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Runes of Perplexity, aka WTF?

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Why are all levels of Runes of Perplexity (and Tormenting) req level 60? What is the point/purpose of this annoying exception to the general rule of major runes being usable at L39? Is anyone ever going to use a minor rune at L60+? Price diffs between majors and sups are significant here, so *maybe* in very rare circumstances someone with little cash to blow might go with 4 majors until they can afford 6 superiors, but why is this even a thing? What possible reason is there for this to be...a thing?


I really can't understand why devs would choose to do this crap, without a VERY good, VERY functional reason. Is there one?


Welp, perhaps some even more ignorant fool will buy these off the TP to at least cover my cost. Thanks for the extra work, ANet. High five, dudes.



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Not to mention the price of the minor/major are already way higher then a normal rune (which are effectively vendor value). The Minor/Major of these runes are more of a formality then anything else, since the material cost of each makes the lower runes not worth crafting or using since they aren't even close to max stat/effect offering. The upgrade slots are just to precious to not spend on a proper rune set if you're going for the expensive ones.


Ergo, the level requirements are least significant problem in this situation.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Because by the time one must care about which runes they use, they should already be 80 with high-level gear.


Irrelevant to the point. For characters with builds that focus on Confusion and/or Tormenting, there are no other reasonable alternatives to help push that focus if THEY wish to. Just because YOU feel that way doesn't diminish the fact that the lower end runes exist for no apparent purpose due to being completely out of line with all other runes in the game.


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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Ergo, the level requirements are least significant problem in this situation.


I disagree. The cost to craft is essentially a non-issue because the value of components will fluctuate irrespective of the supposed effectiveness of the runes, and its impact is entirely relevant only to a given player. A lot of expensive things exist in the game that make no sense if you can't afford it, but are just "things to have/use" to those that can or wish to min/max regardless of cost/effort.


The level req IS the most significant thing in this situation because it is the aspect that was, by choice of the devs, a thing to break standardization for no apparent reason. Why do this if there is no practical reason for it? Other runes/sigils exist without minor or major versions. There is no way an unsuspecting player (i.e. one that is too naive to realize a global game standard otherwise applicable to all other runes might not apply to another) is going to accidentally make runes they couldn't use for the purpose intended (i.e. for a


So, based on the level req, you have runes that have no practical function, break standardization, can screw over players expecting that standard, and on top of everything, have no effects that are out of proportion with any other condi boosting effect to explain it. Con/Tor isn't radically OP or anything, last I looked. Maybe the devs who made this decision thought the game would break if a bunch of baby scepter mesmers (for example) decked out in minor/major Perp/Tor rune sets appeared! OMG! The horror! Devs generally show little concern for the cost of crafting things they introduce. That is to say, they don't balk at bringing in items that they know will cost megabucks (at the time), even for things that have little to no useful effect, so why would that be an issue here?


Meh. It's probably something that will never be addressed (or answered), anyway, so just another thing to file away in my WTF Was the Point? drawer.

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