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New mount Skins

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So after having a decent look this is my take on the new mounts:



Starscale - Only really like the Jackal verson so I'll pass

Snakescale - Nothing too attractive here, not 1200 gems anyway



Jackrabbit - Very cool skin, so sure if I am tempted or not, still looking for a nice Springer Mount

Painted Mesa - Nice new patten, one of the few I think I like, would be nice to see someone play with dyes



Iceberg: Very nice skin, would love to see some dyes

Hammerhead: Also very cool skin, good job on the skimmers



Dune Mastiff: So Adorable <3 But I already have my Shrine Guardian skin, how to choose??

Mirror Masked: More mesmer butterflies ayone?



Northern Feather Wing: Nice plain mount with a more eagle-like beak, I like it

Sorm Chaser: Best Lightning Skin!! Yes please!

Tufted Night eye: No thanks



We need some new skins here so pretty happy with them all, my favorite is the Trailblazer!


Overall I am quite happy with my Branded Raptor, my Shrine Guardian Jackal, and my Sky Senty Giffon so its hard to entice me with a random skin from 15, one of the skimmer skins would be really nice, and the jackals are also great. Would not mind a new Skimmer or one the Trailblazer Beetle, so overall I guess I am open to 8/15skins with about 3 of those I woud really like

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I think there's some really nice skins in this set - I really like the snakeskin raptor in particular, but overall I prefer the Istani set and I'm glad I went ahead and got it (the entire set) instead of waiting to see what came next.


The problem for me is there's a lot of mount skins which are fairly similar and since they're dyable are almost interchangable. For example one thing I really wanted right from the start was a 'plain' skin for each mount - one which looks like the originals but with 4 dye channels. But I don't think I want more than 1 plain mount - so although I prefer the pattern on the Painted Mesa springer over the Issnur Longhair I'm unlikely to buy it because I'd use it the same way on all the same characters, so it'd basically be duplicate for me. same with the Mirror Masked Jackal - I like it, but for me it would basically be a replacement for the Ice Flow or Branded Jackal so it doesn't seem worth buying.


I do want the Starscale Raptor and at least 1 beetle skin (probably Funerary but I haven't decided yet) but that's probably all I'll get from this set. Any future mounts will need to be distinct from what I've already got to appeal to me.


I'm not complaining but I feel like Anet are losing out a bit by making the mounts dyable. In Elder Scrolls Online I've bought 2 horses which are identical except for the colour and 1 with a different pattern too, and that's in addition to 4 I got in-game and 1 from buying the special edition of the game. If I could just dye them I almost certainly wouldn't have done that. On the other hand GW2 got a major headstart by having 5 (and now 6) different mounts. In ESO all my horses (and cats, guar and wolves, and the bears and camels which I don't have) are functionally identical so you could just stick with 1 of them. Whereas in GW2 I think most people are going to want at least 1 of each. I've not added it up but I think overall GW2 has made more money from selling me mounts than ESO has, and in a shorter space of time and I don't feel like any of them are superfluous, whereas in ESO I decided a while ago I wasn't going to buy any more unless it was something really special.

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I can't claim the RNG was mean to me, because all the skins in this set are nice, and I expect I will enjoy them all, but....after cashing in all my gold and spending more cash than I ought to, bought 2 sets of five and 2 individual licenses, I have 12, and one of the three left is the Snakescale raptor, which was the one I wanted second-most (after the trailblazer beetle, which I got.)


Particularly love the Trailblazer beetle, the big, lanky Jackrabbit, and the starry raptor.


Could have lived contentedly without the Tufted Night Eye, Storm griffon, both skimmers, the primordial bug and the butterfly jackal, though I do not actively dislike them and am already using some of them on my alts and key farmer.


Still do not have the Snakescale, the St Bernard Jackal, or the Northern griffon, all of which...look great.


This might end up as the first mount set where I buy all of them.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I think there's some really nice skins in this set - I really like the snakeskin raptor in particular, but overall I prefer the Istani set and I'm glad I went ahead and got it (the entire set) instead of waiting to see what came next.


> The problem for me is there's a lot of mount skins which are fairly similar and since they're dyable are almost interchangable. For example one thing I really wanted right from the start was a 'plain' skin for each mount - one which looks like the originals but with 4 dye channels. But I don't think I want more than 1 plain mount - so although I prefer the pattern on the Painted Mesa springer over the Issnur Longhair I'm unlikely to buy it because I'd use it the same way on all the same characters, so it'd basically be duplicate for me. same with the Mirror Masked Jackal - I like it, but for me it would basically be a replacement for the Ice Flow or Branded Jackal so it doesn't seem worth buying.


> I do want the Starscale Raptor and at least 1 beetle skin (probably Funerary but I haven't decided yet) but that's probably all I'll get from this set. Any future mounts will need to be distinct from what I've already got to appeal to me.


> I'm not complaining but I feel like Anet are losing out a bit by making the mounts dyable. In Elder Scrolls Online I've bought 2 horses which are identical except for the colour and 1 with a different pattern too, and that's in addition to 4 I got in-game and 1 from buying the special edition of the game. If I could just dye them I almost certainly wouldn't have done that. On the other hand GW2 got a major headstart by having 5 (and now 6) different mounts. In ESO all my horses (and cats, guar and wolves, and the bears and camels which I don't have) are functionally identical so you could just stick with 1 of them. Whereas in GW2 I think most people are going to want at least 1 of each. I've not added it up but I think overall GW2 has made more money from selling me mounts than ESO has, and in a shorter space of time and I don't feel like any of them are superfluous, whereas in ESO I decided a while ago I wasn't going to buy any more unless it was something really special.


I get where you come from, but please no, the dye option makes mounts really cool and attractive and we do not need ESO's heavy money grabbing attitude here

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Like I said I'm not complaining about GW2's system and if I thought there was any possibility of them changing it I wouldn't dare mention an alternative. But I'm sure Anet knew when they designed their system that mounts in most games can't be dyed and that people will sometimes buy different coloured versions to suit different characters/themes (or just for variety), so if they'd wanted to go down that route they would have and if they hadn't allowed us to dye mounts to begin with we probably wouldn't have thought anything of it. And I did say I think overall they've actually gotten more money out of me this way. (Or out of someone anyway, I got the gems for the Istani set by converting gold, so someone else gave them the cash but it comes to the same thing.)


It just makes me wonder how appealing future sets are going to be. If the Desert Racer set had come out before the Istani set I imagine I'd have been a lot more excited about them. It's the same with gliders and most other cosmetics. Even if one is released which is perfect for a character if I've already got one which is almost perfect do I really want to buy the new one? Or do I want to stick with what I've got and save my money?

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The kourna jackrabbit is my favorite mount skin in the game by far. All other springer skins are irrelevant to me now if they don't have this model.


Oh and the mirror masked jackal is something I wasn't expecting to like but has made me start enjoying the jackal more. Electro purple dye works perfectly on the butterflies and I can't get enough of the beautiful teleport effect (also the sound effect which is amazing).

It's a welcome skin which also means I'm not worried if never unlocking stardust from the first rng pack, because I'm happy with this one. :)

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The loot box system is kinda b.s. for this game. Like... at least let me select what species of mount! Super irritating when you drop 20$ and don't get anything for the only mount that doesn't have a skin... eh... This is just me having some buyers remorse. Cant wait to not use any of these skins. Gl to anyone else who buys one.


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