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Next Mount should be Aquatic

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If there is one thing thar the **Roller Beetle** taught us is that we don't need any more land mounts, let's face it we just don't.

However we could really use an aquatic mount, one that is only possible to use underwater and not on land nor on the surface of the water as we have the **Skimmer** for that.

So such a mount would have to be a fish, and while most people are thinking about a **Shark** right now, my suggestion is a **Swordfish.**

Why? Because they are among the fastest swimmers in existance, also this would make an easy suggestion for their attack skill.

The **Swordfish** could do a spin attack similar to the **Raptor,** only it would spin like a drill when charging head first toward enemies with its sword like nose.


But Swordfish or not who here agrees we could really use an aquatic mount?

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> I wouldn’t say it’s desperate to have a pure aquatic mount, but it would be a nice addition.


> I’d suggest a Dolphin or Narwhal though :P

> *Narwhals Narwhals, living in the ocean...*


Yes but those are Mammals not Fish, so while they can hold their breath for a very long time they can't breathe underwater.

Which is why I suggest Fish, to make it more realistic.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > I wouldn’t say it’s desperate to have a pure aquatic mount, but it would be a nice addition.

> >

> > I’d suggest a Dolphin or Narwhal though :P

> > *Narwhals Narwhals, living in the ocean...*


> Yes but those are Mammals not Fish, so while they can hold their breath for a very long time they can't breathe underwater.

> Which is why I suggest Fish, to make it more realistic.


Oooooh realism in a fantasy game. How Fantastically boring.

We *manifest* mounts from nothing. I'm sure Narwhals will be fine :)

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I would disagree that the roller beetle taught us any such thing.


We definitely don't need an underwater mount as there has been very little underwater content added in recent years. The Skimmer's main purpose is to rapidly travel over water rather than through it should tell you all you need to know about how ArenaNet feels about underwater content.

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> @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Water doesn’t play an important enough role in the game to warrant one. Just give the Skimmer the ability to dive.


> Agree. I actually want to use skimmer more often. Adding a dive ability would do it.


It already looks like it could function like one of those “diving torpedoes”(I’ve no idea what they’re actually called) that divers grab hold off and propel themselves through the water with.


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I don't really see the point. Under water walking, jumping and flying are basically all the same. You can infuse your under water helmet with a speed boost already. What is a sub marine type of mount going to add more than a speed boost? They'd have to make a new underwater area with specific things built into it to make it worthwhile using. After the underwhelming usefulness of the roller beetle outside the DoK map, I'm not sure if I want another mount that's only really useful in one new area.


But is anyone really waiting for an under water daily area?

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> We already have an underwater mount. The skimmer allows us to *avoid* underwater content, what more could we ask for?


Sorry, but I don't understand how your statement makes sense.

A mount that avoids terrain is not a mount that allows you to traverse the terrain easier. That's like saying my raptor can fly by staying on the ground.


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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > We already have an underwater mount. The skimmer allows us to *avoid* underwater content, what more could we ask for?


> Sorry, but I don't understand how your statement makes sense.

> A mount that avoids terrain is not a mount that allows you to traverse the terrain easier. That's like saying my raptor can fly by staying on the ground.



It wasn’t supposed to make a point like that. It was a very poignant joke about the state of underwater combat/content. :wink:



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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > We already have an underwater mount. The skimmer allows us to *avoid* underwater content, what more could we ask for?

> >

> > Sorry, but I don't understand how your statement makes sense.

> > A mount that avoids terrain is not a mount that allows you to traverse the terrain easier. That's like saying my raptor can fly by staying on the ground.

> >


> It wasn’t supposed to make a point like that. It was a very poignant joke about the state of underwater combat/content. :wink:




I can see that; given that quite a few people use mounts to avoid combat.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Reanimated skeletal leviathan. So, like, when you mount it eats you and you ride inside where the belly would be, but no guts, no problem.


> Or, I dunno, they could just give you a Pact submarine.



Sounds neat and all, but maybe skeletal mount skins for every mount would be cool.

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I posted this multiple times on multiple topics but it seems that players dont like underwater combat due to previous bad experiences. But who says it has to be bad? C'mon help Anet break the mold on underwater expansion gaming. One of the key elements are enjoy(ability?) and fluid movement. There are some gaming mechanics that can help for instance: like in Living World "Be My Guest" where 1 player has to do the flame trap, a player in an underwater expansion must go inside a jellyfish(or use that jellyfish tonic some of us are holding onto) to illuminate the dark deep sea and the other players use the Kraken/squid mount (one of its tentacles wrap around you) to avoid/elude the gigantic corrupted Sea Devil/Angler/Quaggan. It can have 3 masteries for skills like a spearhead charge to kd enemies, ink blast to blind enemies or grasp attack with its tentacles. Sea exploration can be fun (and squids swim fast!) but we can throw an Atlantis or an underwater domed "Utopia" (wink wink) for land based play as well.

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