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Engy Downstate A.E.D. Bug or Hack? or as intended?

Vieux P.1238

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I been battling this Engy in the free arena. & every time i get him down in downstate, instantly his life bar goes up &he get's back up. I'm confuse....

I ask him & he says it's a trait i ask him witch one? He link's Toss Elixi R. I says to him that's only good for allies when there down. Not you. He then link's A.E.D.


My Question is to anyone who knows-

Does A.E.D actually heals up your downstate bar & instantly revive you from downstate?


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If he throws elixir R onto himself before going down, it will ressurrect him for 17% of his downed health per second and unless you cleave will indeed end up reviving him. This skill is on a very long cooldown mind you.


A.E.D on the other hand will insta-revive (and give a huge heal) him if you kill him while the effect is active.


The counters are simply to keep hitting if they are in the Elixir R AoE, and wait out (while damaging but not downing) the A.E.D.

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Toss Elixir R works on yourself as well if you cast it before you go down.


Also, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean someone is cheating/hacking/exploiting a bug. 99% of the time it's just someone not knowing what skills do because they haven't done their research or played enough to experience a variety of builds and mechanics.

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