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DuoQ and No more PvP ladder Titles from S13


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Taking away the titles is a bad idea and removes some of the competitiveness. Admittedly, the titles were already made somewhat useless by the existence of certain builds that will basically carry anyone +300 rating than their actual skill level. The problem is people who already have titles still wintrade. People just do it for the hell of it. So this change will fix nothing.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> How can we distinguish the truly great from the despicable?


Winners of ATs. People are more motivated to win individual ATs than individual ranked games. There's very little RNG in ATs since you determine who's on your team and subsequently your team comp. This is ultimately the true test of skill, ranked queues have so much luck involved.


For example, my last 2 games of the ranked season had @"Shadelang.3012", and one also had @"kiritsugu emeya.3962" . Just having Shadelang told me I was likely to win since he's a strong duelist yet also willing to burst my targets in teamfights. Kera plays very differently but is still a valuable player in their own right. They played well and I got the wins that I expected. If I had gotten worse players in either of those games, who knows, I might not have placed where I did.

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I think we really have to wait for the official statement from ANET. Any changes to improve the PvP experience should be encouraged.


Bringing back duo quo for high level players will improve the general quality of matches for everyone. Yes some players will be stomped in some games and will be carried in others. But casual players will also learn from the competitive players and will also improve if they choose to. Sadly, players being stomped still happens due to the a low PvP population on the North America server and an outdated match making system.


However, eliminating some of the PvP rewards forever makes no sense whatsoever. For example, I really want to make the top 250 title and hold it at the end of a Season. I have never done it before and want to keep improving.


However, the community is assuming that's Anet is going to continue to do nothing with PvP. However, Anet is currently trying to overhaul WvW with the Alliance system. I sincerely believe they will try to do the same for PvP.


They have hinted that they are working on a new PvP mode that utilitizes the current system but for GvG. However, Anet doesn't release information until they 100% know the content will be made. There is too much backlash for saying that content is coming and they fail to deliver.


So perhaps the start of the process is completely overhauling the titles that were in place by taking some of them away.


But I'm waiting for an official announcement on what else they will be changing going forward.


Perhaps they are working on new PvP titles with the next expansion.


On another note, ANET really needs to ban all hackers with no exceptions from Pvp. They also need someone actively investigating win trading with Gold sent to PvP players before, during or after a match. And look for patterns of similar behavior between 2 accounts.


They also need to find a way to report desertion and team griefing. Whenever someone goes AFK on my team when they are still Insulting the team, I report it as "Idle" and "Match Manipulation". However "AFK or Desertion" would be more accurate.


If ANET does review any of this, please review my history of G2-G3 Season 12 play of 700 games. Whenever I reported someone of being AFK or intentionally throwing the game, I reported them as Idle and Match Manipulation. I then asked all 4 team members to do the same.


However, we definitely need another option for reporting players that AFK and would be easy to implement (but hard to review).

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> I think we really have to wait for the official statement from ANET. Any changes to improve the PvP experience should be encouraged.


> Bringing back duo quo for high level players will improve the general quality of matches for everyone. Yes some players will be stomped in some games and will be carried in others. But casual players will also learn from the competitive players and will also improve if they choose to. Sadly, players being stomped still happens due to the a low PvP population on the North America server and an outdated match making system.


> However, eliminating some of the PvP rewards forever makes no sense whatsoever. For example, I really want to make the top 250 title and hold it at the end of a Season. I have never done it before and want to keep improving.


> However, the community is assuming that's Anet is going to continue to do nothing with PvP. However, Anet is currently trying to overhaul WvW with the Alliance system. I sincerely believe they will try to do the same for PvP.


> They have hinted that they are working on a new PvP mode that utilitizes the current system but for GvG. However, Anet doesn't release information until they 100% know the content will be made. There is too much backlash for saying that content is coming and they fail to deliver.


> So perhaps the start of the process is completely overhauling the titles that were in place by taking some of them away.


> But I'm waiting for an official announcement on what else they will be changing going forward.


> Perhaps they are working on new PvP titles with the next expansion.


> On another note, ANET really needs to ban all hackers with no exceptions from Pvp. They also need someone actively investigating win trading with Gold sent to PvP players before, during or after a match. And look for patterns of similar behavior between 2 accounts.


> They also need to find a way to report desertion and team griefing. Whenever someone goes AFK on my team when they are still Insulting the team, I report it as "Idle" and "Match Manipulation". However "AFK or Desertion" would be more accurate.


> If ANET does review any of this, please review my history of G2-G3 Season 12 play of 700 games. Whenever I reported someone of being AFK or intentionally throwing the game, I reported them as Idle and Match Manipulation. I then asked all 4 team members to do the same.


> However, we definitely need another option for reporting players that AFK and would be easy to implement (but hard to review).


Ben P, stated they were putting DuoQ and removing titles with Season 13, click on the Arenanet tag and it will take you to his comment in this thread...

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Right. An official response is still coming.


> But Ben did confirm the removal of Titles and the return of duo que. However, the Devil is in the Details.


He is on the official forums as an agent of Anet making an Official statement saying that they are removing the titles and adding back full Duo Q it’s pretty simple. And with Ben P’s track record, whenever he has said something was going to happen it happened.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> **We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


The official Blog is still coming. Reading is important.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.

> >

> > Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.

> >

> > **We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.


> The official Blog is still coming. Reading is important.


Doesn’t mean that Ben’s post isn’t an official statement, smh. The blog is only there to get the news out to more people since not everyone uses the forums or the PvP Subforum to be more precise, and there could be more changes that weren’t pertinent to this thread that weren’t included that they want to put out.

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> very happy to hear but wish full team que would return....this game needs to get back to its roots which is a fun casual exp with friends we all see the competitive

> scene tried and failed lets stick to what gw2 is good at aye?


it sounds good. good players and pvp'ers know and recognize the other good players. how can they have such fun in private scrims if it were not so? I hope teams will make a comeback as well. I really don't care if gw2 is an esport


recognition of guild teams in "our world" would be the best. all can dress the same or something for matches, like Warriors (the movie) lol

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Some players like this idea, and some players dont.


> FOr those that like this idea, that's it, we move on.


> For those that don't like it, what could they do to make pvp feel competitive that win-traders and cheaters couldn't abuse?


> Would players win trade into legendary if they received a permanent special border or icon that (ranked Up) each season they finished there?


> I mean if there will always be cheaters and wc's at the top, do the titles matter to us peons? Will we look up to you? How can we distinguish the truly great from the despicable?




Getting caught cheating resulted in a slap on the wrist tbh... that's why no one gaf

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > very happy to hear but wish full team que would return....this game needs to get back to its roots which is a fun casual exp with friends we all see the competitive

> > scene tried and failed lets stick to what gw2 is good at aye?


> it sounds good. good players and pvp'ers know and recognize the other good players. how can they have such fun in private scrims if it were not so? I hope teams will make a comeback as well. I really don't care if gw2 is an esport


> recognition of guild teams in "our world" would be the best. all can dress the same or something for matches, like Warriors (the movie) lol


focus just needs to be on the premade team content otherwise we will see the fruits of a system that encourages isolationist style play..... no one goes into spvp looking to make friends anymore and if you cant understand why that will lead to a toxic community your not paying attention

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > very happy to hear but wish full team que would return....this game needs to get back to its roots which is a fun casual exp with friends we all see the competitive

> > > scene tried and failed lets stick to what gw2 is good at aye?

> >

> > it sounds good. good players and pvp'ers know and recognize the other good players. how can they have such fun in private scrims if it were not so? I hope teams will make a comeback as well. I really don't care if gw2 is an esport

> >

> > recognition of guild teams in "our world" would be the best. all can dress the same or something for matches, like Warriors (the movie) lol


> focus just needs to be on the premade team content otherwise we will see the fruits of a system that encourages isolationist style play..... no one goes into spvp looking to make friends anymore and if you cant understand why that will lead to a toxic community your not paying attention


Focusing premade will kill the player base. No one wants people worse than them on their team. That is even more toxic.


Solo que provides a relatively level playing field for people to pro e themselves.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > > very happy to hear but wish full team que would return....this game needs to get back to its roots which is a fun casual exp with friends we all see the competitive

> > > > scene tried and failed lets stick to what gw2 is good at aye?

> > >

> > > it sounds good. good players and pvp'ers know and recognize the other good players. how can they have such fun in private scrims if it were not so? I hope teams will make a comeback as well. I really don't care if gw2 is an esport

> > >

> > > recognition of guild teams in "our world" would be the best. all can dress the same or something for matches, like Warriors (the movie) lol

> >

> > focus just needs to be on the premade team content otherwise we will see the fruits of a system that encourages isolationist style play..... no one goes into spvp looking to make friends anymore and if you cant understand why that will lead to a toxic community your not paying attention


> Focusing premade will kill the player base. No one wants people worse than them on their team. That is even more toxic.


> Solo que provides a relatively level playing field for people to pro e themselves.


eh dont think so .... focusing on premades will bring back the community that left this game after the drastic drop off when the change was implemented......


How does solo que do this better then premade LOL so your saying no one wants people worse then them but yet a system that forces randoms to be in my party (who by the way will either be worse or better but either way impossible to be exactly the same skill) is somehow better then a system that allows me to at least form a group of my own choosing who i can play with on a consistent basis and build strategy etc etc your logic is flawed...


solo que does provide a random playing field which ill concede is level bc everyone is subject to it (i agree with you) HOWEVER, im assuming you ment "prove" what exactly are they trying to prove??? and arguing that solo que has its PRO'S is not a legit argument to why premade content shouldn't exist. Fact is no one is inviting people to play gw2 SPVP and bc of that spvp will get less and less support but i suppose people are just ok with that.



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Just re-purpose PvP titles based on how many games won in any setting. Example, 1k = Merciless Legend to 10k = God/Goddess.

Not like you get any title for playing 10k anyway (see Conqueror). @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Not a huge fan of bringing back duoqueue, but if you gonna do it, why not allow full team queue?


Did they say it's going to be combined with Solo Queue again?

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I don't have many personal feelings about this news, but it does make me happy to see many of the more notable players excited about this. I don't really play the game anymore, but I still really enjoy watching streams. If this could breathe back some life into the streaming community I would be very happy.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> Well that kind of sucks, I always thought I would have time later for getting a top 250 title. Guess it's my fault for procrastinating, but still, I feel like we're removing a fun aspect of ranked PvP without actually addressing the problem.


It more than kinda sucks, it was literally the only competitive reward incentive that the ranked game mode had, and it was popular, n one of the only reasons that the game mode was even competitive.


Did you see how much movement was on the leader board this last weekend? I locked in my rating n stopped playing ranked games this past Saturday afternoon and went from rank 170 to 248 by Monday afternoon, so obviously a lot of players were tryharding for leaderboard positions and titles at the end of the season.


Next season we can duo Q with our friends, which means that theoritcally the top 250 is going to become a lot more competitive, but they decide to strip away the competitive titles? That doesn't make any sense, if anything, they should enhance the prize pool now to encourage more competition.


I still haven't seen an official explanation for removing the titles, but it sounds like people are saying that they're being removed because it encourages wintrading? So because a small group of losers want to cheat to win, we're just going to remove winning to try and solve it?


And will this even solve anything? I doubt it. All this does it make it so we're no longer competing for titles we're just competitng for end of season leaderboard positions, which is essentially a watered down version of exactly the same thing. What makes you think that the same group of wintraders aren't going to want to wintrade for these top leaderboard positions just the same as they did for titles?? Lulzzzz.


This changes nothing of the so called "problem", all it does is dilute it. Trust me, if people are willing to wintrade for titles, they'll wintrade for leaderboard spots just the same. All you're doing is making the top prize pool SLIGHTLY less appealing and expecting prideless greed to vanish.


This is such an own goal move Anet. Just give us duo q and leave the titles alone. Hell, I'd prefer it if you just left the titles untouched and kept it solo Q, at least there'd be a prize pool to compete for.


You know what, lets not stop here, lets call up the world olympic comittee and tell them that they should stop handing out olympic medals in an effort to end steroid use and other performance enhancement drugs.

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No more titles? Ok that means I am never going to play seriously in ranked again, because what’s the point? It also means that duo q means nothing to me either because I don’t care about winning if I don’t gain anything for it. Terrible, terrible decision that I truly hope anet decides not to follow through with. Well I guess the only tryharding I will ever be doing from now on is in ATs, which most of the time I can’t be bothered doing because it’s an hour waiting around for 2 good games.


If you take away any incentive to try in ranked, nobody WILL try in ranked. Is that what anet really wants ranked to be? A place where nobody cares about winning and losing because they don’t get anything extra if they win other than a few pips (which pvp players have no need for)? Extremely disappointed to hear this.


Oh well, I guess I can just have fun playing rifle warr in gold 2 forever.

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