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Dont call me a boss!


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> @"Spellshaper.6240" said:

> Guys, we already established, that this topic **IS NOT** about the word "boss" or any other. I have said it many times and I wont explain it again, but please read the comments before you.


Sorry, but it's a bit daunting to read 50 other posts, some of which are pretty long, and not everyone has the time to catch up on the conversation. Just accept that due to the nature of the forum format, some people will only read the first post and rehash the same points. Just ignore them, and move on with your life...

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I thought it was pretty slick, actually. If you pay attention in the personal story, they already have a neutral-ish term for you in some storylines - for example, Human characters are called "the Hero of Shaemoor" (first mission) and Norn characters are called "Slayer (of Issomir)" (also from your tutorial), and I found those to be very cringeworthy because at that stage of your character's development, you were a total nobody who took down a weak-ish world boss. Then they give you the Order titles and everyone calls you that: Lightbringer, Magister, etc. It made all the sense to me that when the Pact was formed and you were given the rank Commander, that you be the... well... Pact Commander :D


LWS1 was so long ago that I forgot what went down, but to me, it never seemed like anyone really "worshipped" me by calling me Commander. Everyone knew you as "the Pact Commander" during the "war" (or assault on Zhaitan, whatever) so to me it made sense that everyone would know you by that moniker. It reminds me of the way the characters from _Saving Private Ryan_ called their commanding officer "captain" - it was his military rank and everyone knew he was above them, but to me it never felt like an overly formal address.


Now, the way NPCs behave, especially in story instances, is another thing altogether. I've been playing games (not just MMOs) since I was six and I just kind of accept the "fact" that PC-controlled NPCs are totally incompetent and that it's up to you to actually do the heavy lifting (Star Wars: Republic Commando and Clive Barker's Jericho come to mind from the FPS genre), so I always felt it's kind of fitting that they look up to you at least a little - you did save their hides, after all. While what you say is true - you're not the only one who fought the Dragons - if it wasn't for you, the Pact wouldn't even exist because Divinity's Reach are a bunch of whiny teenagers and everyone in Tyria was just looking out for themselves.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> LWS1 was so long ago that I forgot what went down, but to me, it never seemed like anyone really "worshipped" me by calling me Commander. Everyone knew you as "the Pact Commander" during the "war" (or assault on Zhaitan, whatever) so to me it made sense that everyone would know you by that moniker. It reminds me of the way the characters from _Saving Private Ryan_ called their commanding officer "captain" - it was his military rank and everyone knew he was above them, but to me it never felt like an overly formal address.

The tricky thing with Season 1 was they were still trying to make it so that it could happen in parallel to the Personal Story, before the Story Journal had its current chapter format. As such, the NPCs tended to avoid calling you anything. It's also why new characters were introduced, so if you hadn't met all of Destiny's Edge, their attitudes wouldn't change. They waffled a bit during Season 2, with optional dialogue from Belinda noting where you are in the story. By HoT, though, they gave up, made the entire story linear and thus most refer to you as the Commander. It was interesting watching the "biconics" making the switch from Boss to Commander, but I guess logical as you are basically picking up the remains of a scrambled military operation.

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