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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> >Zojja must be in rough shape as all we hear is "she is still recovering".

> We only heard that once, no? Back at the start of S3 two years ago? To run with perilisk's example, she's the guildie who no one's heard from in ages and who hasn't logged in for three years.


Yeah, she has "last logged in 2 years" next to her name. Nobody has kicked her though because sheprobably has inherited the guild permissions for the bank and whatnot after Eir's death.

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> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > >Zojja must be in rough shape as all we hear is "she is still recovering".

> > We only heard that once, no? Back at the start of S3 two years ago? To run with perilisk's example, she's the guildie who no one's heard from in ages and who hasn't logged in for three years.


> Yeah, she has "last logged in 2 years" next to her name. Nobody has kicked her though because sheprobably has inherited the guild permissions for the bank and whatnot after Eir's death.


The junior member? Nah. The permissions would've gone to Rytlock, but he's too busy with other things to be bothered with clearing out the roster.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> >Zojja must be in rough shape as all we hear is "she is still recovering".

> We only heard that once, no? Back at the start of S3 two years ago? To run with perilisk's example, she's the guildie who no one's heard from in ages and who hasn't logged in for three years.


Maybe she is levelling her scribing. If so, she should be done by next year

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > >Zojja must be in rough shape as all we hear is "she is still recovering".

> > We only heard that once, no? Back at the start of S3 two years ago? To run with perilisk's example, she's the guildie who no one's heard from in ages and who hasn't logged in for three years.


> Maybe she is levelling her scribing. If so, she should be done by next year


Levelling scribing in an inactive guild... hmm... yeah, we will probably never see her again.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> I wonder if Braham was going through the stages of grief. I don’t know if the Norn go through the same stages or not. It’s possible that after Mordremoth’s death Braham was going through the first stage of grief, denial. He seemed awfully chipper following his mother’s death. Perhaps he could as denying to himself that his mother was gone. He could maybe have put it on the back burner.


> Then the next stage, anger, which I’m sure we all remember from a Crack in the Ice. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Braham is stuck in this stage and possibly be a bit depressed that Jormag came off the table after he surrounded it with “Destiny’s Edge” and watched the dragon go back under the ice. Then having the norn pressure him into still killing the dragon.


> I’m not sure if he is in the bargaining stages during season 4 or not or if he finally reached acceptance, from what we hear there is still more to come with Braham.


Braham seemed pretty down and hostile ('second stage') during the entire second half of HoT, only becoming more chipper after killing Mordremoth (and Faolain). Then he took that HoT hostility and ramped it up to 11.


I kind of see the whole denial, anger, bargaining, and acceptance during the course of HoT. He takes time alone to try to find Garm and Eir's bow and make things better (Denial), he then becomes bitter and hostile, even bashing the tree despite knowing it wouldn't hurt Mordremoth (anger), then gives the Commander the option of opting how he handles the fight against Mordremoth, of going into the Dream or not, and in the Dream trying to reason that Eir was coming back at the end of the vision (bargaining), and leading to acceptance at the very end dialogue.


He skipped depression, but that makes sense given he's norn and has grown up around the concept of a brave and glorious death in combat being a good thing.


> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> Well, the point kind of stands though. They may not be dead but they aren't in 'fight as a team' shape. Caithe is wandering around following her personal wyld hunts as they pop into her head, and her current still is protect Aurene I assume, but we haven't seen her in ages. Logan is holed up in an office with a bum leg pushing papers for the pact. Zojja must be in rough shape as all we hear is "she is still recovering". At the very least, Destiny's Edge would need a spring training camp before they would be ready for prime time again. Or we can just go with this other, more active and effective group.


Caithe isn't doing that at all; it was Mordremoth's influence, not "oh I have a Wyld Hunt bye now!" that led to her so-called betrayal (a very light betrayal it was). Logan may have chosen to stick behind a desk but that doesn't mean he isn't capable of fighting. Though it does seem they pushed him off onto a bus, there wasn't really a need to, and Rytlock couldn't imagine such at the time. Even then, he could easily be "guild advisor" position, a strategist that doesn't fight on the front lines (much like Taimi). But instead they opted for "disband the iconic guild through idiotic means to spark some _draaaamaaa_".

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