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I am displeased about the removal of a thread

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Hello guys. I am not sure if I am breaking any rules now but I feel that even if I am it needs to be done. Quite recently one user on this formu posted quite long and detailed thread about raid toxicity and what to do to get to raids. Then this thread dissapeared. After a while I relised that that person is on the same discord with me and told us that it was shut down by a moderator. Today he showed us the reasoning that was send to him by the moderator why he did get a warning and his thread was shut down and I was very ofended by it. And that is why I decided to write this post.


In summary author said that raid is not toxic if you pull your weight and to do so you should have meta build, learn fights before you join and whisper the commander if you dont have enough Li.


The moderator said that this thread was reported by multiple members because author expected players too folow nonexistant rules and if they dont they will be subjected to toxic behavior and that this means that raiders dont welcome indipendent thinkers.


Lets break it down:

Players that want to clear raids (we are not talking about training raids) want to do it as soon as possible. If they wanted to do it with 9 players they wouldnt look for the 10th one. There are 10 players in squad and not just you. If you want to be carried in raids then you can PAY someone who is selling raids. If you join a squad and expect them to carry you then you are basicaly making them do the same thing but for free.

If i have a squad full with players that want to play meta I DONT HAVE TO ACCEPT player that doesnt. Its the same as if there is a squad full of non meta builds and I join with meta build. The have same right to kick me.

Also the author said a way to get around those "rules". He said that if he is asking for something and you dont have it you can always ask the commander if he/she allows it.

And the last part offended me the most. "Raids do not welcome indipended thinkers". That mean I am not indipendent thinker since am raiding and I never met any toxicity. Raids welcome indipendent thinkers. You will get further if you can adapt to your team composition and bosses. Raids do not welcome thinkers similar to those that belive that earth is flat. The fact that earth isnt flat was proven by many people yet someone can still argue that it is not true. I dont want to deal with a "thinker" that have more toughness with dps firebrand then minstrel chrono tank (that happend to me). Am I toxic if I, as a commander, kick this player (after asking him if he forgot to change this gear)?


Truth be told if you dont follow those rules stated by the author, it is much more likely that players will be toxic to you. You might feel that raiders are toxic but the way I see it our "toxicity" is there only because you started it. We (at least me) think that you are toxic if you expect us to carry you.


And I welcome new raiders to raids. I am teaching newcomers how to raid quite frequently. That doesnt meant that if I want fast clear with experianced players I will take someone who is not experianced just because he want to raid.


I am sorry if you think i am toxic now. I had to rewrite this post many times to turn down my rage. But I will not stand by when I am beeing insulted by others without fighting back.

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I assume moderation is automated at this point. If a post or thread receaives enough reports it's taken down and you get a generic message based on the most common reason ppl offered. (Might not be the case, what do I know, it just feels a lot like it)

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> When I presented this to the author if he is ok with me writing this he had same reply. It will get baned too. If nothing more it informed those that dont know why they cannot find it anymore and also helped me went my anger


If you want to have healthier discussion about the game, use reddit. This place is good only for patchnotes.

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Why not just join a group of friends doing raids or a guild that your in? People whom create groups/squads ect (regardless of what its for>> fractals, dungeons or raids) will always advertise whether they are looking for a specific group of (experienced) players to complete the zone as quickly as possible or no previous experience needed, just stick to the ones that allow you to play the way you want to play & don't bother with the other ones.

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I dont want to raid asap. I want to enjoy it. I want it to be a challenge and a new situation everytime. I want to test MY BUILD on certain Boss's.

I do play MMORPG's because i want to get into my character, build something like a story. For example building a tanky one, who can still deal a lot of damage through conditions. It would do literally not more then 10-15k dps on golem even with full buffs. I still want to play THAT build.

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> I dont want to raid asap. I want to enjoy it. I want it to be a challenge and a new situation everytime. I want to test MY BUILD on certain Boss's.

> I do play MMORPG's because i want to get into my character, build something like a story. For example building a tanky one, who can still deal a lot of damage through conditions. It would do literally not more then 10-15k dps on golem even with full buffs. I still want to play THAT build.


That doesn't exist, balance in gw2 is shit. You either go full dmg, or do f all dmg.

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> I dont want to raid asap. I want to enjoy it. I want it to be a challenge and a new situation everytime. I want to test MY BUILD on certain Boss's.

> I do play MMORPG's because i want to get into my character, build something like a story. For example building a tanky one, who can still deal a lot of damage through conditions. It would do literally not more then 10-15k dps on golem even with full buffs. I still want to play THAT build.


I dont have a problem with that. All I am saying is that if you decided to play certain build because you want to regardless of the math behind it you might be excluded from squad because you are holding them back. I am not saying that you cannot play that build, just that if you want to play it you need to find another players that will accept you. Just because you dont eat meat doesnt meen that you can force your belives onto others.

Raiders arent forcing you to play specific build. They will simply play with someone that does and that is a diference.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:



> > @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> > I dont want to raid asap. I want to enjoy it. I want it to be a challenge and a new situation everytime. I want to test MY BUILD on certain Boss's.

> > I do play MMORPG's because i want to get into my character, build something like a story. For example building a tanky one, who can still deal a lot of damage through conditions. It would do literally not more then 10-15k dps on golem even with full buffs. I still want to play THAT build.


> That doesn't exist, balance in gw2 is kitten. You either go full dmg, or do f all dmg.


wth sure its called wvw builds

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@"ButcherofMalakir.4067" , you're completely right. The thread was good, sound advice and it was far from toxic.


But as you can see; there's already 5+ users happy and somehow proud to report you. So... I guess this will be bye for a week or two.


I understand your frustration, but getting infracted won't accomplish anything but get you more frustrated.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.


You didn't read the thread

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.


So you are saying that if I have lfg title: "1000Li 50 duuhm kp druid", player join and one of these things happen:

1) player doesnt have Li

2) player doesnt have kp

3) player doesnt have druid

I have no right to kick them and have to do full clear with them?

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.


> So you are saying that if I have lfg title: "1000Li 50 duuhm kp druid", player join and one of these things happen:

> 1) player doesnt have Li

> 2) player doesnt have kp

> 3) player doesnt have druid

> I have no right to kick them and have to do full clear with them?


Yes,. be friendly and help out fellow players.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.

> >

> > So you are saying that if I have lfg title: "1000Li 50 duuhm kp druid", player join and one of these things happen:

> > 1) player doesnt have Li

> > 2) player doesnt have kp

> > 3) player doesnt have druid

> > I have no right to kick them and have to do full clear with them?


> Yes,. be friendly and help out fellow players.




If we played like that, pugs would never kill dhuum cm / dhuum. The chance of getting more than 8-9 capable players, which is required for dhuum with pugs, is insanely small. Even this one pug can, without any issues, wipe the group several times.


If we had to raid like this, I honestly would NOT do my raid clears at all. I'm very happy to host training raids on MY terms and MY free time. I'm not going to raid at all if EVERY run is a training run, where anyone who joins can hold everyone else hostage.


How does the 10th person get to join, do and play whatever they like - but everyone else has to put up with it? What if this ruins the enjoyment of the other 9 players?

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.

> >

> > So you are saying that if I have lfg title: "1000Li 50 duuhm kp druid", player join and one of these things happen:

> > 1) player doesnt have Li

> > 2) player doesnt have kp

> > 3) player doesnt have druid

> > I have no right to kick them and have to do full clear with them?


> Yes,. be friendly and help out fellow players.


Thats the problem. The way you are saying means that it is not up to me. I Am forced to help them. They want to raid because that is fun. I get that. But what about my fun. Why do I have to spend my time doing something i dont want to when I am not rewared for it in any way? (not to mention 9 other players). As I said I am teaching raids IF I WANT TO.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > Your rage and anger is your problem. Get help to fix it. I totally agree with the moderator's reasoning. I refuse to follow any such unwritten community made up rules. Play the game for fun, abide to the defined rules.

> > >

> > > So you are saying that if I have lfg title: "1000Li 50 duuhm kp druid", player join and one of these things happen:

> > > 1) player doesnt have Li

> > > 2) player doesnt have kp

> > > 3) player doesnt have druid

> > > I have no right to kick them and have to do full clear with them?

> >

> > Yes,. be friendly and help out fellow players.


> Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


> If we played like that, pugs would never kill dhuum cm / dhuum. The chance of getting more than 8-9 capable players, which is required for dhuum with pugs, is insanely small. Even this one pug can, without any issues, wipe the group several times.


> If we had to raid like this, I honestly would NOT do my raid clears at all. I'm very happy to host training raids on MY terms and MY free time. I'm not going to raid at all if EVERY run is a training run, where anyone who joins can hold everyone else hostage.


Cms need to be removed, they only bring toxic elitism to this lovely game, that only scares away new players.

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