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Shorter overload cast times?


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This is an idea i've been wondering for a while now. The big problem I've always had with the tempest spec is that it feels sooo slooooow to play, mainly because of the long overload cast times during which all you do is just running around.


So what if the DPS/combos overloads (Air and Fire) behaved more like "normal" abilities? With a short cast time and then a persisting AOE?

I feel like the change would balance itself: Shorter cast times would free us faster to do others things (combos with the fire AOE and DPS with the air one) but would decrease its overall duration. Of course all that can be further balanced if needed.


I think it would greatly help to fluidify the gameplay, especially that which consists in continually spamming Air Overload with Fresh Air... It wouldn't necessarily make the spec more interesting, but I think it would make it feel mutch better to play. What do you think?

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If the cast time was shorter then it would do less damage unless damage per strike was increased.


I'd rather overload air was unsplit and if in PvE harmonious conduit gave more stability.


Also if Gale Song trait cut recharge on shouts or something other than stun-break maybe people would take it outside of niche situations.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> If the cast time was shorter then it would do less damage unless damage per strike was increased.


If the cast time is shorter that allows you to go on with your rotation ealrlyer, allowing you to deal damage. But if this really is a problem the duration of the AOE can be increased as well, I don't see a problem with that.


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Before continuing, for what game mode?


The biggest advantage to overload vs desert shroud or wells/marks (and guardian symbols) is if someone double dodges it doesn't negate 100% of your damage. If you cast an overload you can reposition. Unless you want it to be a moving field similar to water's warhorn 5 (or necromancer's warhorn 5 , or berserker's torch 5), you'd end up with a DOT (damage over time) field. We see this problem with lava font and all those delayed fields on scepter and staff already (i.e. you would need to CC pretty hard to get a dragon's tooth or ice spike on someone).


If you're talking about PvE then tempest isn't the spec you're looking for unless you are using the utilities, aurashare, and/or warhorn. Most people are running weaver because of +120 power in fire in addition to the crit and damage boosts that are ridiculously easy to satisfy. There are instances mobs run out of DOT AoEs but generally if you aim them right it isn't as huge an issue in PvE.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Before continuing, for what game mode?


> The biggest advantage to overload vs desert shroud or wells/marks (and guardian symbols) is if someone double dodges it doesn't negate 100% of your damage. If you cast an overload you can reposition. Unless you want it to be a moving field similar to water's warhorn 5 (or necromancer's warhorn 5 , or berserker's torch 5), you'd end up with a DOT (damage over time) field. We see this problem with lava font and all those delayed fields on scepter and staff already (i.e. you would need to CC pretty hard to get a dragon's tooth or ice spike on someone).


> If you're talking about PvE then tempest isn't the spec you're looking for unless you are using the utilities, aurashare, and/or warhorn. Most people are running weaver because of +120 power in fire in addition to the crit and damage boosts that are ridiculously easy to satisfy. There are instances mobs run out of DOT AoEs but generally if you aim them right it isn't as huge an issue in PvE.


I was thinking about PvE because I rarely play PvP, but even in PvP I think that would be a good thing. Sure, you can move your AOE around for a few seconds, but during that time, you are vulnerable. You can receive a ton of damage, and you can't do anything while chaneling your thing. And during those 4 seconds, that's all the time the ennemy needs to interrupt you (and the one stack of stability on Harmonious Conduit won't change mutch of that). I think the ability would be way more versatile if you could rapidly cast it on the control point, as an area denyal thing.


And I don't think there should be a PvP spec and a PvE spec... Both should have uses in every mode.

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