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How the heck are you supposed to do these?

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Hold the line and Precision Blade.


I managed to do Hold the Line by literally bugging out the instance and standing in a corner somewhere. I have no idea how you were INTENDED to do that.


Precision Blade is completely impossible to do solo as far as I can tell. Even watching videos of other people doing it and mimicking their actions doesn't produce anything but death.


After "Shadow" escapes or whatever, these super soldier enemies appear (despite being in no way visually different than the last ones or named any differently) and curbstomp you no matter if you're dodging or what. I don't know if these guys are bugged but I tried going DD just for more evades but it doesn't matter, they fear, blind, CC you out of your evade, then kill me at range in 2 hits. Not to mention the blind every second means you're losing like half your DPS so you can't DPS race it and beat 50 before Shadow escapes (who is shadow anyway? what is even going on in this story instance?).


Also, for the love of crap is force quitting or force terminating my connection really the only way to exit a story map and reset it? Why?!

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I always understood precision blade to be a team based achievement. Even with my tankiest build, I get obliterated once the wave of spike dps turns up. Fair play to those who somehow did it, but it isn't really designed as a solo achievement.


The story in that instance makes sense if you played GW1. Most of that episode makes more sense if you played GW1, although it does sorta fill in the gaps with dialogue and lore journals

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I did play GW1, but it was soooo long ago. And all the characters in this instance speak in a super sarcastic tone. Also, no, knowing about the HoD ambush and all that doesn't really explain what these people are doing. XD Why are we doing a flashback? I thought I was taking an oath.


Anyway, I don't know why that would be a group intended achievement, seeing as the next fight is literally forced solo.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I always understood precision blade to be a team based achievement. Even with my tankiest build, I get obliterated once the wave of spike dps turns up. Fair play to those who somehow did it, but it isn't really designed as a solo achievement.


I've heard this achievement can only be done solo.

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For Hold the Line, you simply stay out of combat by keeping out of range. Anise is immortal, so you can get her to tank the enemies for as long as you want, though don't attack them yourself unless you want to pull them all. When all the enemies are dead, she'll follow you around, so if that happens, stay ahead of the next wave and use the revive ability, which will briefly cause her to stop following you.


Precision Blade is a DPS race. When Shadow escapes, the enemies begin dealing a lot more damage since you're intended to die, so you ideally want to complete the achievement before that happens. If you can't manage it, you can alternatively use the Hold the Line tactic to get Anise to solo them.

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> @"SageLukahn.6705" said:

> The DPS race is impossible to win because of the blinds and interrupts that are undodgeable.


You just need a better build, or better use of your existing build. AOEs, lots of AOEs..... and if you don't have enough AOEs in all of your class, invent more. I imagine condi builds being ideal in this situation.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:


> I've heard this achievement can only be done solo.


It can, I did it solo on a full dire burn guardian, you just need a good AOE spell that is off cooldown for each wave, and preferably a pull to pull everything in, I used greatsword and purging flames (traited for shorter CD).

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"SageLukahn.6705" said:

> > The DPS race is impossible to win because of the blinds and interrupts that are undodgeable.


> You just need a better build, or better use of your existing build. AOEs, lots of AOEs..... and if you don't have enough AOEs in all of your class, invent more. I imagine condi builds being ideal in this situation.


That's why I swapped to DD, despite me hating it, it has way more AoE than Deadeye. But it doesn't matter, when you can spam an AoE but every other time it goes off it misses because you're blinded again.


I managed to do it just a few minutes ago.... .... on my minion master power reaper. And even then I only just barely survived the last wave. On the wave after that my "Rise!" missed most of them due to blind or some other effect and I died nigh instantly.


Then I got to the fight after that, which I think is impossible to do on a minion build without using the ghosts buffs. Without it, the minions seemed to feed health to the boss.

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