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Time to Release Legendaries+1

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The game is already nearly a seizure-inducing light show because they won't code in an option that has been in every MMO for approaching 2 decades - the ability to turn off other players effects. The last thing we need is to make the light show even brighter.

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So this +1 idea only applies to Gen1 Legendaries? Because you can only do the precursor collections once, and Gen2 precursors can't be acquired any other way.


However I don't get the reasoning behind adding MORE visual effects to something that is already overflowing with visual effects. Are we going to get Dreamers with full scale unicorns whose whinnies echo across the entire map like Malchor? I'm also not okay with adding sigil swapping to _only_ super Legendaries.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I disagree vehemently.


> The focus should be on bringing the lacking Legendaries up to par with the more impressive ones. There is such a clear and obvious divide in just overall quality between the older ones and the new ones.


even some of the newer are ones a pretty bland too!

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> @"crashburntoo.7431" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> > > I can see it now, combine gen1 with gen 2 to create gen 3!

> >

> > Would that make the gen 3 staff Neverfrost or BiMore?


> BiMore... every time you get a kill with it, it opens up the BLTC window. It won't close until you purchase something with gems.


I almost spit out my drink...+1.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I don’t see an advantage in that, would just be a material sink, and not even a clever one.


there's no point to legendaries in the first place. It was always just about the skin and flashy auras and particle effects. So I think this is a good idea. I wonder what Bolt+1 would be like.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> It is impossible to make two gen2 legendaries, you can only make 1 of the t3 precursor.


Thats only a half truth actually...... all it would take is obtaining duplicates of certain collection rewards, and we'd have means to process additional copies. You can actually do this partially with early Gen 2s, but its the last collection step that doesn't have a replacement option thats been stopping it.

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