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[WvW] Full-block warrior builds need a nerf


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That started to be annoying, block block block... They only have few seconds of downtime for blocking.

Please lower the duration of blocking stances to make warrior balanced with other classes. You nerfed Scourge, then another OP meta became annoying.

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Shield Stance has 20s CD, Endure Pain has.. 60? 50? Then they get it from activating the skill themselves once more (nobody does this btw) Balanced Stance can potentially block critical hits. Fullcounter has 10 (or was it more? I never watch the numbers tick down) seconds CD in wvw? And it only blocks a single thing once.


If you just use every skill you have while they are blocking I can see your frustration, but they have exactly one chance of blocking the majority of damage before they are sitting ducks that can't do anything against ranged pressure but run.


So you have around 10 seconds of downtime to damage/kill them before another Shield Stance will be up and still more than half a minute before they can Endure Pain again.


They should also have severe issues actually killing you when traiting so much into defense. It's useful in bigger fights, to block and disengage after a bubble or while jumping into their backline, but that's about it

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Warrior is in a really awkward state because its entire viability hinges on this really stupid setup. It really is quite oppressive, but otherwise warrior is just super weak thanks to kit simplicity and powercreep from the expansions. It'd help if they also added the sPvP split to Endure Pain that currently WvW doesn't have.


I saw a suggestion in the warrior forums a while ago that I really liked: Cut the durations to 1s but drop the cooldowns proportionally as well, or give them the ammo system treatment with another separate (short) independent cooldown.


This way the overall uptime remains the same, but it's not just a front-loaded continuous chain of immunity/blocks/etc. that lets the warrior do literally anything so long as it hits its defensive rotation, and this also helps good warriors have more consistent means of countering major, single bursts or people who wait out the rotation that they predict and react to, rather than just fire-and-forget every few seconds doing the same rotations and running away with cooldowns burned.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Warrior is in a really awkward state because its entire viability hinges on this really stupid setup. It really is quite oppressive, but otherwise warrior is just super weak thanks to kit simplicity and powercreep from the expansions. It'd help if they also added the sPvP split to Endure Pain that currently WvW doesn't have.


> I saw a suggestion in the warrior forums a while ago that I really liked: Cut the durations to 1s but drop the cooldowns proportionally as well, or give them the ammo system treatment with another separate (short) independent cooldown.


> This way the overall uptime remains the same, but it's not just a front-loaded continuous chain of immunity/blocks/etc. that lets the warrior do literally anything so long as it hits its defensive rotation, and this also helps good warriors have more consistent means of countering major, single bursts or people who wait out the rotation that they predict and react to, rather than just fire-and-forget every few seconds doing the same rotations and running away with cooldowns burned.


But not being able to front load kills their viability in WvW, as their effective range is melee, and all but one of their build types is squarely Front line. Warrior is the only class that can still manage to be part of the meta comp, but separate from their support without getting instantly cremated. And even then, they have a limited life span, which further limits their ability to useful.


The situation in PvP is created by players being used to winning via CC and spike damage, since it removes the victim's ability to react. But since warriors can play the long game, and most players don't know how to handle that, it gets to be the next target in the "nerf things I can't beat" list of "PvP balance". The effectiveness of Immunity scales directly with the amount of incoming damage its preventing...... that more then anything else should be the big indication of what the real problem is.

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Can you link this "full block build"? Because I think it doesn't exist.


How do players just keep making up problems that do not exist. Warrior has... a shield blocking. Counterstrike. Dodges. And then invuln traits / utilities. All have clear counterplay in all gamemodes. Besides, only their traits / utilities allow them to apply counterpressure while they're blocking.


Unless you're killing yourself on shield reflection. That's entirely possible. Clearly inbalanced, he takes no damage AND sends it back? ZERO COUNTERPLAY PLZ NERF.


They have a lot of seconds downtime for blocking. Maybe not the first 20-30 seconds of the fight, but baiting cooldowns while preserving your own is an important part of PvP and kiting out a warriors cooldowns isn't very difficult.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Warrior is in a really awkward state because its entire viability hinges on this really stupid setup. It really is quite oppressive, but otherwise warrior is just super weak thanks to kit simplicity and powercreep from the expansions. It'd help if they also added the sPvP split to Endure Pain that currently WvW doesn't have.

> >

> > I saw a suggestion in the warrior forums a while ago that I really liked: Cut the durations to 1s but drop the cooldowns proportionally as well, or give them the ammo system treatment with another separate (short) independent cooldown.

> >

> > This way the overall uptime remains the same, but it's not just a front-loaded continuous chain of immunity/blocks/etc. that lets the warrior do literally anything so long as it hits its defensive rotation, and this also helps good warriors have more consistent means of countering major, single bursts or people who wait out the rotation that they predict and react to, rather than just fire-and-forget every few seconds doing the same rotations and running away with cooldowns burned.


> But not being able to front load kills their viability in WvW, as their effective range is melee, and all but one of their build types is squarely Front line. Warrior is the only class that can still manage to be part of the meta comp, but separate from their support without getting instantly cremated. And even then, they have a limited life span, which further limits their ability to useful.


> The situation in PvP is created by players being used to winning via CC and spike damage, since it removes the victim's ability to react. But since warriors can play the long game, and most players don't know how to handle that, it gets to be the next target in the "nerf things I can't beat" list of "PvP balance". The effectiveness of Immunity scales directly with the amount of incoming damage its preventing...... that more then anything else should be the big indication of what the real problem is.


Rifle is very effective. Warrior mains just don't want to drop Axe/Dagger +Shield and GS, so they will deny that they have ranged viability until the cows come home. Warriors are only melee-only if they build that way. And since the current cookie-cutter builds of Core/SB are significantly overtuned in WvW, mostly due to sustain and defenses, nobody want's to hear that life would most definitely go on after those defenses are changed to require thought. I stopped roaming as Warrior a few months ago after the (fair) fights were just unbearably easy...

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > Warrior is in a really awkward state because its entire viability hinges on this really stupid setup. It really is quite oppressive, but otherwise warrior is just super weak thanks to kit simplicity and powercreep from the expansions. It'd help if they also added the sPvP split to Endure Pain that currently WvW doesn't have.

> > >

> > > I saw a suggestion in the warrior forums a while ago that I really liked: Cut the durations to 1s but drop the cooldowns proportionally as well, or give them the ammo system treatment with another separate (short) independent cooldown.

> > >

> > > This way the overall uptime remains the same, but it's not just a front-loaded continuous chain of immunity/blocks/etc. that lets the warrior do literally anything so long as it hits its defensive rotation, and this also helps good warriors have more consistent means of countering major, single bursts or people who wait out the rotation that they predict and react to, rather than just fire-and-forget every few seconds doing the same rotations and running away with cooldowns burned.

> >

> > But not being able to front load kills their viability in WvW, as their effective range is melee, and all but one of their build types is squarely Front line. Warrior is the only class that can still manage to be part of the meta comp, but separate from their support without getting instantly cremated. And even then, they have a limited life span, which further limits their ability to useful.

> >

> > The situation in PvP is created by players being used to winning via CC and spike damage, since it removes the victim's ability to react. But since warriors can play the long game, and most players don't know how to handle that, it gets to be the next target in the "nerf things I can't beat" list of "PvP balance". The effectiveness of Immunity scales directly with the amount of incoming damage its preventing...... that more then anything else should be the big indication of what the real problem is.


> Rifle is very effective. Warrior mains just don't want to drop Axe/Dagger +Shield and GS, so they will deny that they have ranged viability until the cows come home. Warriors are only melee-only if they build that way. And since the current cookie-cutter builds of Core/SB are significantly overtuned in WvW, mostly due to sustain and defenses, nobody want's to hear that life would most definitely go on after those defenses are changed to require thought. I stopped roaming as Warrior a few months ago after the (fair) fights were just unbearably easy...


lol no, rifle is bad af honestly, even im roaming. and starlin was mainly talking about zerging not roaming.

and in zergs rifle is kitten awful, all the projectile hate flying around, rifle is ALL projectiles, except the knockback and that one is a melee ranged skill, no unblockables except on signet of might which is, lets face it, a wasted slot for warrior in wvw

not to mention that this just further pushes wvw into even more pirateshipmeta, which is a playstyle alot of ppl dont like.


and to the OP i can say, play warrior yourself, learn what of their skills actually blocks stuff. you have 25seconds on shieldblock which on its own is a 3 second block, you can trait it down to 20seconds and make it a reflect. then you have fullcounter which has 12s (10 1/4s as traited) cd. that one blocks a single attack and will then dodge everything else for 1/2second...and finally 4seconds (5s if traited) of physical dmg immunity on a 60s cd where one activates on 50% hp, which is very predictable to not waste your stuff into. and lots of ppl, myself included, dont even run a second endure pain on tfeir utility bar.


so while chaining everything together they have 3s+5s+lets say fc with 1s=9seconds of physical immunity with cooldowns of 60 seconds

now you could add another endure pain and end up with 14s of immunity...


thats not even close at all to 50% uptime.

AND there is counterplay to it, the first is, dont waste all your dmg while they have their defenses activated, just wait a few seconds and then burst. conditions and cc wont be blocked by endure pain and finally you can interrupt shieldblock and fc with unblockable interrupts, for example as a necro you can use unblockable marks to interrupt shieldblock with your fear mark. and thiefs can interrupt fc with traited steal. also other unblockable skills still hurt through shield, especially when the warrior feels safe behind it and wont expect the need to dodge while blocking


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> and thiefs can interrupt fc with traited steal.


*Only* if they have Basilisk venom up, an elite with a 30s cooldown that has a cast time almost as long as the duration of the instant-cast full-counter. So...yeah no that's not a valid counterplay. As for some Warriors who don't think Rifle can be viable, I dunno what to say. Maybe they should stop being lemmings and copying/pasting the exact same build that they see online and remember that the Berserker elite spec still exists. It's just not as brainless as Core/SB.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > and thiefs can interrupt fc with traited steal.


> *Only* if they have Basilisk venom up, an elite with a 30s cooldown that has a cast time almost as long as the duration of the instant-cast full-counter. So...yeah no that's not a valid counterplay. As for some Warriors who don't think Rifle can be viable, I dunno what to say. Maybe they should stop being lemmings and copying/pasting the exact same build that they see online and remember that the Berserker elite spec still exists. It's just not as brainless as Core/SB.


BV's cooldown is 40s.

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