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DuoQ and No more PvP ladder Titles from S13


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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> Makes me wonder why I even tried for my title... They're going to be meaningless now @____@


No, you have something no one else will ever get. Thye can not buy it in the gem store or farm it. They are not going to take your current titles away.


Players will just look at you with your shiny title and say, now there's a salty ol pvp dog.

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Some players like this idea, and some players dont.


FOr those that like this idea, that's it, we move on.


For those that don't like it, what could they do to make pvp feel competitive that win-traders and cheaters couldn't abuse?


Would players win trade into legendary if they received a permanent special border or icon that (ranked Up) each season they finished there?


I mean if there will always be cheaters and wc's at the top, do the titles matter to us peons? Will we look up to you? How can we distinguish the truly great from the despicable?



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


Thanks for the transparency.

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> @"Fideles Erbstück.7382" said:

> do you even read? the point for recovery for gw2 is long gone. whoever thinks competetive gameplay will come back is either delusional or dumb. and NO ingame reward for some trash tier seasons will change that. just enjoy the game that is left.


Yea maybe no point for recovery, but this will just accelerate the process

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> @"Fideles Erbstück.7382" said:

> > @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > > @"Fideles Erbstück.7382" said:

> > > do you even read? the point for recovery for gw2 is far gone. whoever thinks competetive gameplay will come back is either delusional or dumb. and NO ingame reward for some trash tier seasons will change that. just enjoy the game that is left.

> >

> > Espurtz never dies

> >

> > Tbh i dont think removing the titles is a good Idea but on the other hand they are a meme anyway nowadays and the devs are Not giving us any new ones .. so w/e

> > Duo q wont change the quality of the matches much Tho ... Sorry to shatter your dreams. Still looking Forward Tho

> >


> kitten treetard. read man. i said the scene is not repairable anymore... but atleast i can enjoy the rest of it witha friend. the qulaity is super low. but having fun witha a friend or enduring some boringas matches solo is a whole different world


The second Paragraph wasnt meant for u, Just my opinion about the topic. I knew u would respond to me for that Tho hahaha


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


So, let me get this right you guys are removing the titles because of the actions of a few, and how does win trading even help its not a big thing in plat and stuff you have to win at least like 2 matches every time you lose one to go up any where. Win trading also means that they have to either have a account thats the same rank to actually get placed where they are or have a friend that is willing to lose almost every match? Thats not even mentioning that when you get up even higher in the leaderboards it requires more wins to get any where, because your rating system is werid. If you really wanted to help the pvp community I would keep the pvp titles and ban people that afk in matches from comp games. Just have like a system if you get reported x amount of times you get banned from comp. Also new spvp game mode when? new spvp content when?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Nuvola.9460" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.

> > >

> > > Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.

> > >

> > > We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.

> >

> > Why should I even play ranked now? I mean if there is no rewards for leaderboard than better play unranked at least I play with more friends and not just with a single one?


> Ranked will still have league rewards. There are no current plans to add pips to unranked. We will be occasionally adding new rewards to the league vendors.


I would rethink that. A lot of ranked players howl because they get teamed up with farmers (like me!) who play ranked for pips and mats, not ranking per se. If we had pips in unranked i would gladly move there and glory and rank seekers would be left to their own devices without me spoiling their fun.

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Its a good d> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> So i was already stepping away from rank a bit but now i'm not really investing into it at all lol, If i wanted to win gold or find a way to earn it quickly it wouldn't be with Spvp. We have a different game mode that offers a much faster way to earn gold and skin for the characters.


> Ya'll need to figure something to out because I know for a fact leader-board staying as it is wont even matter because it was already a joke and I'm sure it's gonna be even more of a joke now.


You are vastly over-rating what being in a duo accomplishes for you ratings wise. For one thing you have to win a lot more when in a duo just to reach the level you were doing solo because you gain more for winning and lose less for losing as a solo and gain less for winning and lose more for losing when you are in a duo. I do agree the system has sucked for a long time so not sure why allowing people to actually group with a friend is making it worse. It was already bad.

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This means losing in Ranked won't feel as punishing and stressful for us. The titles were what drove nearly all wintraders, but now that they'll be removed I feel like a huge weight will be lifted.


Thank you. This is an interesting start.


(One recommendation is to give every player in the Top 250 the same title [the name of the title changes every season] but that is up to debate.)

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Thanks Ben. Not sure I like titles being removed, I'm worried games won't be as competitive - the one thing that really distinguishes ranked from unranked - but at the same time there will be a lot less match manipulation so mixed blessing I guess.


*crosses fingers for rewards that won't be manipulated so hard* maybe scaling rewards based on the rank you end the season with? loot bags with potential for good stuff? PvP exclusive rewards? higher rank = slightly more bags?


I'd be excited af to end the season on the best note possible to get a few chances at something really nice. *shrug* just the first suggestion that came to mind.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


I love you Ben.


People are getting excited. ^-^

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Tbh i had a lot of good games with good ppl in unranked, sometimes even more than in ranked and it wasn't even offseason. Dunno why even tryhard in ranked anymore when titles get removed (i don't care for loot like skins and gold, i can do WvW or PvE for that), sure the ranks are more or less a jokes. Top 25 are with very few exceptions either wintraded or some carried by broken fotm build average player carried to something they dont deserve by skill. But still it was a reason to try to go for top25/10 to go into ranked and get it without wintrading or playing the lamest stuff in the game. I sure will not face the cancer of carrying bad ppl and face throwing trolls for nothing except PvE loot. Don't remove titles but change them every 3-5 seasons, that is the way to go. The old titles are usless because we have the same since 8 seasons and every noob could get one now. If you would have changed them after season 8 already the current titles would still mean something.


I am maybe delusional but i didn't give up on GW2 being competitive (the combat system and classes just have too much potential for that) and i think cut the last competitive element from ranked is not the right direction, instead solve the real problems to make pvp a competitive gamemode again.




- Don't give rewards in ranked for lost matches

- More often balance patches so Anet can react faster to broken stuff and don't need to balance with a hammer just because next balance patch will need a while, fine- adjustment is the key.

- in general more support for PvP/WvW incl new supported gamemodes

- why the hell no supported GvG mode with guild leaderboard, so many ppl would come back to gw2, how can you waste such potential in a game even called guild wars?

- clearly less noobfriendly meta by balance patches delete even more passives (not just bit higher cds) and make surviving and also dmg application skillbased and less facetanky and random spamable again. Sure for all the after work casuals you need some ez mode builds but atm almost everything is ez mode. Good ppl lose interest, you either play some braindead shit yourself or you have to accept to get killed by way worse player only because of build advantage, both is not fun.

- make decay start after 10 days not 3, so we can dodge all the wintrading and troling going on in the last 1-2 weeks of the season, maybe higher the amount of games you need for the leaderboard instead a little bit.

- change the pvp titles for top rankes every 3-5 seasons don't delete them or at least don't replace them by only PvE rewards

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> What is the thought process behind removing titles? Isn't that stripping the only competitive reward incentive out of the ranked mode?


That's also my point to be honest. The system benefits to maybe 200 players in both regions. However, for people below, match quality will probably decrease since there will be more reward farmers and less tryharding.



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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > What is the thought process behind removing titles? Isn't that stripping the only competitive reward incentive out of the ranked mode?


> That's also my point to be honest. The system benefits to maybe 200 players in both regions. However, for people below, match quality will probably decrease since there will be more reward farmers and less tryharding.




Yeah, this is a bust. The incentive for me to improve my rank is to collect the PvP titles. I don't open the reward chests or use the gold at all.


That's great that I'll be able to play with a buddy now at 1600+, but you're removing the reason to want to be 1600+ by removing the titles. So, before, I had to solo grind for my goal, now I can play with a friend for no goal - which I could already do in unranked mode.


This thread seems to be well received by most though, so clearly I'm missing something. Are win traders really that prevalent? I only saw like 1 dude removed from the leaderboard this season, which would lead me to believe that they can't be that widespread.

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Ranks are useless in 5v5 pvp because so many players are afk, not trying "I see alot spawn in and say only GG before the match starts", or have an IQ less then 40. We need 1v1 spvp mode for ranks to matter "then 5 man Q would be viable in 5v5 for those who have friends", they could have a daily, and seasonal leaderboard, wouldn't hurt to kill out the cheese builds either "without gutting the class as Anet likes to do". Sometimes it feels like 70% of development focus goes to the gem store and the remaining 30% is shared between every other game mode.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


ya really want to make the community happy on this? Remove all titles since season 6 and have duo que AND 5 man ques. Yes TWO separate ranked modes. All the cheating/wintrading etc that has occurred since has made titles meaningless. Most people tend to think the top titles were in most cases gotten by cheating the system. There 100 other things this dying game mode needs but that for another day.


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