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The maximum gold you ever had in your wallet?

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A bit above 1500 through five of patience...cause in video games i am a stingy person that doesn't like to spend. It was after the griffon. PvP league and mystic coins helped quite a lot.


Then I spent hundred in mount skins, weapon skins and gorgeous dyes. Just because. Now I've hit 1000 again. Feel good. Maybe I should just throw it away.


Hell, I may be the only player from launch day that never acquired a single legendary...



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> My peak amount was a little over 3k gold. At that point I decided to start buying gems with gold so I stashed 500 gold in the TP for sudden expenses as a buy order and now whenever I get about 120 gold or so I buy enough gems that I have about 10 gold left in the bank. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah I do the same.. I determined that 2-3k gold was a sensible point to start exchanging small amounts for gems every now and then, though I do like to buy an amount each month as well to help keep coffers primed and support. Of course there have been times when ANET have done things that make me think no more gems for a while so that helps in my quest to stockpile as much gold as my big boy pants can hold :)


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I just saw [this](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/values.summary.value "https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/values.summary.value") graph when looking for something on GW2efficiency. It shows gold per hour spent playing against other players. I thought I was doing okish tbh but im on the average gold amount per hours spent playing. I have 9 chars in full ascended gear and 11 sets of ascended though and dont buy gems with money.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Are you serious OP? Well, maybe you dont really do profitable content on this game, but 17g is absolutely nothing lol i'm more surprised you've been playing since start.

> The most I've had was like 450g if I remember well, and i've spent a lot of gold on getting some crafting disciplines to lv 500, crafting ascended equipment (cost reduced because I gather materials A LOT) and one 150g commission from a guildie <3 but yeah, the most profitable content I do are Fractals and the mandatory dailies.


> Also i'm a 3 month old player.


I'm serious. :P I guess I spend too much time taking screenshots and writing my characters' stories... Not enough farming! The only dailies I manage to do are festivals...


Man, I think I'm gonna do a new alt, a human beggar, you make me feel poor, lol! An unemployed farmer... He'll go see the job-o-tron everyday, in Lion's Arch... He'll bug other players for a copper or two, to buy farming equipment!

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> @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

> > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > Are you serious OP? Well, maybe you dont really do profitable content on this game, but 17g is absolutely nothing lol i'm more surprised you've been playing since start.

> > The most I've had was like 450g if I remember well, and i've spent a lot of gold on getting some crafting disciplines to lv 500, crafting ascended equipment (cost reduced because I gather materials A LOT) and one 150g commission from a guildie <3 but yeah, the most profitable content I do are Fractals and the mandatory dailies.

> >

> > Also i'm a 3 month old player.


> I'm serious. :P I guess I spend too much time taking screenshots and writing my characters' stories... Not enough farming! The only dailies I manage to do are festivals...


> Man, I think I'm gonna do a new alt, a human beggar, you make me feel poor, lol! An unemployed farmer... He'll go see the job-o-tron everyday, in Lion's Arch... He'll bug other players for a copper or two, to buy farming equipment!


Have you tried using the TP as a savings account?


Each day put some gold away as a buy order on something expensive. I use buy orders on Eternity. It doesn’t have to be very much. For example, if you do the daily immediately make a one or two gold buy order. Another way to do it is to have a baseline amount of gold that’s in your wallet for day to day needs and at the end of each play period any amount over the baseline is used to make a buy order. You can always cancel them periodically, combine the gold and make a new buy order when you have a number of them. Putting the gold away each day out of immediate reach and out of mind makes it easier to resist temptation and helps stop frivolous purchases. It’s how savings accounts work as opposed to checking accounts which are for day to day purchases. The nice thing about buy orders is that there are no charges for making one so a one gold buy order is still one gold when you cancel it.


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Slightly over 500 gold, but only once. I rarely get above 100 usually. But then again, according to gw2efficiency my material storage is packed to the point where I'm in the top 5% if I were to liquidate all my assets at once, so I guess not having gold in my wallet isn't a problem :) .

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Currently I have 4,134 gold, but I've had up around 8000 at one point. I have a guild full of casuals that have their griffon, so it's probably more an issue of not knowing or not trying to get more. Because there's no way if you've played since launch you should have 17 gold max.

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About 300 gold, I think. I was saving for the griffon. Then I saw it wasn't a flat gold fee, but a series of giant collections. So I cashed that in for gems and picked up LW S3 instead. After that, everything's gone to either dye collecting (gave up once I hit the over 10 gold/per dyes), getting my magic find to 300% (all done! woo hoo!), or buying a few farming nodes for my home instance.

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