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Simplest class/advice on how to learn WvW?

Eddie Royale.9605

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I'd say start with scourge too. You just have to worry about learning positioning and drop your aoe on the fattest looking clump. Once the fights start to make more sense to you and you can begin to pick out individuals and what is going on you could move on to other classes.

Voice comms is super useful, but gets confusing with all the stupid chatter people feel the need to fill the space with. Do what I do and just mute people that don't shut up or seem to have nothing relevant to say. If its super confusing just mute everyone except the pin.

Find someone that seems friendly and whisper them. Ask them if theyd mind answering a few questions. Ideal would be the commander but theyre usually quite busy.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Despite what some others are saying, it's not Scourge at all (or any necro class for that matter), they are slow, have next to no mobility and are easily picked off. One of the things I'm finding now in zerg fights is the necros are getting killed off before they can even engage. People finally learning Rangers have an actual use, but with that said, Ranger isn't your answer either.


> Realistically for ranged, a glassy ele will teach you the quickest how to be effective because you will have to quickly learn about how to position yourself properly. If you want a melee class, go warrior, that class is about as an easy mode as you can get. Spellbreaker warrior is always wanted in zerg fights.


The only eles that I see contribute to a group effectively are the ones that have been playing staff ele at a high level for hundreds to thousands of hours. Virtually every pug that tries it either plays defensive (when it's exceptionally easy) or dies 24/7. Sure they can tag bags but they're frankly entirely useless for the group.


I don't see how you say necro / scourge is bad because they're slow, has no mobility and gets easily picked off to then recommend glassy ele. By all means I agree surviving on scourge can be difficult and actively teaches you to move with your group. But how is ele better? Glassy ele positioning is very punishing, different from all other positioning and heavily depends on the type of fight. If you want something that has more stunbreaks / mobility, go with rev. Unless you're determined to practise weaver for a few hundred to thousand hours you shouldn't even play it in WvW.


For new players, scourge and rev are more effective and easier to learn. You can also actually follow commanders positioning, rather than being forced to actively dance between flanking and balling up.

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I'd probably say Hammer Rev, it's not frontline so gives you a bit more visibility in watching the positioning of a zerg and seeing/learning where you should be, good survivability and nice damage. Once you start getting positioning and zerg commands then you can move onto a more critical class like Firebrand/SB or Scourge.


Plus its pretty cheap and simple to tool up with zerk gear compared to some other armour stat combos

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My simplest advice on how to learn WvW:


* If you are not a skilled player at all you should try a class that doesn't require too much clicking e.g; **backline hammer Rev, Spellbreaker** as the commander will usually call in TS/discord when they want you to drop the hammer/winds etc. One of the key pillars of surviving in WvW involves _positioning_; playing as backline hammer rev you at least will be **a)** safe distance from the enemy and **b)** will be able to follow the commander's movements more easily (make sure you target them) amongst all the screen clutter that is going on

* WvW slang exists, you might want to look up a guide for that (I am certain an old reddit post exists with all the explanations involved) but as an example when the commander states _"fake push"_ they mean baiting the enemy bomb by pushing to a certain point then immediately falling back in hopes of wasting all the enemy's AoE/dmg etc then going for the real push moments later. Another common one is _"take the veil"_ implying a mesmer will drop their veil on the ground (either pre-fight or mid-engage to bamboozle the enemy) and your squad will want to run over it to take advantage of the stealth it provides. You basically want to always follow what the commander states and take heed of callouts from others around you. You'll get used to the fast paced callouts in time.

* Understanding group fights... as stated already - _positioning_ is everything. When facing an enemy zerg be mindful that a lot of the dmg is going to be from rev CoR 1.2k range away + scourge spamming AoE circles/corrupting boons everywhere. A good squad will have 1-2 Firebrands, 1 rev, 1 scourge and/or filler in each sub group depending on what the squad needs. Always watch out for the enemy driver; in time you will **learn how the zerg moves** and be able to **tell who is driving** aka _"stay away from the head of the pain train"_. If you comm's squad can't handle being destroyed when the enemy veils multiple times mid-fight just cloud/split up to avoid getting bombed together... make it harder for the enemy to focus you I guess

* A good **beginner friendly** class to learn WvW with is **backline hammer Rev** (coms usually ask for you to drop the hammer, CoR only a few key skills to remember), **Spellbreaker** (Either be assigned offensive/defensive winds or if not assigned any... just drop the elite skill in the enemy zerg and hope your squad goes ham. If you are offensive winds you will be required to go balls deep into the enemy drop your elite skill, your squad will immediately follow up. Defensive winds involves the enemy pushing into _your zerg_. Usually happens in choke fights so make sure you don't panic and save it for when your com calls for _"winds/bubble on me"_ etc. **Scourge** (great for beginners while you learn positioning/understanding callouts etc... just drop your shades/AoE corrupts on the enemy zerg and follow your comm try not to be the tail aka don't get left behind)


Once you learn the basics and get more comfortable with fights you can definitely jump back onto engi, I hear they buffed medkit and that heal engi is a thing now? Or at least some guilds were running it so definitely look into that.


Have fun enjoy playing WvW!

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Yeah, for me, starting out with WvW, I wouldn't worry at all about playing a specific meta role or anything. You're there to learn positioning, familiarise yourself with the map, and get used to following a tag (voiced or unvoiced).

From that perspective, the things I'd look for in a beginner wvw class would be:

- Ability to reposition (forgives positioning mistakes). That usually means I'd shy away from things like scourge and prioritise options with higher mobility/stun breaks like warrior, revenant, ranger.

- Passive survival boosters. Especially if you have high ping or slower reactions. It'll give you the few extra seconds you need to recognise your positioning mistake and try to correct it.

- Ranged play. Very handy for being able to get used to reading the ebb and flow of groups of players from a more forgiving position.

- Ideally something you're comfortable with.

This all combines to mean that I'd choose something relatively self-sufficient to learn on, where you can follow and contribute to a commander's efforts, or peel off to take a smaller objective yourself or with 1-2 other players, basically at your leisure. I think the worst profession to try learn wvw on is one you don't find fun whose survival is completely dependent on the zerg you're following.


Map awareness is another big thing to try learning but just like everything else it'll come with experience.

The last thing is probably most important, and that's to learn to be fine with dying. Mistakes will happen, your character will die. (If it's anything like my learning curve, your character will die a lot hehe). And that's ok.


Hope this helps. Best of luck!

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watch videos from players of good guilds. see how they play and use their class. recording your own gameplay is also a great way to learn, find someone who can review it and give you advice. may sound kinda "hardcore" but honestly recording footage is one of the best ways to learn. look up builds if you actually want to be effective, dont run w/e you want. Join a dedicated WvW guild that can teach you.


easiest class rn, probably scourge or rev. you have to watch your positioning though. Firebrand isnt hard but you need to be able to manage your cooldowns.

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When I was new to wvw, I found the hardest part was **movement**. To that end, if you are having a hard time moving with the commander, I'd recommend a class that can either teleport to the group, go invulnerable to rejoin the group, or stealth to get away from harm. Eles, mesmers, thieves, and scourges have teleports; guardians, warriors, rangers, engis, eles, and mirages have invulnerables; thieves, Mesmers, and rangers have stealth.


I'd say the most important thing to learn first in wvw is how to survive.

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:


> - Ranged play. Very handy for being able to get used to reading the ebb and flow of groups of players from a more forgiving position.


Moving correctly on range is much more difficult than moving correctly on melee.

Moving badly on range is just learning bad habbits.


You can sit in the back and pretend you're doing better because you stay alive longer by avoiding combat, but it won't make you learn or improve faster and it's also not "good" gameplay. It's just playing safe at the expense of your squad to save your own life.


If you actually want to learn movement, get something that stays on tag and not something that plays as range. Playing range proper is much more difficult than playing melee.

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> @"Player.9621" said:

> hammer revenant is super easy

> its not as obvious if you make a mistake and youre not critical to the squads survival

> scourge is terrible and squishy for beginners, firebrand is too important and spellbreaker will just get you grief if you mess up the dome placements


yes. rev is by far the easiest for beginners. druid and heal rev are still decent, you probably wont get put into double guard parties (these classes aren't considered meta), but are fairly easy to play if you want to play support. these support classes will let you stay away from the frontline until you get more familiar with the game mode. the only things to know how to do when being frontline is when to dodge and how to stick to the commander. it takes time but if you put in the practice you'll get there.


once you learn basic positioning staff ele is kinda easy. the biggest thing to know is when to throw down a meteor shower. too early and allies dps cant help you down people. too late and you will get 3 hits and no more. if there are bubbles (winds of disenchantment), as there should be, then your job is easy just bomb there.

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