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Where are the skilled WvW fights?


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Here's what I constantly see...


1 Blob (~60 players) Vs 3 "fight guilds" (~20 players each)


The fight guilds all complain about how no one wants to fight them and eventually move off whatever server they are on (to the same server as the other fight guilds) and find themselves on another server with all the same people doing the exact same thing..


If yall want small/med scale gvg type fights the solution is simple.. stop moving to the same server as everyone else who wants the same thing. TALK TO EACH OTHER.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Skilled fights stopped after HoT.


> Since then it's stacking the lowest-skill OP fotm builds.


> You missed the deadline for good action by three years lol.


That's going a bit too far. While people always love to reminisce about the past and complain about the present, I'd say that the fights and GvG comps we saw in late '16 and early '17 were overall pretty exciting with a decent balance for most approaches (power/condi/hybrid, heals/other support) and with the top teams leaning more towards bursty power. In that sense, alot of it was similar to the smaller comps (eg., 15-man) seen in the early days of vanilla. The misbalance came pretty sharply thereafter between the feb 22 and may 16 patches with Warrior nerfs and condi buffs.

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i think we have a problem with copy paste opinions. they are those which are popular but once you test it yourself, you might say, mmm, this isn't what i thought.


i mean to apply this to wvw in general.


is it possible to have like a thread where ww can post, ei, slayers raiding now at 2pm, just mail us for some fun if you want some 5v5 or something. etc?


considering a google sheet for this.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > I always envious of servers that have many people who ranked mithril or even diamond. Then, when I look at my server, I feel sad, finding players of those ranks are like as rare as a precious gem. It seems like "good" players tend to stack server and naturally those server become full of "good" players. Then, often whine about where the good fights, I really can't comprehend this mentality.

> >

> > It makes me wonder if I am just too stupid to understand or others too pretentious about it.


> Just one thing..having a high rank in WvW doesn't mean they are good by any means.


Still more experience than any bronze and silver (and even gold), afterall, reaching diamond and mithril isn't a one day two day thing.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > I always envious of servers that have many people who ranked mithril or even diamond. Then, when I look at my server, I feel sad, finding players of those ranks are like as rare as a precious gem. It seems like "good" players tend to stack server and naturally those server become full of "good" players. Then, often whine about where the good fights, I really can't comprehend this mentality.

> > >

> > > It makes me wonder if I am just too stupid to understand or others too pretentious about it.

> >

> > Just one thing..having a high rank in WvW doesn't mean they are good by any means.


> Still more experience than any bronze and silver (and even gold), afterall, reaching diamond and mithril isn't a one day two day thing.


Most of the people with Plat+ WvW rank were just EoTM-farmers, which is basically just bragging about PvE ktraining.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> I always envious of servers that have many people who ranked mithril or even diamond. Then, when I look at my server, I feel sad, finding players of those ranks are like as rare as a precious gem. It seems like "good" players tend to stack server and naturally those server become full of "good" players. Then, often whine about where the good fights, I really can't comprehend this mentality.


> It makes me wonder if I am just too stupid to understand or others too pretentious about it.


You're not wrong but no one wants to try to carry trash pugs though.

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Dear OP,


Almost anyone that wanted to play the game for "fights" has quit after years of neglect and abuse by anet. HoT introduction was a good example of a 2 month period that made about half the EU guilds quit the game and not look back.

They got replaced in WvW feature packs by casual pipfarmers looking for rewards cause raiding2hard (hahaha). Now these openworld players are the majority of WvW. Obviously finding enemies willing to actually put up a fight are exceptionally rare. Over time more and more guilds will leave.


Nowadays godawful players are sitting around crying about their special-snowflake amazing builds and how meta is awful and elitist... Meanwhile they don't even grasp the basics of the meta because they haven't played anything close to decent in years. They'll just blame everything on losing then demand their acs can 5v50 when everyone on their side logs off because they're getting farmed... again.


WvW is EOTM 2.0; a playground for casuals to farm rewards with very few good players looking for competition or actual action. No different than PvP. I mean look at NA PvP, unless you organise your own fights avoiding pugs completely you will not get challenging or high quality matches. Ever.


Look at the thread. They're insanely salty at anyone that doesn't wanna play with them, and anyone that rolls over them. "Friendly" casuals tho. I'm so suprised people don't want to play with them. Oh wait :trollface:

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Hopefully now that they have their own arena, GvG “fight” guilds will all gather there. Might be slow to catch on at first but some silver lining. Maybe GvG will become great again!


Let's ignore the gamemode 6 years literally leaving it non-functional several times for several months, then add an arena and pretend it'll bring hundreds of players and guilds playing daily back.

Oh wait no; an arena won't actually bring back the guilds. It might slowly give rise to a better scene for the remaining guilds. It might make htem not ragequit the game because every dead mu would imply nothing to do for an entire week. But bringing back players? hahahaha.


The casuals are too toxic for anyone to want to come back and play with you. Not even joking.

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skilled fights = pre-PoF


Shakin my head at "fight guilds" ruining servers by pretty much deciding for the rest of a server to stay out of T1, resulting in lots of people being pissed off at not being able to play their favorite game mode, resulting in people quitting WvW or the game completely, and guilds leaving said servers, including the ones that are "looking for fights." Way to ruin communities.


Instead of crying because people don't want to fight your awesomeness of a guild in open field, how about adapting and going and getting fights. You all know how to get them, you just have this fantasy that everyone is going to fight open field all the time.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> skilled fights = pre-PoF


> Shakin my head at "fight guilds" ruining servers by pretty much deciding for the rest of a server to stay out of T1, resulting in lots of people being pissed off at not being able to play their favorite game mode, resulting in people quitting WvW or the game completely, and guilds leaving said servers, including the ones that are "looking for fights." Way to ruin communities.


> Instead of crying because people don't want to fight your awesomeness of a guild in open field, how about adapting and going and getting fights. You all know how to get them, you just have this fantasy that everyone is going to fight open field all the time.


Wait it's fight guilds that destroy communities? Oh my bad. Maybe on NA.


Deso, pre HoT and early HoT strong server... No fight guilds transfered there unless you consider KISS and MILF "fight" guilds. Instead it got stacked with fairweather pugs until all the fight guilds and its original population left and then it dropped like a brick. While remaining FULL status for over a year. Deso community is pretty dead compared to before.


FSP, pre HoT fight server with many guilds. Throughout HoT fight server with many guilds. Got completely stacked with fairweather pugs until ALL the fight guilds LEFT because getting players that would listen and respect the comms was impossible no matter who you were. It's T1 and currently at medium population from very high a few months ago. Community dead.


Yeah I'm sure those fight guilds are "destroying" the T5 WSR and vabbi communities. Those great, active communities that were... lowest rated in the entire game with no comms and 90% of the population only being there / playing when linked to another server.


Oh wait no! All the pugs are too busy chasing guilds to get carried while refusing to even listen to said guilds. Rather flame them when you lose and flame them when you win but make sure you chase them around and leech of them as much as you can. Of course mediocre guilds will just follow suit and rather move to other guilds than try to carry spoilt pugs on their own.


I don't know about NA; but on EU it's the casual pugs leeching off communities without interacting with them until they die. Stacking is nothing but self-preservation to avoid the pugs as long as possible and it's required for an actual community to survive.


I'll bet both WSR and vabbi have a higher amount of community players than any T1 or T2 main server on EU. Because the truth is, the only ones killing communities are pugs refusing to interact with the other players. Don't need builds, coordination, teamwork, organisation, voice, interacting or talking to other players. Nah, just need to play what you like, where you like, because you like it and ignore everyone else... then pretend fight guilds destroy communities.


FSP was a server stacked with guilds for 2-3 years and I think it'll become a link server rather than main server soon. I'm sure that's the fault of the "fight guilds" that were there. Nothing to do with having 30 pugs add to every 20 man guildraid and queues everywhere yet unable to organise a single map.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> skilled fights = pre-PoF


> Shakin my head at "fight guilds" ruining servers by pretty much deciding for the rest of a server to stay out of T1, resulting in lots of people being pissed off at not being able to play their favorite game mode, resulting in people quitting WvW or the game completely, and guilds leaving said servers, including the ones that are "looking for fights." Way to ruin communities.


> Instead of crying because people don't want to fight your awesomeness of a guild in open field, how about adapting and going and getting fights. You all know how to get them, you just have this fantasy that everyone is going to fight open field all the time.


How are these guilds keeping you out of T1?


They are preventing others from organizing and capping objectives?


And how in the hell is that keeping people from playing their favorite game mode?


You can't play except if it's T1?




That is the complete definition of entitlement and is the exact toxicity people are talking about.


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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > Hopefully now that they have their own arena, GvG “fight” guilds will all gather there. Might be slow to catch on at first but some silver lining. Maybe GvG will become great again!


> Let's ignore the gamemode 6 years literally leaving it non-functional several times for several months, then add an arena and pretend it'll bring hundreds of players and guilds playing daily back.

> Oh wait no; an arena won't actually bring back the guilds. It might slowly give rise to a better scene for the remaining guilds. It might make htem not ragequit the game because every dead mu would imply nothing to do for an entire week. But bringing back players? hahahaha.


> The casuals are too toxic for anyone to want to come back and play with you. Not even joking.


Yea I get it and can understand the thought. Although I left my GvG guild due to RL, I still hope they find some satisfaction in their preferred method of play. Or all GvG guilds for that matter. May not bring back the old krusties but could pave the way for new blood willing to learn and enjoy GvG.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:


> How are these guilds keeping you out of T1?

> They are preventing others from organizing and capping objectives?

> And how in the hell is that keeping people from playing their favorite game mode?

> You can't play except if it's T1?

> Really?


> That is the complete definition of entitlement and is the exact toxicity people are talking about.



They would queue a map then decide not to come fight when keeps got attacked. They would stack servers to the point of it costing 1800 gems to move there then not show up for weeks. For militia players their is no reason to bother with scouting, siege refresh or tactivators or anything when you've been tanked like that.


But yeah if the casuals/pugs are terribad or toxic nobody's having fun, guess that goes for the self proclaimed guilds also.


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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > Hopefully now that they have their own arena, GvG “fight” guilds will all gather there. Might be slow to catch on at first but some silver lining. Maybe GvG will become great again!

> >

> > Let's ignore the gamemode 6 years literally leaving it non-functional several times for several months, then add an arena and pretend it'll bring hundreds of players and guilds playing daily back.

> > Oh wait no; an arena won't actually bring back the guilds. It might slowly give rise to a better scene for the remaining guilds. It might make htem not ragequit the game because every dead mu would imply nothing to do for an entire week. But bringing back players? hahahaha.

> >

> > The casuals are too toxic for anyone to want to come back and play with you. Not even joking.


> Yea I get it and can understand the thought. Although I left my GvG guild due to RL, I still hope they find some satisfaction in their preferred method of play. Or all GvG guilds for that matter. May not bring back the old krusties but could pave the way for new blood willing to learn and enjoy GvG.


There isn't a single actively raiding GvG guild on EU at the moment. There's this thing where the community-oriented and more dedicated aspects of WvW are quickly dying. Sure there's a huge amount of overly casual players looking to join in with a nice community willing to accept them for who they are... But those communities can't survive in a healthy manner so those casuals aren't getting what they want either.


Which makes it extra funny, cause it was those exact casuals that kept stating GvG isn't part of the game and the players playing it should quit. And along with it went most of the commanders, dedicated pugs, guilds, communities and servers that kept WvW alive and fun.


Oh wait no, wvw is alive because we manage to make queues to pipfarm. My bad :trollface:

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:


> So far, we're stuck in tier 1, which all other BL's do is hide behind siege or get an entire map q to blob because anything organized would require brain function.

> Groups dodge our time zone now because they don't want to fight us. Or if they do, they just pirate ship.



Ok, so why if there is nobody to fight in your timezone within your tier u just don't go to the WvW discord and ask for GvGs in EoTM. TBh u usually don't wanna stack a server, even if some friends of yours play there or whatever, just go to a server that has 0 coverage during your timzone and play there to find more enemies, going to linked servers also proven to be effective for some offhour guilds, that way u can move servers every 2 months to where the action is for you.


Offhours are miserable in GW2 atm too many tiers no players at all to fight, sadly the matchmaking system is really bad, i wish it was just like EoTm where every 2 hours u get new instances according to how much population is currently playing, but they don't seem to like that idea of action PvP packed gameplay 24/7.

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The presumption is made that because player A is drawn to GW2 because of "Organized GvG fights" all other players must be drawn to it for the same reason. The reality is there a large segment of the population that has no interest . The second issue is that those players drawn to organized GvG fights tend to move around server to server, Guild to Guild looking for the Guild or playergroup that they consider as the most "skilled" . When this happens inevitably there are fewer Guilds left that can be competitve with them in a GvG fight , thus no fights.


All the time I hear in chat "Don't join Guild XXX they are trash YYY is a good fight guild" begging the question if no one joins a Guild deemed trash for those GvG fights then who are they going to fight? It sort like a player fot the Golden State Warriors complaining that games against the Atlanta hawks are not very competitive. The way I see it if a person as good as he thinks he is, he should join one of those weaker guilds and help carry them if he really wants to "see skilled fights".

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> The presumption is made that because player A is drawn to GW2 because of "Organized GvG fights" all other players must be drawn to it for the same reason. The reality is there a large segment of the population that has no interest . The second issue is that those players drawn to organized GvG fights tend to move around server to server, Guild to Guild looking for the Guild or playergroup that they consider as the most "skilled" . When this happens inevitably there are fewer Guilds left that can be competitve with them in a GvG fight , thus no fights.


> All the time I hear in chat "Don't join Guild XXX they are trash YYY is a good fight guild" begging the question if no one joins a Guild deemed trash for those GvG fights then who are they going to fight? It sort like a player fot the Golden State Warriors complaining that games against the Atlanta hawks are not very competitive. The way I see it if a person as good as he thinks he is, he should join one of those weaker guilds and help carry them if he really wants to "see skilled fights".


this is actually very accurate

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> The presumption is made that because player A is drawn to GW2 because of "Organized GvG fights" all other players must be drawn to it for the same reason. The reality is there a large segment of the population that has no interest . The second issue is that those players drawn to organized GvG fights tend to move around server to server, Guild to Guild looking for the Guild or playergroup that they consider as the most "skilled" . When this happens inevitably there are fewer Guilds left that can be competitve with them in a GvG fight , thus no fights.


> All the time I hear in chat "Don't join Guild XXX they are trash YYY is a good fight guild" begging the question if no one joins a Guild deemed trash for those GvG fights then who are they going to fight? It sort like a player fot the Golden State Warriors complaining that games against the Atlanta hawks are not very competitive. The way I see it if a person as good as he thinks he is, he should join one of those weaker guilds and help carry them if he really wants to "see skilled fights".


One good player isn't going to carry an entire guild of bad players I don't care how good he/she is. In my experience it takes at least one good player out of every three to make a guild salvageable.

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