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Is elementalist under-performing in raids too?


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The lack of pvp and pve split realty messing up ele balancing and we cant talk about it any where but the ele forms for the most part it seems. So do not be shocked if this was moved and ele forms are a waist land of idea and feed back.


Ele been in a bad places from the very start of gw2 its a gen. class in a game of gen. balance (every one can do every thing so the class made to do every thing gets super bland out.) As well as doing high dmg very fast to non moving targets (npc) there always going to be nerfs on there way that sadly effect other points of the game.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Pve as in fractals and raids or pve as in open world? The later is mostly just follow zerg and hit as many things as possible. As for the former, most ppl there care about this: https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

> Ele is middle af the bunch in mid/small hotbox, and one of the stronger classes on large hitboxes.


Check the title.

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Yesterday a guild told me they would rather take a deadeye or any other DPS to a raid than an Ele. Ele rotations are harder and don’t offer any more damage so your likely to screw them up and do worse. Ele also doesn’t bring any booms or utility that another class doesn’t do better. Ele isn’t really wanted in PvE Raids. I might add Ele isn’t wanted in WVW Raids either. Ele is in a bad place right now.

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> @"MaxwellM.2075" said:

> Yesterday a guild told me they would rather take a deadeye or any other DPS to a raid than an Ele. Ele rotations are harder and don’t offer any more damage so your likely to screw them up and do worse. Ele also doesn’t bring any booms or utility that another class doesn’t do better. Ele isn’t really wanted in PvE Raids. I might add Ele isn’t wanted in WVW Raids either. Ele is in a bad place right now.


If this is true, then welcome to the Engie HABITUAL spot. But I seriously doubt it is true. Ele seems as strong as ever, except a few things now behaving normal instead of OP.

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It was definitely too much for the class as a whole. Kind of reminds me of Blizzard's balancing, where any nuance is lost and the change was just jackhammered in for whatever reason. One of the few things I don't quite understand in terms of why the change was made

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Weaver got nerfed. The reason weaver is not used, not because the dps nerf but because, why would you if its considered one of the hardest rotation to get ok numbers? I mean you can bring them in KC for cleave, but that is about it, at the moment. It is like how condi engi was before last balance patch. Condi engi before last patch wasn't doing well. But it wasnt like you (could'nt) bring him into raids During that time. It is just why would you? Why would you stress yourself more then people doing deadeye when deadeye is 3 buttons vs, weaver 10 skills trying to hit within just 10 secs? More work for dps that isn't worth it.


However Arenanet gives out balance patches, so lets see what happens in the next. Class benchmarks never stay the same so lets see.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"MaxwellM.2075" said:

> > Yesterday a guild told me they would rather take a deadeye or any other DPS to a raid than an Ele. Ele rotations are harder and don’t offer any more damage so your likely to screw them up and do worse. Ele also doesn’t bring any booms or utility that another class doesn’t do better. Ele isn’t really wanted in PvE Raids. I might add Ele isn’t wanted in WVW Raids either. Ele is in a bad place right now.


> If this is true, then welcome to the Engie HABITUAL spot. But I seriously doubt it is true. Ele seems as strong as ever, except a few things now behaving normal instead of OP.


Very skilled eles are "strong as ever". Those of lower skill are frankly laughable. I often see eles do less damage than the banner warrior. Which isn't strong. It isn't even adequate. It's flat out bad.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> But it wasnt like you (could'nt) bring him into raids During that time. It is just why would you? Why would you stress yourself more then people doing deadeye when deadeye is 3 buttons vs, weaver 10 skills trying to hit within just 10 secs? More work for dps that isn't worth it.


That’s what I’m not understanding. Shouldn’t balance also me that the higher the skill needed to pe from would equal a greater reward? If you need a higher APM doing a tricky rotation it’s only logical you should be rewarded more than a someone who auto attacks then hits 5 once in a while.



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