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Wordly impact needs a serious nerf


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I am sorry ..I love to play my ranger but jesus guys....the damage is indeed a tad too high and really I am not using sic'em and the dmg still too high seen as we have classes in game with 10k base HP and I can hit light armor golems for 9k no boons or sic em, with demolisher amulet.


The 2.2 dmg coefficient of WI is too high and should be lowered to 1.2-1.5 I believe and then see from there if enough

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> I am sorry ..I love to play my ranger but jesus guys....the damage is indeed a tad too high and really I am not using sic'em and the dmg still too high seen as we have classes in game with 10k base HP and I can hit light armor golems for 9k no boons or sic em, with demolisher amulet.


> The 2.2 dmg coefficient of WI is too high and should be lowered to 1.2-1.5 I believe and then see from there if enough



Does the 3.0 eviscerate require a nerf?


What about DE back stab?


Gravedigger has a shorter cd and you can move while casting a 3.0 coeff spam


All the above have shorter cd than wi. But suddenly 2.2 coeff for ranger is too much? No.


There are other mechanics and math involved. WI isn't the problem.

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Before last balance patch it seems there was no complain on worldly impact, and last balance patch there was no change damage wise, only cast time.


Maybe it hits higher damage due to buff on beastmastery traitline, i’ll be more careful on asking nerf on damage on WI though especially with current power meta for almost all profession. Personally i think the damage is fine as per current condition.

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Hi there. Nearly any class in the game with the right investment can hit you for similar amounts of damage in the same amount of time.


Worldly Impact is stationary. Meaning it can not be used to track feeling targets. It MUST be used on a target that is either locked down in melee range or is stupidly eating it in the face.


In order to reach that damage the ranger has to prebuff. Against someone of your level of armor he either precasted maul. Had high stacks of might AND/or used another damage multiple such as remorseless or sic em to boost his damage.


Yes worldly impact can hit that hard. IT SHOULD. Do you have any idea how many fights in PvP I can barely win by doing an INCREDIBLY risky set up to boost worldly impacts damage? And im considered a pretty damn good soulbeast by most. Maybe not the best but up there. If you perform any significant nerf to worldly impact I would likely have lost those fights and will in the future. So what am I supposed to do then? I already barely have the necessary damage to fulfill my roll against alot of the stuff I am up against.


Again this isnt some newb saying this who just needs to learn to play and find other damage sources. I have found ALL of the damage sources. Other than running a hyperburst set up like harshmasters I have crammed as much damage into my build that I can while still being viable and it is still BARELY enough at the level I play at.


And for those saying he should ask for a nerf to sic em. Same deal. Nerf it and you screw over every ranger in the game as they suddenly realize how subpar their base damage is once again. I wonder how many months it would take for a relevant damage increase to our other skills. That wont matter because they will continue to nerf our only reliable pet in the game.


Inb4 "I cant believe your defending this cancer" or "You only want it around because it keeps you OP"


If I seem condescending I apologize. I realize that is how my phrasing could be portrayed but it is not how it is meant. I am just really worried about how close soulbeast is on the line between viable and non viable. And yes one change like this can be all it takes to push us back down. And no I dont believe that we would get a compensative buff that matters in another spot. I think the nerf will happen there will be a small buff or a rework to an unused skill. And then 6 months later we will get a relevant damage buff or rework that causes either the exact same thing to occur again in a different way or a radical shift in how i am forced to play my class. Yay.


That last part is mostly sarcastic. As suprising as this may seem I actually have a decent amount of faith in the balance team OVERALL. But their individual decision making on balancing choices in the past has left me with massive question marks over my head before.

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You do need to setup quite a bit to actually land the skill, it's stationary, obvious and in my opinion not the most cost effective burst skill there is. If you dislike being bursted down, Core Guard with either GS or Hammer can offload just as much if not more in a short time. I believe the argument should be about burst windows instead of specific skills.


I also want to point out that Core Ranger is playable and if we look at the good players on it, it doesn't need WI to do well.


But anyway we can discuss the use of WI as so many have.

For example off my head,

(1) The most obvious way is to use Smoke Assault into the knockdown into WI. Most people know it by now and either dodge as the SA evade ends or CC if they have perfect timing. Rangers better than me (most Rangers likely) confident about their reaction time have been known to just stand there observing reactions to SA, and this mind game can bait things.

(2) wait for pet "random" CC then merge and WI, but even under quickness WI takes 0.5 seconds to cast and you can likely break stun to dodge or whatnot.

(3) wait for a clean GS 5 stun hit to merge, knockdown, Maul and WI. For me unless you have tight ping the stun is a bit random because of positioning issues.

(4) use Smokescale smoke field + GS, or LB stealth to land a stealthed merge WI. If you're observant you'll probably see the Smokescale disappear with merge.

(5) time it so the enemy walks into a WI while trying to engage the Ranger in melee. This is a lot more effective if you're doing jump puzzles and they are forced to chase you.


There's plenty of tells to WI and if you fight Rangers long enough you can feel for when they might use it.

From my experience WI doesn't really matter until you're late into the fight and drew out most of the defensives and dodges from the enemy. Or if they're new and stand there while it is cast. Or if you're doing a +1 into someone who's exhausted CDs/distracted.

Most of the damage is still going to come from RF, Maul, the pet and some chip damage, and/or burst windows created by Sic 'Em.

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> @"Shadelang.3012" said: ...I am just really worried about how close soulbeast is on the line between viable and non viable. And yes one change like this can be all it takes to push us back down. And no I dont believe that we would get a compensative buff that matters in another spot. I think the nerf will happen there will be a small buff or a rework to an unused skill. And then 6 months later we will get a relevant damage buff or rework that causes either the exact same thing to occur again in a different way or a radical shift in how i am forced to play my class. Yay.


> That last part is mostly sarcastic. As suprising as this may seem I actually have a decent amount of faith in the balance team OVERALL. But their individual decision making on balancing choices in the past has left me with massive question marks over my head before.


I also don't want both PvE and PvP power SB to be poorly nerfed which is why I would implore rangers like yourself to look at the BUGS with WI. I've posted the weird interaction several times but it hasn't really opened much discussion from experienced rangers.


Unlike most other traits/skills in the game, WI is the only skill I know that buffs itself. Specifically Live Fast and beastly warden interactions: Even though they are supposed to proc at the finish of WI, they technically proc before the damage of WI happens. This allows WI to buff itself with live fast --> remorseless. This allows WI to buff itself with beastly warden taunt --> MoC, Twice as Vicious, Sigil of severance (WvW) and Sigil of ruthlessness (PvP). These collectively cause insane buffs/damage on WI out of stealth with minimal setup/counter play.


Changing WI to have LF and BW proc after the damage won't affect the boon beast build you are popularizing. It won't affect PvE zerker DPS SB. It only prevents those "easy" 40k+ WI from MM/BM/SB builds.


While not a bug, something else to be considered is whether missing with Maul should still apply AoO bonus to the SB. I don't think it should. PvE SB won't care about this since you shouldn't be missing your Maul in the DPS rotation. At best, it's a minor nerf to the opening burst for PvE. Good SB in PvP will land their Maul combo. You just won't be able to stealth, miss a maul on purpose, then WI with all the buffs.



None of those were with might/vulnerability, food or sigil of severance. They can definitely go much higher. Just opening 1 hit KO depending on if I land the interrupt, lose my scholar bonus and if I precast maul. I don't have a problem with the low end. It's the bugged high end.

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Remorseless has always caused huge scaling. It was the source of the one shot DRUID build that harshmaster was using before. Remorseless' interactions have always been fuzzy. But only a few rangers are able to actually pull this off reliably in pvp scenarios.


EDIT: Beast Warden Activates at the end of the animation. Yay inconsistent behavior. So this is a non issue.


Live fast I can understand. it does pop boons at the end of the animation but before the damage tick. So it can provide its own remorseless strike.


Keep in mind however that this involves taking an other wise bad trait combined with an utterly terrible pvp traitline. You can gimmick it yes. But in actual fights Marksmanship traitline KILLS YOU. Good for rolling new players or catching good players by surprise. But incredibly easy to punish.


You absolutely should be able to precast maul. Maul is one of the most easily avoided skills in the game. Used more to bait dodges in order to set up other attacks than for its damage. It CAN become relevant towards the end of a fight when the enemy has nothing left to stop it with. Losing the prebuffing capabilities takes away so many combos for soulbeasts. It also massively detracts on overall pressure from greatsword soulbeasts in long term fights. youd be amazed how much of a difference that 25% makes over the course of engagements with just normal attacks. This is one part I wont budge on with my opinion. You say good soulbeasts will land their maul combo in pvp. Your wrong. Because good players will avoid it. Lets also remember that worldly impact is only ONE of the skills that are chained with maul. Almost always that damage boost is burned in a hilt bash. A swoop. A counter attack. A gs auto. or any other merged skill. Skills that need this occasional boost to be able to maintain pressure. Yes I do try to combine wordly impact with maul. But that is maybe 1/10th the combos that i perform.


People act like the stealth combo is somehow super common in PvP. I played a tournament the other day and I used that combo maybe once in the entire tournament. Because the people I am fighting simply wont stick around and let you do it. And going for it leaves you HEAVILY vulnerable. If you fuck it up you die most likely. Most other soulbeasts I fight dont even try for it. Because it is so incredibly obvious when its going to happen that I can just swoop/wolf leap away and keep kiting back till they are out of stealth. And the most they MIGHT have gained out of it is a momentary decap as I return and proceed to kill them as they wasted their primary damage setup on something that didnt even happen.


You intentionally posted screenshots of one of the single most extreme cases possible for worldy impact. Remorseless+ sic em + guaranteed crit+ ferocity + full zerk + scholar + Pack alpha + the bonus damage from fury. Lets remember that two of those damage multipliers require you to be above 90% health.


I would respect that image more if you also included more realistic pvp and wvw scenarios. Where you aren't full zerk. You arent fully commited to damage output. You aren't running a gimmicky one shot build that dies the second I breathe on it and blows its entire load in one go and hopes it can kill its opponent in a six-ten second window and that they dont just pop an invuln,chain evades,blind spam. aegis spam, teleport/shadowstep out or otherwise completely negate it. In pvp wordly impact can land for as little as 1.5k if I have weakness. Or as much as 11k if I pull it off PERFECTLY. That is a huge variance where MOST of the possible damage it would have been better for me to continue the auto attack chain and wait for a better opportunity.


Note I didnt say the damage numbers weren't too high. THE ABSOLUTE EXTREME CASE yes they are too high. But in EVERY OTHER CASE they are normal. In some cases only BARELY worth the risk/setup it requires and heavily punishable.


I want to be clear that the ONLY portion of the burst combo I would nerf right now is remorseless. Which I feel could use a full rework to make opening strike a steadier more reliable mechanic to encourage the use of Marksmanship outside of gimmick builds or pve.


To be clear. Rangers high damage spikes existed BEFORE soulbeast and WI came out. Harshmaster was one rounding people before path of fire. He caught me out with it several times in the past and its always gotten an impressed nod from me. Its only recently that it became a "problem" because it has always (and still mostly does) require incredibly flimsy builds that require the stars to align to pull off.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> Unlike most other traits/skills in the game, WI is the only skill I know that buffs itself. Specifically Live Fast and beastly warden interactions: Even though they are supposed to proc at the finish of WI, they technically proc before the damage of WI happens. This allows WI to buff itself with live fast --> remorseless. This allows WI to buff itself with beastly warden taunt --> MoC, Twice as Vicious, Sigil of severance (WvW) and Sigil of ruthlessness (PvP). These collectively cause insane buffs/damage on WI out of stealth with minimal setup/counter play.

Just here to say Life Fast **triggers after** the WI has hit. Same as Beastly Warden. Sorry to say this but your argument is invalid. That damage can be done only by a meme build with all the perks on. The game is full of those.


Here we have a malicious backstab from stealth doing the same amount of damage in a tanky build (said by the DE in question) to my tanky build.


I just can dismiss the OP claims as other meme builds exists in all the classes (and there are many memes in this game) and are left untouched. Maybe Anet is looking for one shot builds for this expansion. I can't say.


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@"Shadelang.3012" @"anduriell.6280" well.... that's not entirely true unless a change went unmentioned somewhere.


Afaik even though the it appears the way you guys describe in game, Live Fast will trigger Remorseless and Open Strikes and apply the 100% crit and damage bonus to the WI hit.


Beastly Warden actually compounds the issue because if the taunt interrupts and you're using Moment of Clarity, it will also apply the Moment of Clarity damage boost to the WI hit.


Even though the effects all trigger at the end of the animation, the traits all interact sometime before the damage calculation of WI, again, unless that was stealth changed somewhere.


When I was running the build back when Soulbeast first came out, I actually really enjoyed the trait interactions and thought it was the only useful thing about Soulbeast. But I also don't feel that it's programmed quite right.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > Unlike most other traits/skills in the game, WI is the only skill I know that buffs itself. Specifically Live Fast and beastly warden interactions: Even though they are supposed to proc at the finish of WI, they technically proc before the damage of WI happens. This allows WI to buff itself with live fast --> remorseless. This allows WI to buff itself with beastly warden taunt --> MoC, Twice as Vicious, Sigil of severance (WvW) and Sigil of ruthlessness (PvP). These collectively cause insane buffs/damage on WI out of stealth with minimal setup/counter play.

> Just here to say Life Fast **triggers after** the WI has hit. Same as Beastly Warden. Sorry to say this but your argument is invalid. That damage can be done only by a meme build with all the perks on. The game is full of those.

How about you actually do a good job testing it. Or look at my screenshot and the explanation. Or equip gear with no precision. Waste an opening strike. The press F3 and see if it crits all the time or not.

> @"Shadelang.3012" said:

> ...

> EDIT: Beast Warden Activates at the end of the animation. Yay inconsistent behavior. So this is a non issue.

> ...

> Keep in mind however that this involves taking an other wise bad trait combined with an utterly terrible pvp traitline. You can gimmick it yes. But in actual fights Marksmanship traitline KILLS YOU. Good for rolling new players or catching good players by surprise. But incredibly easy to punish.

> ...

> People act like the stealth combo is somehow super common in PvP. I played a tournament the other day and I used that combo maybe once in the entire tournament. Because the people I am fighting simply wont stick around and let you do it. And going for it leaves you HEAVILY vulnerable. If you kitten it up you die most likely. Most other soulbeasts I fight dont even try for it. Because it is so incredibly obvious when its going to happen that I can just swoop/wolf leap away and keep kiting back till they are out of stealth. And the most they MIGHT have gained out of it is a momentary decap as I return and proceed to kill them as they wasted their primary damage setup on something that didnt even happen.

> ...

> Note I didnt say the damage numbers weren't too high. THE ABSOLUTE EXTREME CASE yes they are too high. But in EVERY OTHER CASE they are normal. In some cases only BARELY worth the risk/setup it requires and heavily punishable.


How do you propose the ABSOLUTE EXTREME CASES get nerfed while EVERY OTHER CASE being left alone?


I KNOW IT'S BAD! If it doesn't work in tournaments, then the nerfs to those extremes shouldn't affect you. I agree with you THAT EVERY OTHER CASE is normal. That's the point I'm trying to make. I am saying the extremes are out of hand and the extremes are what get a ton of noobs calling for nerfs after seeing rediculous 1 hit KO WI. I do not trust Anet to nerf this properly unless it becomes common knowledge as to how the extremes happen.


Here is a post where I talk about how gimmicky it is:


I never meant to deceive with that screenshot. I used my PvE stuff because it's easy to test the interrupt traits/scholar bonus vs a dumb AI than a real player. For the full context of that screen shot:


> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> 1) My first world impact is 20.4k. A shark bit me for 2.5k right before. With my 17.4k health, that means I lost my double scholar bonus.

> 2) The 39k and 40.9k you can see have interrupts proc right before I hit the sand shark and I had my full scholar bonus from not being hit. I also pre-cast Maul for the 25% AoO bonus.

> 3) The 31.3k is also an interrupt but no maul precast.

> 4) The 23.3k was a standard Sic'em F3 nothing else.


> Situation 2 and 3 both have full scholar bonus and interrupt --> MoC procs. The difference between 3 and 2 is about 25% from the math which matches with pre-cassted Maul's AoO being 25%. The difference between 3 and 4 is an interrupt MoC AoO which is a 50%. Math adds up. I repeat, I had zero might/vuln being applied here but this is of course PvE gear. All of these were remorseless opening strikes which also adds 25% to a single hit. All of them of course also had Sic'em when I cast F3.


So first point of the screen shot: I am aware of how much the damage can swing from low end to high end.


Second point of the screen shot: Look at the screenshot carefully. The interrupt procs BEFORE THE DAMAGE. Actually test this yourself. Time a beastly warden F3 to INTERRUPT then nothing else. It taunts at the end of the cast BUT BEFORE THE DAMAGE ACTUALLY HAPPENS. There will not be a AoO buff on your buff bar because the WI used up the buff. Or turn on your combat log like I did and just see what order the skills proc.


I am aware of the "triple scholar" bonus. I'm not acting like the stealth combo is super common or that the MM build is viable at high tier play. I even give people in both of those threads advice on how to counter the cheese.


Maul bonus is only 25% not 50% for merged SB but it's not the main problem I have. With the current BW weirdness, you can stack Maul and MoC AoO on WI because the BW taunt doesn't waste the maul buff. Again, this is the ABSOLUTE EXTREME CASE. All the other CC that SB can use to proc MoC would waste the Maul AoO buff because all the other CCs do damage. If the BW/WI stuff is fixed I'm also fine leaving Maul as is. I'll defer to your judgement here.

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> @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> Uhhh again another hater man learn to play...... if you got hit by wordlyimpact you deserve to loss sorry man


This has nothing to do with skill level. It has to do with the damage output vs. armor. What's the point of the toughness attribute if it barely mitigates any damage?

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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:

> > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> > Uhhh again another hater man learn to play...... if you got hit by wordlyimpact you deserve to loss sorry man


> This has nothing to do with skill level. It has to do with the damage output vs. armor. What's the point of the toughness attribute if it barely mitigates any damage?


I have a feeling a bunch of people would agree that some skills and combos are putting out too much damage... I know you have that one experience to highlight for this thread, but I hope you realize that there are a plethora of crazy damage numbers floating around from all professions. I suggest instead of pointing to 1 skill for nerfing, you should look deeper at what all professions are doing and come up with some ways to address the issues globally. I say all that because you won't find much sympathy by pointing to that 13k vs your armor when you have much higher numbers floating around the game.

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You were correct on the live fast. Which I stated previously. You were also correct on beastly warden. I just tested that myself to confirm however im having difficulty confirming it entirely. The interaction is wierd and Id need another player. Frankly. I have no idea why it works that way. Having those fixed would be nice. I agree..


Other than that calm down. I am not trying to attack you though I am told I speak very bluntly. I apologize if it came off that way.


You say the potential nerfs aren't going to affect us. Heres what WILL affect us.


Causing maul not to pop AOO if it misses. Will effect every ranger in the game negatively. Maul is the most dodged/blocked/blinded skill on our arsenal. Yes a good ranger can land more often. But good players avoid it more often as well. Maul is used as a setup for another skill when it misses. Giving us an opportunity to get some of that damage back if we are able to land the follow up hit. I vote this mechanic should stay.


Sic Em. is a vital part of nearly every competitive build now. Any nerfs to this can only be harmful. A rangers base damage in a competitive build actually has a hard time eating through the sustain of its competition. It relies heavily on boosts in order to overpressure that damage. Our biggest boost is Sic Em.


Thats why I recommended we start the nerfs with remorseless. (And now that ive tested the bugs myself) as well as the live fast and beastly warden interactions. Its clear these effects are supposed to trigger at the end of the animation. So im not sure why they trigger before the damage unless arena net did it intentionally to create these kind of spike opportunities. I dislike inconsistent behavior....greatly. Its why i get really annoyed when I use rock gazelle....that damn charge man. (Gazelle laughs mockingly from another realm of existence after it disappeared after traveling 2 feet)


Remorseless is the outlier. Its a heavy damage boost that relies on a specific trait and traitline to trigger reliably. (Live Fast +Marksmanship) this means that reworking remorseless would do less damage to the overall number of builds.Which should be the goal in reducing the effects of an overscaling gimmick. These changes would tone down the one shot build significantly. While still leaving the potential for high damage spike builds so that people who enjoy that playstyle like harshmaster dont get completely shafted and we don't ALSO nerf every competitively set up ranger in the game.



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I'm not angry with you. Bugs like this are tricky and I started caps locking certain clauses to make certain parts very clear about how the bug happens.


I can get behind a remorseless rework because I don't like the fact that only 1 GM trait in MM properly utilizes the minor traits. However, Remorseless, Maul AoO and Sic'em all give 25% damage bonuses for SB. Sic'em obviously being the best because it buffs for a duration (and I don't want this nerfed at all) but how is remorseless OP when Maul AoO isn't?


What if I want to run MM, WS, BM and use WS to proc fury for remorseless on base ranger? Is that 25% bonus that OP? So I'm against nerfing remorseless because it's a base ranger trait. You've also said that running MM on SB will get you killed. I'm a sucker for glass cannon builds but you're right: I get killed a lot when I run it. I'm ok not having as high of an MMR while playing a build I enjoy. So why does the "bad" traitline get nerfed? I'm not saying Maul should be nerfed. I just don't get why 1 of the 25% buffs is bad but the other is ok. They both also apply 5 vulnerability so it's not even like that is different.


The only way MM would be OP is if there was an interrupt sigil that gave fury on interrupt. Or if you're crazy and run the BM/MM trait lines then get a lucky fury proc on two-handed training while interrupting your GS5. Or if you land an interrupt, press a button that gives fury but doesn't do damage (traited QZ or Moa stance), then land a heavy hitter. That would give your next attack the MoC and remorseless proc at the same time. Ouch. Then again, all of the above have actual tells and most decent players will dodge the CC, have stab or stunbreak away from the burst. So MM maybe is too strong but it's MoC 50% not remorseless 25% that really makes MM too bursty at times.


We both agree sic'em and WI themselves don't need a nerf. We both also agree that the BW, LF, WI combo needs to be bug fixed. I'm glad we're on the same page there. Personally, if MM needs a nerf, which I'm not sure it does, it should be MoC.

Edit: To be clear, if the above bug fixes happen, I don't think Maul needs a nerf either.

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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:

> > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> > Uhhh again another hater man learn to play...... if you got hit by wordlyimpact you deserve to loss sorry man


> This has nothing to do with skill level. It has to do with the damage output vs. armor. What's the point of the toughness attribute if it barely mitigates any damage?


I get it, you believe that your armor should of saved you from a Juiced Up Worldly Impact.


You're going to need to dodge or get out of the way

or better yet, don't walk right into that pain.


-Find it telling and curious that you chose badsanta post to respond to....when you had one of the most knowledgeable/skilled rangers in the game

patiently explain.




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There's alot wierd crap about these posts and comments first off op a dps class should be able to kill a bunker, your toughness being that high you probably had high health, from reading your post history I'm. Gonna guess you run a minstrel druid. And in this case ya worldy impact is hella balanced. Also you should know that armour is soft capped at 3k your extra tougness really dosnt due much.


Most classes can do the same amount of burst I'm the same amount of time just, before you cry nerf on a highly telegraphed skill go to the other forums and cry for nerfs on the teleport retal gaurds (who can do 20k bursts and still have crazy survivability) or mantra mesmers who can do 25k bursts at range with no projectiles, or the theifs who can do 20-30k hits from stealth and run tanky as fuck (intelligence runes and valk stats)


Want to know how to shut down this skill run protection.


I wish more skills were like worldyimpact highly telegraphed 1 hit hard gamge changers.


Instead of all the spammy low CD zero investment bs.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > I am sorry ..I love to play my ranger but jesus guys....the damage is indeed a tad too high and really I am not using sic'em and the dmg still too high seen as we have classes in game with 10k base HP and I can hit light armor golems for 9k no boons or sic em, with demolisher amulet.

> >

> > The 2.2 dmg coefficient of WI is too high and should be lowered to 1.2-1.5 I believe and then see from there if enough


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eviscerate

> Does the 3.0 eviscerate require a nerf?

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Malicious_Backstab

> What about DE back stab?

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gravedigger

> Gravedigger has a shorter cd and you can move while casting a 3.0 coeff spam


> All the above have shorter cd than wi. But suddenly 2.2 coeff for ranger is too much? No.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49686/i-am-confused#latest

> There are other mechanics and math involved. WI isn't the problem.


Yes you're right, I do apologise

I had to test things personally, went back to core ranger with BM-WS-MM with remorseless and the dmg definitely is off, I don't remember any dmg buff except **farsighted**, this is a bug , somewhere there is a bug causing wrong dmg modifier, it is possible that **opening strike** renewed by **remorseless** is being calculated at more than 25%, similar bug happened to meteor storm recently

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