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Haven't played in about 4 years, should I restart or play my old Characters

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I saw a youtube video talking about this game and remembered how much I loved it, only stopped playing because it melted my old graphics card. Here I am new computer and years later being hit by nostalgia, and dying to give this game another go. I was wondering if I should just make a new character and play through everything since I am sure a lot has changed, or just role with my old guys till I get the hang of it again. I was pretty much obsessed with WvWvW when I left and am hoping its just as awesome as I remember. Thanks for the help

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Thanks for the advice guys, I kept my 80s for later and just got rid of some super low level alts I had, I had more slots then I thought I would. Now just to pick a fun supporty build and profession to grind through WvWvW, it does suck I can’t just level up from it anymore but some people have said that the times are faster then playing through the normal story and WvWvW was my favorite part of the game

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Play your existing characters. Especially if you bought any of the expansion. There are plenty of guides snd stuff if you want to make your experience better. Whether its a new build or AP hunting.


This 1000 times. About a year ago, I got this weird idea and ended up deleting and rerolling 7 of my 9 characters, all of whom were over 4 years old but 1. I lost a couple character upgrades like bag slots, etc. I even deleted my launch character trying to fix a few things that bugged me. In past games, I never had a problem rerolling later in the game, but I regret almost all of the deletions here. Unless you absolutely hate the toons race or something for a certain class, you can always change everything else about it through the gem store and not lose progress. Having to redo things like world completion on characters that I should have just kept is just /ugh.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> You should keep them for the presents alone.


> You can always farm gold for more character slots, if you want new characters to play too. ^_^


This. If nostalgia isn’t strong enough of a motivator (I never ever could delete my main man since launch!) the birthdays alone are worth keeping them around for.

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if you have any characters on your old account . log in your be surprised by the birthday gifts. it was a huge help i had all 5 slots with different toons, and just couldn't get into it since when it originally released. SOOOO different from the original GW. Plus i was still hardcore raiding in wow. sooo about 6 years later. im back and having a blast the stories are engaging and just exploring alone you get insane exp. i havent even delved into anything else yet and gai9ned alot of levels just getting a feel for it again. well worth playing on your old accoujnt trust me. especially if you paid for it like i did.

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