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Where is the PvP Content?


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I have been playing Gw2 for 2 years but i am starting to lose my love for the game, the combat system is one of the biggest reasons i am in the game and as a result i play pvp mainly. In the 2 years that i have been playing the only thing that has been given to us in the form of pvp content is AT's.


I understand the Anet team have concerns that adding different gamemodes will be detrimental for the game as the pvp player base is low and adding new game modes will spread the population to much and as a result cause larger que times etc... The pvp population is already low, what do you have to lose, the majority of people that pvp in gw2 have left and the rest of us are slowly going in the same direction.


A vast number of players that pvp are asking for more game modes, read the forums , i cant keep playing circle quest, its stale, match quality is not there and the game mode has had the same maps for a while. I cant even look at foefire anymore, every time i jump in the map i lose the urge to play and just wanna log out after the game.


Anet may argue that we have access to different game modes in custom arena's, but these take time to set up and require in game currency to create and maintain. Some of the playerbase have balance concerns for 2v2's, 3v3's but lets be real, we deal with the same balance problems in conquest.


What are you're thoughts?




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Where is it? NOWHERE.


AT's really really don't count nor the swiss AT's they might release someday due to the fact a low percentage of people that bother with them. From what I take from your post you mean conquest and perhaps stronghold. The lack of maps and game modes.


PvP in this game seems to be on maintenance mode and really doesn't seem to be supported beyond token effort. Its why the content is lacking, the balance patches are very poor and seem random in what is "balanced" for **PvP**, and community requests often from what i see, are ignored in general.


To change this they need to assign more people to the PvP team and have them work in conjunction with the "balance" team. Skill need to be completely split for PVP/PVE.

In summation more assets need to be assigned tot his game mode for it to ever recover from the horrible place its currently in.


**Oh and btw I am trying to be constructive here in criticism its just there are virtually no positives really to discuss on the whole. Sorry I'm not who makes the decisions I just am a customer that sees the product is severely lacking. I just am suggesting some solutions so please try not to delete my post for whatever.**

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Do players and Anet know that a considerable portion of "us" came to GW2 because we expected it to do even better than GW1 at pvp? And, that a considerable portion of us hung around hoping things would change?


Now I don't know how many people or percentages, and it must be infinitesimal by now considering everything is "a ways off" in terms of PVP development.


I don't enjoy all the PVE decisions and directions, and PVP could be the filler at worst, but now it is stale bread. Maybe we toasted it and added some butter, but now it's cold.


I am not hanging around GW2 for any PVE related content, unless you plan to release some truly new stuff or Cantha. I am hanging around hoping you release some new pvp content and bring back teams.


But the jukebox is on my last few coins, and the keep just signaled last call.


I'll make the announcement when I am giving away all my stuff and gold from my accounts soon I guess.





Overhaul Ele's with a clear role and bump to mid tier health, btw I don't have an Ele

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I feel you. Recently tried one battle Royale game.. and I hate those btw, but that one has an MMO spin to it so I tried it. Bought the alpha pack 3-4 days later and loving it. The scary part is that now I don't even want to log into GW2 even for daily chests let alone dailyes. Yeah I know that it might change and blah blah blah see you in 2 weeks stuff. But hey, I found myself enjoying a game for once.


Edit: I lurk these forums in hopes of changes still.

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Same for me.

I played basically since pvp season 1 and the current state of the mode is simply unenjoyable.


There are so many issues with PvP in general, that the amazing combat-system alone, simply doesnt cut it any longer.

Its really sad to see how the support for the gamemode has dwindled over the past few years.

So many veteran players have left the game alraedy due to the state of the competitive gamemodes, that im personally not surprised why people think the playerbase gets worse and worse every year.


But hey, atm im already exploring other MMOs and so far I'm having a blast with those (maybe its just because of the "freshness", but that doesnt make a difference to me).


So unless Anet manages to shift their focus away from mount-skins, black-lion stuff and Living world maps (that have 0 replayability anyway) and actually support the competitive gamemodes (which actually keep players invested in the game), their playerbase will simply decline ever further.




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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> I feel you. Recently tried one battle Royale game.. and I hate those btw, but that one has an MMO spin to it so I tried it. Bought the alpha pack 3-4 days later and loving it. The scary part is that now I don't even want to log into GW2 even for daily chests let alone dailyes. Yeah I know that it might change and blah blah blah see you in 2 weeks stuff. But hey, I found myself enjoying a game for once.


> Edit: I lurk these forums in hopes of changes still.




If team queue isnt coming back I might aswell start looking into other games too

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > I feel you. Recently tried one battle Royale game.. and I hate those btw, but that one has an MMO spin to it so I tried it. Bought the alpha pack 3-4 days later and loving it. The scary part is that now I don't even want to log into GW2 even for daily chests let alone dailyes. Yeah I know that it might change and blah blah blah see you in 2 weeks stuff. But hey, I found myself enjoying a game for once.

> >

> > Edit: I lurk these forums in hopes of changes still.


> fortnight?


> If team queue isnt coming back I might aswell start looking into other games too


Actually, Realm Royale :)

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