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There are many methods to farm gold and I tested some methods by myself. But before, I put the link of a video (for me the better that I found to farm gold (many methods are presented too); _YouTube Channel : Kwarna Mania_ :




WARNING : This video is french, but I will explain to you the methods in english, don't worry !


Here is the summary that I created for you :smiley:


00:00 - 5:45 : Contrées sauvages d'argent (SW) + CF

5:46 - 7:00 : Lauriers (Laurels)

7:01 - 12:00 : Comptoir (Counter) + Forge Mystique (Mystic Forge)

12:00 - 14:57 : Karma

14:57 - 16:16 : Donjons (Dungeons) + WORLD BOSS (Boss de Monde)


Now, I'm going to present you to the methods I've tested or that I know :



Here, it's very without go far, you win 2 gold/day when you do your daily achievements. You have to make 3 achievements of the proposed list. I do principally the PvP achievements that can end in a match if you win (it's maximum 15 minutes without counting the time of queue !). Others daily achievements exist in WvW et en PvE (exploration or harvest) !



Exactly the same principle as daily achievements but for those concerning fractals) ([FR] voir aussi : https://fr-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1548/guide-debuter-les-fractales/p1 et https://fr-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3025/guide-fractales-master/p1 [FR]). Of course, the fractals T4 of high level will give you more rewards, loots, chests, infusions but more money too ! Don't forget to do recs too (recommended fractals). Once you have finished that in 1 day, you have to do most regularly and as much as possible. You can win easily 20gold/day !



Firstly, you need a lot of laurels, you spend the number you want to a laurel merchant by buying T6 Materials/Components Bag.

These bags are named "Heavy Crafting Bag". There is a very close to the waypoint of the palace of the Divine Promontory for information (it's the one I know best even if there are others, it's just a few meters to the left when you come).


Test 100 laurels

Number of gold : 285g45s31c => 282po91pa17pc

Loss of : 00g45s31c+02g00s00c+00g08s83c = Loss of 02g54s14c (up for sale/release)


Gain of : 45g74s45c (Counter)

Number of laurels spent : 100

Number of "Heavy Crafting Bag" bought (T6) : 100


Final gain : 45g74s75c (Gain of counter) - 2g54s14c (loss) = 43g20s61c

Final gain : 328g65s62c - 285g45s31c = 43g20s31c

Final gain interval : {43g20s31c ; 43g20s61c}


Problem of margin of error : 30c of difference between the 2 calculation methods

(Interests/Counter ?)


Final number of gold : 328g65s62c


for 1 laurel (ESTIMATION)

Estimated final gain (counter gain - loss) : 43s20,61c => 43pa21c

Estimated final gain (final number of gold - initial number of gold) => 43s20,31c => 43s20c

Estimated final gain interval : {43s20,31c ; 43s20,61c}

Rounded of the estimated final gain interval : {43s20c ; 43s21c}


Other Test : 300 laurels

Number of gold : 328g65s62c => 320g93s65c

Perte de : 6s35c + 7g65s62c = 7g71s97c (up for sale/release)


Gain : 138g95s45c

Number of laurels spent : 300

Nombre of "Heavy Crafting Bag" bought (T6) : 300


Final gain (counter gain - loss) : 138po95pa45pc - 7po71pa97pc = 131po23pa48pc

Final gain (final number of gold - initial number of gold) : 459g89s10c - 328g65s62c = 131g23s48c

Final gain interval : {131g23s48c ; 131g23s48c}


No margin of error, identical results


Final number of gold : 459g89s10c



Estimated interval for 1 laurel : {43s20c ; 43s21c}.

Estimated interval for the test of 300 laurels (estimation x300) : {129g60s00c ; 129g63s00c)

We got : 131g23s48c. Which is more lucky and better than the estimation.

Bonus number of gold of the estimation : 131g23s48c - 129g63s00c = 1g60s48c


Estimates can not be exactly the price obtained here because market prices change.

Too, the bags do not always contain the same materials and the same number.

The prices at the counter nevertheless remain similar and 1 T6 bag is still worth 1 laurel.

The most expensive T6 material is: "Vial of Powerful Blood" (28s47c/u at the moment of tests)

The cheapest T6 material is: "Pile of crystalline dust" (7s62c/u at the moment of tests)



Map : Bloodtide Coast

NPC : Lionscout Tunnira

Waypoint at south of the aerodrome of lion's arch for information, it is very close to the capital city ! :smiley:

Item to buy : Lionguard Cloth Footguards (287 karma/u)

Or the same items in leather or in mesh (same price)

The leathers items give more with the leather having a price higher at the counter (by my tests, possible that it changes !!!)

You can also alternate fabric / leather / mesh to unlock some skins you have not had!


**The objective is to recycle with a master's salvage kit to sell the materials at the counter.**


Test 1 (Lionguard Cloth Footguards and sale of items without salvage)

Then mystic forge : mettre 4x the item (287*4 = 1148karma)

Value of the item obtained at the counter at the time of the test : 3s48c


Estimation for 1 million of karma : ( 348 * 1 000 000 ) / 1148 = 30g31s36c (arrondi)




Test 2 (Lionguard Leather Footguards and salvage of obtained footguards)

56 x Lionguard Leather Footguards

Cost in karma : 56*287 = 16072


14 Boots obtained (The others materials were not taken into account)


Materials obtained : 24 x "Rugged Leather Section" + 1 x "Coarse Leather Section"


Initial number of gold : 122g67s24c

Loss at the counter : 122g67s24c - 122g62s51c = 4s24c + 49c = 4s73c

Counter gain : 85s20c

Final number of gold : 123g47s71c




Estimation for 1 million of karma : 53g01s14c (round)


**Therefore, the salvaging of leather boots in the karma method is the best.**



The objective is drop a high object (pink quality) as much as possible named "STABILIZING MATRIX". We obtain these matrix by salvaging high rings (still pink quality). Once we get them, we sell them at the counter, simply! :smiley:


Test 1

Sale of stabilizing matrixx to the counter : 32g1c/u at the moment of test

Salvage of a high ring (pink quality) during the test

Number of stabilizing matrix obatined : 20

Price of Ascended Salvage Kit : 2 Fractal Relics + 1 gold (BUY-4373 NPC Fractals)


Initial number of gld : 264g39s61c (The salvage was already done)

Nombre de po après la vente : 264g07s60c

Perte = 264g39s61c - 264g07s60c = 32s1c

Counter Gain : 5g76s18c (because : prince of announce + exchange fees)

Final number of gold : 269g83s73c



5g76s18c/20 matrix

Estimation pour le gain pour 1 matrice : 5g76s18c/20 = 28s80,9c => 28s81c (rounded).



Another method is simply to farm the meta-events. Not only, Not only will you earn gold and karma for the purposes of the events, but you will also be able to win chests containing valuables. You can eventually earn other currencies and XP depending on what you do. Achievements and masteries add to the meta-events for most of the time! :wink:


To help you : https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horaires_des_événements



Don't forget that if you have one or more possibilities to craft at maximum level (500), you can craft things with your materials, what can you earn money depending on what you do ! Your gain, however, will be very dependent on the job and the price of what you will sell at the time of your tests !


For the harvest, always buy mithril tools of preference, you will have more items and you'll can collect all the materials of high level without break them !

Otherwise you will have poor quality ... (PS : Possible to buy tools of untied magic if you need it, but you will have only 50% of the quantity bought in mithril).



There are several seasonal events in GW2: Lunar New Year (or Chinese New Year), SAB (Super Adventure Box), Shadow of the Demented King (Halloween) and Wintersday (Christmas). During these times, remember to farm a maximum of daily activities and items to sell them, it always serves! During Halloween the maze gives a lot of karma and gold over time ! Regarding the Winter, presents ("Wintersday Gift") are worth little but you can have a lot and sell them directly or sell food and drinks that are worth a few coins. For Lunar New Year, there are envelopes and essences of luck. Finally for the SAB, I can not really say, I have not tested to farming gold in this event, moreover I do not really know if it is profitable and it is not the main purpose of this seasonal event (which I do not like at all xD).



When no method suits you and you are new, even if this method is not fun at all, if it is your only solution, it will have to stick to it (but it is in the case of the last resort because XP is very easy in this game). Bash mob is about killing mobs again and again for XP, so you can take advantage of picking loots to sell to the merchant and you make a little gold. Of course it's long, boring and it does not give much, but when you go XP, you will receive chests that can give you things to sell.



So obviously this is a very deprecated method, but you never know, even if this method is a troll method, it can work. But do not expect people to be super nice and have a good image of you. You can now swing your "I wanna gold plz" in map tchat ! :joy:



## N° 1 : LAURELS







## N° 8 : KARMA

## N° 9 : XP/BASH MOB

## N°10: BEG


Another guide : [FR] J'en profite pour mentionner aussi le guide de @Loup Solitaire.9082 qui peut vous aider (en espérant que ça le dérange pas que je mette ça là :tongue: ) ! : https://fr-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/835/guide-trucs-et-astuces-xp-karma-po-etc [FR]


Last precision: All these methods are accessible to all except in the case of accessible meta-events only if people have at least Heart Of Thorns. No method here requires the Path On Fire extension.


_Final Tips: Remember to explore and increase your magic discovery (or even your bonuses of gold, XP and karma from the account with objects, buffs or anything else!), It will help you a lot! In addition, remember to connect regularly even if you do not play necessarily. Log in at least once a day as much as possible to take your connection chests and thus ensure you have better chances to have them !_


Now, I hope it will be useful to you and that I have not forgotten anything !


On this, good gold farming and good game! :blush:




FR URL : https://fr-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3192/


Guide By : Killors.7526 (Killors28/Killors Liondo)

(based on the original French guide)

Translation By : Killors.7526 (Killors28/Killors Liondo)

_If you have seen some mistakes, mention it !_

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> A lot of those are definitely things they can do once a day, or a few times a month, to obtain gold.


> Currently the two best ways to farm gold would be Istan and SW.


I'm not sure for SW because it's long. And for Istan, certainly but all people doesn't have PoF. The objective of this guide is to help all people even if they didn't have the expansions. For PoF, I don't know, I don't have it, so if someone can complete or do another guide and put the URL here, it will be nice ! :smiley:

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I add too : another solution is to do ranked matches in PvP and do all chests 1 one time, you will have finally 65 gold, it's not nothing ! But this method can be very long and hard for you too. Each time you finish the last chest, you'll have 20 gold, it's very cool and the ranked chests can be important for you stuff, you can maybe gain again more gold like that ! :smiley:

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Hmm. You should always check Gw2efficiency before buying crafting bags with Laurels. “Heavy” isn’t always the best gold, in fact it hasn’t been for at least 2 years.


Hum maybe but it's more safe and the T6 are best. I prefer to be sure because the prices of others often change.

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> @"Killors.7526" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Hmm. You should always check Gw2efficiency before buying crafting bags with Laurels. “Heavy” isn’t always the best gold, in fact it hasn’t been for at least 2 years.


> Hum maybe but it's more safe and the T6 are best. I prefer to be sure because the prices of others often change.


Prices do change but not as fast that a check before converting would be meaningless.


You are willfully taking a hit in Gold per laurel because you don't want to check which bag is the most valuable for something you will covert 2 Minutes later? That's bad advice, sorry.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > Hmm. You should always check Gw2efficiency before buying crafting bags with Laurels. “Heavy” isn’t always the best gold, in fact it hasn’t been for at least 2 years.

> >

> > Hum maybe but it's more safe and the T6 are best. I prefer to be sure because the prices of others often change.


> Prices do change but not as fast that a check before converting would be meaningless.


> You are willfully taking a hit in Gold per laurel because you don't want to check which bag is the most valuable for something you will covert 2 Minutes later? That's bad advice, sorry.


Normally, the T6 are better, so it will be logic (even if people is not logic in this game when you see 8k gold for just one infusion...) that T6 have the best price. And when I saw on the Website of efficiency, all days, it had a big difference.

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> @"Killors.7526" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > Hmm. You should always check Gw2efficiency before buying crafting bags with Laurels. “Heavy” isn’t always the best gold, in fact it hasn’t been for at least 2 years.

> > >

> > > Hum maybe but it's more safe and the T6 are best. I prefer to be sure because the prices of others often change.

> >

> > Prices do change but not as fast that a check before converting would be meaningless.

> >

> > You are willfully taking a hit in Gold per laurel because you don't want to check which bag is the most valuable for something you will covert 2 Minutes later? That's bad advice, sorry.


> Normally, the T6 are better, so it will be logic (even if people is not logic in this game when you see 8k gold for just one infusion...) that T6 have the best price. And when I saw on the Website of efficiency, all days, it had a big difference.


Currently, the difference is 8s/laurel (Heavy Crafting bag = 53s81c/Laurel, Medium Crafting bag = 61s42c).

It used to be a bigger difference than that too, and that could very well change come the next Legendary 2.1, and as I said, I can#t remember the last time Heavy Crafting Bags were at the top of the conversion rating, and I convert regularly, and check before I do so. It's still enough of a difference to check before converting Laurels to *any* crafting bag en masse.


I would also omit your **Beg** addition to the guide. Purely because it is frowned upon in many communities.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > > Hmm. You should always check Gw2efficiency before buying crafting bags with Laurels. “Heavy” isn’t always the best gold, in fact it hasn’t been for at least 2 years.

> > > >

> > > > Hum maybe but it's more safe and the T6 are best. I prefer to be sure because the prices of others often change.

> > >

> > > Prices do change but not as fast that a check before converting would be meaningless.

> > >

> > > You are willfully taking a hit in Gold per laurel because you don't want to check which bag is the most valuable for something you will covert 2 Minutes later? That's bad advice, sorry.

> >

> > Normally, the T6 are better, so it will be logic (even if people is not logic in this game when you see 8k gold for just one infusion...) that T6 have the best price. And when I saw on the Website of efficiency, all days, it had a big difference.


> Currently, the difference is 8s/laurel (Heavy Crafting bag = 53s81c/Laurel, Medium Crafting bag = 61s42c).

> It used to be a bigger difference than that too, and that could very well change come the next Legendary 2.1, and as I said, I can#t remember the last time Heavy Crafting Bags were at the top of the conversion rating, and I convert regularly, and check before I do so. It's still enough of a difference to check before converting Laurels to *any* crafting bag en masse.


> I would also omit your **Beg** addition to the guide. Purely because it is frowned upon in many communities.


Ok and I know the n°10 don't bring a good reputation.

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> @"Killors.7526" said:

> > @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > This is hard to read. Execution of a report 2/5. Research job 5/5.

> > Ty, stranger.


> What ? XD


A lot of things haven’t translated well. It’s a followable written guide, but many of the terms being lost in translation may be confusing for English only speaking players not already familiar with the game, the loot etc.

“The Counter” Trading Post.

“The objective is drop a high object (pink quality) as much as possible” So, Ascended to get Matrixes.

So on...


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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > > This is hard to read. Execution of a report 2/5. Research job 5/5.

> > > Ty, stranger.

> >

> > What ? XD


> A lot of things haven’t translated well. It’s a followable written guide, but many of the terms being lost in translation may be confusing for English only speaking players not already familiar with the game, the loot etc.

> “The Counter” Trading Post.

> “The objective is drop a high object (pink quality) as much as possible” So, Ascended to get Matrixes.

> So on...



Hum ok I understand but the problems in MMORPG of translation are presents too, the french translation is often not exactly in english and that's why the guide has some mistakes.

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> @"Bloadsoaked.6792" said:

> The OP should also make clear why he thinks gold is worth farming in this game - because it is not for gearing or progress. That should be stated for new players.


Yes and no. It can be used to craft armor/weapons and many of them cannot be acquired by other methods (at least as reliably).


It’s also necessary for mounts although griffon is the one you’d really need to grind for if gold is something you had issues obtaining in the first place.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said:


> > you can craft things with your materials, what can you earn money depending on what you do !


> Woohoo, I'm sure to make it rich with this kind of in depth information!



I will not give bad informations, I don’t have all possibilities to craft too for the moment...


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Bloadsoaked.6792" said:

> > The OP should also make clear why he thinks gold is worth farming in this game - because it is not for gearing or progress. That should be stated for new players.


> Yes and no. It can be used to craft armor/weapons and many of them cannot be acquired by other methods (at least as reliably).


> It’s also necessary for mounts although griffon is the one you’d really need to grind for if gold is something you had issues obtaining in the first place.


Some methods are not for new players, so it's for all people.

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