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What's your favorite mount? Why?


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Springer hands down. Controllable vertical movement anywhere just wasn't covered until now. The skimmer has unique anti-gravity properties and an ability to zoom across the sulfur wastes without damage, but a lot of the masteries really are not required. Almost everything you need is handed to you from the start. There isn't really a large need to invest in it.

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I never thought I would want mounts here, but I have to say that out of all of them the raptor has changed my mind. For me, it's the most intuitive, has the least amount of grumbling associated with it, and isn't difficult to become accustomed to at all.


Though the skimmer saved me from those ridiculous wurms from GW1 and for that it should really be in first place for me. I hated those things.

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I think they did a great job on all of them, but my favorite is the jackal. It seems slightly faster overall than the raptor and its blink can cover longer distances than the raptor's canyon leap ability. The blink is also more agile, able to chain teleport around obstacles in mid air. The 6k barrier it leaves behind when initiating combat is nice for covering your opening burst, too. Sand portals are just a bonus.



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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > I like the Springer the most, i never thought i'd like that bunny, but it can get you basically everywhere on the map. I hope there will be different mount skins in the future, then the springer will be the #1 forever.


> Yes, please! I would be the first to buy a skin just to change the appearance of that ugly bunny >.<


I dislike Springer the most. The only exception to that would be if they gave him a Roger Rabbit skin >:D

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As a long time Horde Troll Shaman in WoW, the Raptor is the mount I love the most. Jackal is a close second since I also love canine inspired mounts.


In terms of utility. Springer all the way. Jumping into places I'm not supposed to be is a long time mmorpg fascination of mine. BTW, so many HoT HPs are way more easily reach just because of the Springer. I actually like Tangled Depths now because of the Springer too.

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> @Kaneth.4951 said:

> As a long time Horde Troll Shaman in WoW, the Raptor is the mount I love the most. Jackal is a close second since I also love canine inspired mounts.


> In terms of utility. Springer all the way. Jumping into places I'm not supposed to be is a long time mmorpg fascination of mine. BTW, so many HoT HPs are way more easily reach just because of the Springer. I actually like Tangled Depths now because of the Springer too.


Being a long time Alliance player made me actually hate seeing another Griffon, lol.

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Springer for the fact it's just fun jumping up onto stuff in core tyria maps.


I tend to mix up my mounts up a lot when travelling (raptor for speed, springer for shortcuts, skimmer for water and pseudo gliding, jackal for avoiding damage), so none really get neglected.


I did just also get the griffon a bit over half a day ago, and whilst I am using it a lot and finding it incredibly versatile in its ability to traverse various types of terrain, the giddiness from obtaining said mount will inevitably lessen.

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I don't have the "secret" mount yet, so I'm replying with the other four in mind.


Aesthetics: Raptor beats jackal by a hair, but I really like both.

Character: Raptor, "obviously", because of the idle animations.

Most impactful: Probably the springer, both for getting places faster and for losing aggro on uneven terrain.

General use: Raptor. It's fast, the long jump is a great "no, I do not want to fight you" middle finger in open terrain, and I love the sense of power it conveys in that move. If the terrain is too uneven, jackal takes over because the blink works better than the raptor jump when going uphill, and it can also jump off high places and blink to avoid fall damage.


Overall, it's raptor > jackal > skimmer > springer for me. As useful as the springer is, it's a bit too "cute" for me and doesn't dye well. Neither does the skimmer, but feels like a chill ride and has an odd elegant charm.

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Griffon/Sprinter > Jackal/Raptor > Skimmer

Griffon + Sprinter can pretty much go anywhere easily without worry to get knocked down. Jackal/raptor for quick, short travel.

I don't find much use for skimmer other than for specific locations or points of interest. Also, it's the ugliest of five.

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I only have the raptor, springer, and skimmer at the time of this post. That being said, so far my favorite is the raptor. She has _so much_ personality. She looks left and right as I run along. She hops to a gallop. She lays down and scratches herself. She shakes, nearly knocking my tiny asura body off. She looks amazing!


I love my raptor so much, I named her Doraa. :)

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I only have the raptor, springer, and skimmer at the time of this post. That being said, so far my favorite is the raptor. She has _so much_ personality. She looks left and right as I run along. She hops to a gallop. She lays down and scratches herself. She shakes, nearly knocking my tiny asura body off. She looks amazing!


> I love my raptor so much, I named her Doraa. :)


I still haven't decided what I should name my mounts...aaahhh, decisions... :D


Doraa is a lovely name for your raptor :D

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Definitely griffin. I love the graceful cat run, the sounds, that cat back stretch, bending its head back to prune a wing~ Even that "lazy cat in the sun" expression my sylvari has sitting on it. She's so still and expressionless, with her eyes starting to drift close a little before opening them back up.


> @Exiled.5781 said:

> Of the mounts I have, I would have to vote Raptor.


> Also I read/saw that in order to get Griffon mount I would need around 250 gold.If that is true,any suggestions for newer players to get that amount without spending real money on gems or raids/pvp stuff.


That's the value of the items you'll need to buy put together. There are ten and each is 25g. What I did was sell some things from my material storage. A friend sold everything from her storage, but I only let go of my mystic coins and ectoplasm, mostly. I've been playing since May, I think, and have been storing everything I got ever since. Both of those sell for quite a bit. You also get 2g for completing your dailies. Otherwise, sell a lot of your loot? Focus on each item separately so it doesn't feel so daunting making that much money? I've seen people suggest buying high tier weapons with laurels and selling the loot from salvaging them.

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