer use focus parties.


?? That bit of circular logic makes no sense. If focus parties were effective, groups would use them. They're not, so they don't. There's absolutely nothing in that statement that's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


The current WvW meta is a primarily mid-range sustain ball with heavy pbaoe and mid-range pressure from scourges, disruption from spellbreakers, heavy mid-long range pressure from heralds, and powerful support from firebrands and chronos. The typical "backline" that pick groups used to delete no longer exists. If you try to get close up to take out a scourge or a herald, they'll instantly get picked up *AND* the focus group will probably get smushed from pbaoe pressure.


This has nothing to do with zergs using or not using focus groups anymore and everything to do with **why** they no longer do so. If you're convinced that it's actually good though, feel free to try it out...

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Ok so for you both are good and I'll have to craft some new gears to be really multitasking?


And is chrono only viable as a supp or the direct damages chrono is really a good thing? And is the axe the only good weapon for the mirage? I think the mirage suffer from a lack of ranged damages if so! At least, the greatsword is a real thing for the chrono!

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WvW group chrono has probably the highest extent of optimal builds for certain situations and certain skill ranges out of all classes that are acctually usefull.


It's a class that is really hard to play to it's full effect, even when using the easiest(minstrel - inspiration, chaos) variant.

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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> Ok so for you both are good and I'll have to craft some new gears to be really multitasking?


> And is chrono only viable as a supp or the direct damages chrono is really a good thing? And is the axe the only good weapon for the mirage? I think the mirage suffer from a lack of ranged damages if so! At least, the greatsword is a real thing for the chrono!


Depends on what you're talking about. For WvW groups, support Chrono is the only way to play. For solo roaming, I wouldn't recommend support Chrono. For raids or fractals, you can do either support or power Chrono.


Ditto for the mirage. For raids or fractals, you really want to stick to axe. For WvW roaming, you can use most weapons well, depending on the build.

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Ok so correct me if I'm wrong but the chronomancer is a way more flexible and multitasking thanks to his greatsword, isn't he?


The mirage is "blocked" at close range, which is a huge problem in WvW (because exept the axe, all the other weapons are not that good for condi and the staff is a way too slow to be considered as a real damage weapon) and even in the events when you have to tag a lot of mobs who die in a second!


If the chrono DPS is able to buff his mates (ofc less efficiently than the support, but still) he's logically the way to go, isn't he?

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chrono is good for wvw support example gravity well on wind of disenchant ,veil for stealth ,resistance and more mirage cant offer that

chrono is better for fractal as hybrid support with wells that heal and boon share and raids as can tank well

chrono is also good for metas and bounties as can survive and do damage

pve they both good as i solo lot of champs with my condi mirage

power/condi mirage are good wvw roaming builds if not the best

power chrono is good at roaming by in my point of view mirage is better

again this is from my experience as i have 2 mesmers chrono more of a pve high end and wvw organized team work well with revs and FB mirage condi roamer and solo pve play and champs solo.

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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> Ok so correct me if I'm wrong but the chronomancer is a way more flexible and multitasking thanks to his greatsword, isn't he?


> The mirage is "blocked" at close range, which is a huge problem in WvW (because exept the axe, all the other weapons are not that good for condi and the staff is a way too slow to be considered as a real damage weapon) and even in the events when you have to tag a lot of mobs who die in a second!


> If the chrono DPS is able to buff his mates (ofc less efficiently than the support, but still) he's logically the way to go, isn't he?


Greatsword is a base mesmer weapons. All power builds in WvW will use it unless their fetish is gimping themselves.


Scepter is still a good hybrid weapon (as is axe).


For anyone other than support chrono - which use it because it cant really use anything effectivly and at least it has some tanking skills - the problem with the staff is that its too slow at single target long range and it has way too little AoE to effectivly make up for that. Not that you cant use it, as I said support chronos do... But it really becomes an issue squeezing it into builds. Both condi and power builds use the torch, so that only leave one possible swap for it. Power builds go greatsword. Condi builds generally go another 1h for higher evade uptime to keep ticks going (condi chronos also want their shield).

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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> Hi, I just came back to the game and I want to play my mesmer, my first char created at the release.


> I've a full viper ascended set, which is more viable for the mirage, but I can change the stats if needed, I don't mind.


> I'm looking for the most multitasking class. I want to play fractals, why not start to try raids, WvW sometimes, and of course open PvE (try to solo content mostly) and events such as the one we currently have.


> -So, what is the most multitasking or balanced specialization?

> -What's the best to solo things?

> -What's the best to farm the events (even if I know, the mesmer is probably the worst farmer of all times)

> -What's the best to farm bags in WvW

> -What's the most usefull prefered by the other players playing with you?

> -What's the best roamer? Mirage I guess?

> -What's the most balanced gears? Direct damages or viper?


> Well, Recently, I played as a necromancer and an elementalist and even warrior, so I'm a bit lost. I love my mesmer (it's my first toon!) and I really want to main her again. But I want to pick the good spe because I'm not interested in changing my stats every 10 seconds!


> By advance, thanks for your help fellow mesmers!


I'd say Mirage is pretty hard to beat for solo open world play. With proper timing of active defenses, they can survive almost anything and their damage output is more than adequate even using tanky stats (as long as one of those stats is condi!). Basically, just throw on any exotic+ condi-based gear and Mirage will thrive in open world.


Farming bags in WvW? I'd say both are pretty terrible, but chrono at least has a purpose as a support role. Mirage is simply awful in the zerg. Very low impact. Stick to roaming if you want to play Mirage. They are still a nightmare in a dueling scenario.


Other players playing with you? Obviously chrono. Mirage is all about dealing and avoiding damage. Of course it still has access to all of the core utilities mesmer has, which makes them better than most classes not strictly focused on support, but chrono is the best support in the game. There's just no competition here.


If you're looking for gear that's useful across multiple game modes, it's a tough call. For instance, you could use a support set and play support in both raids/fractals and WvW zerg, but it's unlikely you'd want to use the same set for solo open world play as the damage will be painfully low. Or you could go something like Trailblazer Mirage, which would be perfect for roaming and open world play, but inappropriate for raids. Viper would cover you for raids and open world, but you'd probably feel a bit squishy using it for roaming. Long story short: There is no build that is perfectly adapted to use the same gear set in every game mode. You can do it, but it will never be ideal.







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-So, what is the most multitasking or balanced specialization?


-What's the best to solo things?

Mirage condi

-What's the best to farm the events (even if I know, the mesmer is probably the worst farmer of all times)

Chrono GS

-What's the best to farm bags in WvW

none support chrono bit better well of gravity but u will get less bags then scourges and fbs

-What's the most usefull prefered by the other players playing with you?

chrono pve dungeons,fract,raids,wvw organized guild/team

power mirage havoc squad

-What's the best roamer? Mirage I guess?


-What's the most balanced gears? Direct damages or viper?

wvw roaming condi/trailblazer power/shatter zerk both mirage

condi solo pve mirage trailblazer ,viper ,dire

power hybrid chrono GS/sword/shield metas,bounties.... wanderer,celestial,marshal.......as armor set zerk trinkets zerk weapons(these are my personal preferences)


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If you're interested, I decided to play as a chronomancer since the mirage is (in my opinion) too stupid to play ^^


I'm interested in doing something more than just create 3 clones and spam my auto attack with my axe! I've got the impression that you don't have any skill cap with the mirage but the chrono in the other hand is really harder to master and then more interesting.


Thanks again for all your advices!


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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> If you're interested, I decided to play as a chronomancer since the mirage is (in my opinion) too stupid to play ^^


> I'm interested in doing something more than just create 3 clones and spam my auto attack with my axe! I've got the impression that you don't have any skill cap with the mirage but the chrono in the other hand is really harder to master and then more interesting.


> Thanks again for all your advices!



It's harder to master Chrono for stuff such as Fractals and Raids, but don't underestimate the potency of the dodge mechanic on Mirage for other game modes. Being able to use your two dodges at any point during your rotation as Mirage makes for some very interesting gameplay in PvP and WvW. It also allows a level of constant reactive gameplay that we've not had before - it's very satisfying using your dodges to cover important key skills to undermine your opponent's actions. Personally, I find Mirage has a huge capacity for build diversity due to the dodge mechanic and it's great for theory crafting your own builds.


If you can master Chrono though, you'll find it easy to play everything else in the game to a good level. You'll also be in high demand for most content in the game.

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