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Solution for rev (burst issue)


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I suggest rather than nerfing sword 4+5 to buff shield.

If you buff shield to have condition cleanses or something it might get used over sword off hand. This would make the revenant overall more viable vs condi builds and it would lower the burst potential when using the more survivability oriented build with shield.

This just allows the rev to be less squishy but also less bursty.

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Now thats a better idea, lets not forget how worthless Revenant remained for over a year before sword rework. Lacked any burst to do **anything** the moment Equilibrium was removed, Precision Strike nerfed and Staff 5 butchered while never receiving any compensation to their survivability nor utility. Pointless tremendous amount of effort to make the class work at any scenario. Making shield worth something is the best idea right now since it has remained absolutely useless for much longer. **Actually help with build diversity** by buffing other aspects of the class instead of killing the only current viable ones.

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There's nothing really wrong with Sword 5 tbh.

Sword 4 is the only one that absolutely hits like a truck, immobilizes, and grants fury - it could use a slight shave.


Regardless of whether or not OHSword needs a nerf, Shield needs actual buffs to be made worthwhile as an offhand because its trash either way.

Shield 4 converting/cleansing 2 conditions would be a great start, and if Shield 5 is still going to root, it needs either higher healing (it was nerfed and never compensated, it should be reverted) or even have it pulse healing to others in the immediate area.

Soothing Bastion's also a pretty lame passive with said root. It should be changed to a GM that boosts the effectiveness of shield skills in some fashion.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> If you buff shield to have condition cleanses or something it might get used over sword off hand. This would make the revenant overall more viable vs condi builds and it


I say nerf sword off hand and put the condition cleanses in kalla, so players would have to run renegade meme builds for condition removal.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> There's nothing really wrong with Sword 5 tbh.

> Sword 4 is the only one that absolutely hits like a truck, immobilizes, and grants fury - it could use a slight shave.



Sword 5 grants fury Sword 4 does not.


Neither skill is particularly OP, the thing that people are getting memed by is you can use them both in a combo together so they land at roughly the same time. So players who don't understand revenant think they are getting oneshot.


Anyways OP might be right. Shield has needed a buff for a long time.


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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Axe too...


> Frigid Blitz does half the damage of either off hand sword skill, and axe 5 is worthless as people just strafe away from it.


I'd buff axe by giving it more utility, like a flip-over skill on axe 4 to teleport back to your initial position, or making axe 5 instantly CC so it could be used as an interrupt.

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I don't think it has anything to do with off hand sword at all. I don't play rev, so idk the details. But whatever is allowing rev to maintain 25 stacks of might in combat is where all that burst is coming from. My build steals boons, so it's not an issue for me. But maintaining 25 stacks of might is the issue. For the recod, i think revs are in a good place and are okay, but only for those who can rip boons.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> I don't think it has anything to do with off hand sword at all. I don't play rev, so idk the details. But whatever is allowing rev to maintain 25 stacks of might in combat is where all that burst is coming from. My build steals boons, so it's not an issue for me. But maintaining 25 stacks of might is the issue. For the recod, i think revs are in a good place and are okay, but only for those who can rip boons.


Incensed Response gives Rev 5 stacks of Might every time they gain Fury, Nefarious Momentum gives 2 more(3 in Shiro) stacks every time you use a utility skill. The traits have no ICD's either. So, when you are in combat, Glint stance, with Facet of Darkness/Strength up you maintain a minimum of 16-17 Might at all times, and your Shiro/sword burst generates 11 more stacks of Might. Double-tapping Facet of Nature is 12 more Might+all the other Herald boons. Simply Legend swapping gives 5 Might.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > I don't think it has anything to do with off hand sword at all. I don't play rev, so idk the details. But whatever is allowing rev to maintain 25 stacks of might in combat is where all that burst is coming from. My build steals boons, so it's not an issue for me. But maintaining 25 stacks of might is the issue. For the recod, i think revs are in a good place and are okay, but only for those who can rip boons.


> Incensed Response gives Rev 5 stacks of Might every time they gain Fury, Nefarious Momentum gives 2 more(3 in Shiro) stacks every time you use a utility skill. The traits have no ICD's either. So, when you are in combat, Glint stance, with Facet of Darkness/Strength up you maintain a minimum of 16-17 Might at all times, and your Shiro/sword burst generates 11 more stacks of Might. Double-tapping Facet of Nature is 12 more Might+all the other Herald boons. Simply Legend swapping gives 5 Might.


Thanks, good to know where all that might is coming from.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > > I don't think it has anything to do with off hand sword at all. I don't play rev, so idk the details. But whatever is allowing rev to maintain 25 stacks of might in combat is where all that burst is coming from. My build steals boons, so it's not an issue for me. But maintaining 25 stacks of might is the issue. For the recod, i think revs are in a good place and are okay, but only for those who can rip boons.

> >

> > Incensed Response gives Rev 5 stacks of Might every time they gain Fury, Nefarious Momentum gives 2 more(3 in Shiro) stacks every time you use a utility skill. The traits have no ICD's either. So, when you are in combat, Glint stance, with Facet of Darkness/Strength up you maintain a minimum of 16-17 Might at all times, and your Shiro/sword burst generates 11 more stacks of Might. Double-tapping Facet of Nature is 12 more Might+all the other Herald boons. Simply Legend swapping gives 5 Might.


> Thanks, good to know where all that might is coming from.


You know what, you are right. Much better if they just lower the might generation instead of balancing around Revenant always having 25 stacks of might. Directly nerfing skills just punishes anyone that is not always at 25 stacks.


Sword 4 doesn't hit that hard on anyone unless you have 25 stacks of might and that actually goes for every other class.

Also a response to some of the outcries I hear from time to time _"I got **One** shot from 15k-20k to 0 in a sec with **no tells**"_


5.4k with 3 stacks

![](https://i.imgur.com/Hz6b9Of.png "")


7k-7.4k with 25 stacks

![](https://i.imgur.com/349sNnV.png "")


Using Leadership and Marauder on a **Light Armor** Golem,

and 4.5k / 6k respectively on a Heavy one


So yes, tweaking their might generation is a much better choice instead of lazy direct nerfs to skills. However, **and I repeat**, their damage is not even average tier at all without offhand sword. Right now the much better choice is to **buff Shield**.



A slight nerf to off hand sword while **simultaneously buffing** back Precision Strike could also work.

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> @"Nate.5109" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > about time this got moved to the rev profession page I think


> Nonono, that's just to murder Elementalist based threads!


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/644474#Comment_644474


> Hilariously, this thread has been here since four days before she posted that. lol


> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> about time this got moved to the rev profession page I think


> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > about time this got moved to the rev profession page I think


> Only eles deserve that sort of treatment. Filthy eles. ?


Thanks guys… xd

Can this please be moved to pvp again? It gets unnoticed on the rev forum

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> I don't think it has anything to do with off hand sword at all. I don't play rev, so idk the details. But whatever is allowing rev to maintain 25 stacks of might in combat is where all that burst is coming from. My build steals boons, so it's not an issue for me. But maintaining 25 stacks of might is the issue. For the recod, i think revs are in a good place and are okay, but only for those who can rip boons.


To be fair everyone in sPvP rips boons via their sigils... When they got rid of all those popular offense ones like air/force/fire/hydro/geo/etc, it left Annulment, Revocation, and Absorption as clear stand-outs in the "strongest-ones-left department." Even if you don't normally play with boon strip sigils, you can easily swap them on when you see that the other team has a rev.


I think the perma-25 might for heralds was a pretty fair/nice way of returning some of their damage potential after nerfing precision strike by over 50%, surge by over 80%, making Enchanted Daggers consume charges on block/evade, and totally deleting Equilibrium from the game. At least this sort of Burst potential has counter play... I think it just went largely unnoticed for quite a while cuz every game was queueing double Scourge. :bleep_bloop:

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> Honestly, just slapping a 5 second ICD into Incensed Response would curb this overstacking of Might on Rev. There would still be a lot of Might but you would actually have to build for it instead of Facet of Darkness generating it for you rather passively.


Or just giving Equilibrium back...


No one even asked for a second 25 might trait in Invocation, we already had it in Devastation with Nefarious Momentum. They took away our boat and gave us two paddles.


Before any nerfing happens to rev, something's gotta change because right now the class is barely viable and relies on having 25 might all the time. On any other class perma 25 might would be considered OP right away, but on revenant it makes the class like a solid B-. I want that problem solved first.

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I think people are forgetting they super nerfed a lot of our base damage numbers for pvp and boosted our might generation capabilities. Anet clearly wants Revenant to have high might uptime and have balanced the class around that. For pvp/wvw personally I’m fine with that. This shield suggestion would be a good way to add build diversity and deal with the (nonexistent) revenant burst “problem.”

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Trying revenant for first time using the meta staff sword/sword build.


My ratio Kills/Deaths is probably 10:100

Means I killed 10 people and I got destroyed 100 times.


It seems like a crazy high reward high risk build, I didn't land a single sword4 or sword5 on good players.

This is really a l2p issue in my opinion.

Nothing to do at all with the stupid 3 buttons power mesmer oneshot ability which is super low risk high reward.

One mistake on rev and you die, simple as that.

Your opponent can addord many mistakes and still win over you.


I would leave sword OH as it is.

Definetely onto shield buff, it's needed.

Probably axe OH too to compete with sword.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> The issue is 25 might stacking, and this not rev exclusive issue. I think that no class/build, particularly in PvP, should be able to maintain more than 10 stacks of might solo.


The thing is that they took away all the damage from Rev's base skills, and added it back in via Might since you know, Herald's theme is "boons... all the boons."


This made their damage A) Counterable via boon strip, B ) have more predictable bursts cuz u can just watch the might go up and then prepare to i-frame when it goes over 20, and C) fit with the theme of the class. It also basically made it so that you HAVE to take Invocation/Devastation if you want to kill somebody... This forces Heralds to basically choose between going offensive rather than defensive/hybrid to do damage (the same can be said about putting so much of its burst damage into an offhand weapon with no straight defensive skills (aside from some soft cc and mobility). Back when Rev's were super op and had their damage tied to their base skill coefficients, tons of Rev's would just go Dev/Retribution and be tanky as all kitten while still having insane burst potential. I mean, the stab got gutted out of Ret too, which makes it less appealing in general, but that's a different issue. If the damage was returned to base instead of boons, you could see Revs realistically take Retribution, stack toughness, or even play with Jalis and still waste people. While that seems like it might promote build diversity, it's also the very thing that made rev's op and got them insane-o nerfed in the first place.


Bottom line is tho, if they add an internal cooldown to Incensed Response, they will have to drastically re-raise Rev's base damage, and then everyone will be right back to complaining that Rev's do too much damage for their survivability like it was 2016.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > Honestly, just slapping a 5 second ICD into Incensed Response would curb this overstacking of Might on Rev. There would still be a lot of Might but you would actually have to build for it instead of Facet of Darkness generating it for you rather passively.


> Or just giving Equilibrium back...


> No one even asked for a second 25 might trait in Invocation, we already had it in Devastation with Nefarious Momentum. They took away our boat and gave us two paddles.


> Before any nerfing happens to rev, something's gotta change because right now the class is barely viable and relies on having 25 might all the time. On any other class perma 25 might would be considered OP right away, but on revenant it makes the class like a solid B-. I want that problem solved first.


How is it B- when r55 runs 2 revs in monthly AT finals? If they are B- why not get something else?

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > Honestly, just slapping a 5 second ICD into Incensed Response would curb this overstacking of Might on Rev. There would still be a lot of Might but you would actually have to build for it instead of Facet of Darkness generating it for you rather passively.

> >

> > Or just giving Equilibrium back...

> >

> > No one even asked for a second 25 might trait in Invocation, we already had it in Devastation with Nefarious Momentum. They took away our boat and gave us two paddles.

> >

> > Before any nerfing happens to rev, something's gotta change because right now the class is barely viable and relies on having 25 might all the time. On any other class perma 25 might would be considered OP right away, but on revenant it makes the class like a solid B-. I want that problem solved first.


> How is it B- when r55 runs 2 revs in monthly AT finals? If they are B- why not get something else?


It’s B- because it’s only affective when the player is good. Rev has a high skill cap and r55 can use it to its full potential with their revenant.

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