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Racial Skills Reworked into Racial Specialisations (Core)

Gotenks Jr.3752

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# **Introduction**

OK so the concept here is very simple. We all know that Racial Skills exist, well I assume we do, there's a small chance we may not, after all there are some people who only play sPvP and let’s be honest while we may appreciate the flavour added by racial skills, the sad truth is they are not amazingly useful, so there is that other small chance that you may also simply have forgotten they exist.


The core game does want some love, some core professions are after all struggling to find their place for one reason or another, by following through with even some of the concepts here we open up a beautiful new doorway. Both for Anet and for us as players.


What I want to present here is an idea for people to discuss, even go a bit wild with, after all it can be done and if done well can also be integrated into sPvP, given it would be something that everyone can have access to and therefor become something that can be balanced (please keep your possibly much desired issues with current balance to one side for a while because while very valid I wouldn't want it to remove from the main discussion here).


#**The Concept**

Well, to try and be straight up about it its simply this. Let’s take our racial skills as they currently exist and remove them, instead implementing them as a Specialisation. This ultimately means that the CORE game would have a specialisation for every race that’s playable and may take a form like below:


* Charr – Specialisation: Dirty Fighting/Tactics

* Norn - Specialisation: Spirits of the Wild

* Human - Specialisation: Dervish

* Sylvari - Specialisation: Dragon Magic

* Asura - Specialisation: Magitech/Golemancy


# **How would this work?**

Well we have 5 races, but we also have 9 Professions, to ask this question makes a lot of sense! I personally wouldn’t expect ArenaNet to be able to make 5 specialisations and balance them to work well over all 9 Professions.


What I would instead suggest is this, take these 5 Specialisations and REALLY make them special, tune them differently so that they are different for each profession! But that’s insane I hear you say it will never happen, well yes you are correct that’s a big workload to throw onto a company but bear with me here, it adds a lot more to the future of the game than you may think at first glance, for a start it gives ArenaNet more incentive to add a new playable race, as they would come with their own specialisations for each profession.


Moving on however you may not fully follow what I’m saying here, so I will give a loose example.


I make a Human Elementalist, I choose the Spirits of the Wild Specialisation to accompany my Elementalist Profession. Now my Elementalist is going to take their Elementalist Skills and combine them with Norn teachings they have learned by doing something related to the Norn (To unlock the specialisation) and they are going to perhaps be able to become a Giant Fiery Bear that’s gives them access to a new set of high damage skills, perhaps a Burning Charge through the target that does KB leaves a trail of fire and gives a nice smack.

Equally I also make a Charr Necromancer, I also opt to go for the Spirits of the Wild Specialisation. However this isn’t an Elamentalist, no Fiery Bear form for this character, instead I have something attached to Raven? Perhaps a Plague Raven that screeches loudly and slashes heavily and viscously with its talons enhancing the effects with necromantic way to create a heavy condition based form.


So there is my very simple example, not heavily thought through but good enough to get the idea that they differ, creating a huge problem in one sense given 5 x 9 means we end up needing 45 Specialisation lines and skills and traits to fit them.


# **There are huge problems with this suggestion why make it?**


Well yes, I am well aware there are many issues this idea puts forward, not so much as a lore issue as there is no reason an Asura cannot learn Bear Form, nor a reason a Charr cannot use Avatar of Dwayna.


To cover a few more realistic issues here that I see, they would largely be balance and workload, though in my opinion this would open enough doors to be worth it in the end.

As for why make the suggestion, well my counter is why not? The actual concept is amazing and something I feel we could all get behind and hopefully help create something amazing with. So all I ask is that you try and be constructive give suggestions and criticise the idea as you see fit. I have after all left this as a concept, there is no reason whatsoever that someone reading this could not suggest a better approach, adjustment or method of implementation. It is after all some fun we could all have together ^^.


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.


> also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"


The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^

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> @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.

> >

> > also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"


> The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^


one of the purposes of racial skills is to add flavor to the races but it's kinda shot in the leg because of the whole "don't want race to affect combat" and racial skills are combat skills. your suggestion is to take the "add flavor" aspect and take it out behind a tool shed with an anti-tank rifle (as not only do you remove race specific abilities but you also take race specific themes and give them to everybody solidifying that race is just a cosmetic option).

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I'm all for the players race being more of a thing in Gw2.


Racial skills are something i've always found a nice addition to the game and make my character feel at least a tiny bit more defined from the other races of the same proffession.

Their more or less uselessness has always been something of a bitter realization and it really has bugged me for years that they've been so irrelevant.

When I make a new character my choice of race isn't just based on story.. it's also based on the theme of the build I am aiming to make.

Racial skill being so garbage compared to class skills makes certain build themes not worth playing.


I'd personally love to make Norn characters with builds based around their shapeshifting race skills but why would anyone bother doing so when just taking racial skills over class skills significantly cripples your build half the time.. who's going to sacrifice an elite skill of all things to further sacrifice all their weapon and utility skills so they can rage smash as a bear and do less damage than they did in their normal form.


In the past i've suggested that race skills be taken out of the Utility skill section and instead be reworked into special F6-7-8 & 9 skills that the player has access too right from the start of the game.

I still believe this could work really well without crippling any builds specially if the skills had long cooldowns and acted as minor support or gimmick skills.

For example a Norn could turn into a bear or wolf etc (depending on their creation choices) whenever they liked and it would be purely cosmetic.. they would still have the same stats and use their normal weapons and animations.. It would essentially be exactly the same thing as using a combat tonic like the Kodan.

Likewise human prayer to Dwayna would give a passive regen buff that would give you minor health gain regardless of healing power and would have a huge cooldown so that it couldn't be spammed or abused.


I don't really care how racial skills are reworked.. traits.. F skills whatever I just really want them to make my choice of race feel more important.

I want my Charr Necro to feel different from my human ones in more than just the physical appearance of the character.


Race skills exist in the game.. lets make them more than just a pointless gimmick and make our choice in race more than just based on cosmetic appearance and early game story.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.

> > >

> > > also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"

> >

> > The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^


> one of the purposes of racial skills is to add flavor to the races but it's kinda shot in the leg because of the whole "don't want race to affect combat" and racial skills are combat skills. your suggestion is to take the "add flavor" aspect and take it out behind a tool shed with an anti-tank rifle (as not only do you remove race specific abilities but you also take race specific themes and give them to everybody solidifying that race is just a cosmetic option).


Your point is very fair, however I would easily say that the bit of flavor is lost when its not very viable to use said skills anyway. The reason I say everyone has access to it because ultimately GW2 is all about accessibility and you couldn't expect something on this level to be unique to each race for that reason alone.


As for the themes themselves, there are more and more emerging characters in the world that embrace others cultures somewhat, the Charr and the Norn have respected each other for a good while, as early as the early time-frame of GW2. All it really means gameplay wise is you won't find many NPC's embracing another races style within core Tyria.

Each Race still has its core ideals at its center however Lion's Arch, I strongly remember reading how Rytlock was surprised at Charr and Humans being so social on his first visit to Lion's Arch, the Pact and many factions exist that are multicultural and would pull from these pools of knowledge to their benefit, OK a Charr may be reluctant to use Avatar of Balthazar, but if it was life and death I think they'd give it a go.

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> @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> # **Introduction**

> OK so the concept here is very simple. We all know that Racial Skills exist, well I assume we do, there's a small chance we may not, after all there are some people who only play sPvP and let’s be honest while we may appreciate the flavour added by racial skills, the sad truth is they are not amazingly useful, so there is that other small chance that you may also simply have forgotten they exist.


> The core game does want some love, some core professions are after all struggling to find their place for one reason or another, by following through with even some of the concepts here we open up a beautiful new doorway. Both for Anet and for us as players.


> What I want to present here is an idea for people to discuss, even go a bit wild with, after all it can be done and if done well can also be integrated into sPvP, given it would be something that everyone can have access to and therefor become something that can be balanced (please keep your possibly much desired issues with current balance to one side for a while because while very valid I wouldn't want it to remove from the main discussion here).


> #**The Concept**

> Well, to try and be straight up about it its simply this. Let’s take our racial skills as they currently exist and remove them, instead implementing them as a Specialisation. This ultimately means that the CORE game would have a specialisation for every race that’s playable and may take a form like below:


> * Charr – Specialisation: Dirty Fighting/Tactics

> * Norn - Specialisation: Spirits of the Wild

> * Human - Specialisation: Dervish

> * Sylvari - Specialisation: Dragon Magic

> * Asura - Specialisation: Magitech/Golemancy


> # **How would this work?**

> Well we have 5 races, but we also have 9 Professions, to ask this question makes a lot of sense! I personally wouldn’t expect ArenaNet to be able to make 5 specialisations and balance them to work well over all 9 Professions.


> What I would instead suggest is this, take these 5 Specialisations and REALLY make them special, tune them differently so that they are different for each profession! But that’s insane I hear you say it will never happen, well yes you are correct that’s a big workload to throw onto a company but bear with me here, it adds a lot more to the future of the game than you may think at first glance, for a start it gives ArenaNet more incentive to add a new playable race, as they would come with their own specialisations for each profession.


> Moving on however you may not fully follow what I’m saying here, so I will give a loose example.


> I make a Human Elementalist, I choose the Spirits of the Wild Specialisation to accompany my Elementalist Profession. Now my Elementalist is going to take their Elementalist Skills and combine them with Norn teachings they have learned by doing something related to the Norn (To unlock the specialisation) and they are going to perhaps be able to become a Giant Fiery Bear that’s gives them access to a new set of high damage skills, perhaps a Burning Charge through the target that does KB leaves a trail of fire and gives a nice smack.

> Equally I also make a Charr Necromancer, I also opt to go for the Spirits of the Wild Specialisation. However this isn’t an Elamentalist, no Fiery Bear form for this character, instead I have something attached to Raven? Perhaps a Plague Raven that screeches loudly and slashes heavily and viscously with its talons enhancing the effects with necromantic way to create a heavy condition based form.


> So there is my very simple example, not heavily thought through but good enough to get the idea that they differ, creating a huge problem in one sense given 5 x 9 means we end up needing 45 Specialisation lines and skills and traits to fit them.


> # **There are huge problems with this suggestion why make it?**


> Well yes, I am well aware there are many issues this idea puts forward, not so much as a lore issue as there is no reason an Asura cannot learn Bear Form, nor a reason a Charr cannot use Avatar of Dwayna.


> To cover a few more realistic issues here that I see, they would largely be balance and workload, though in my opinion this would open enough doors to be worth it in the end.

> As for why make the suggestion, well my counter is why not? The actual concept is amazing and something I feel we could all get behind and hopefully help create something amazing with. So all I ask is that you try and be constructive give suggestions and criticise the idea as you see fit. I have after all left this as a concept, there is no reason whatsoever that someone reading this could not suggest a better approach, adjustment or method of implementation. It is after all some fun we could all have together ^^.



I was going to make a similar suggestion soon. The major difference I would suggest to lower the work load would be to change only a hand full of traits for each profession. As well as for skills that are supposed to be a part of the race's identity, like the norn shapeshifts, if another race were to use that same skill mechanically it would function the exact same but aesthetically it would just be a spirit aura as opposed to the transformation the norn would get.


Skills I'd also suggest go through some major changes as well. I think that each specialization should provide a total of 12 skills each with different skill types, such as Turret, minion, concentration or what have you. 4 Elites, 2 heals, and 6 utility. This could give you a sense of the race's identity and differences through skills. I'd also rework the transformations entirely. Norn Transformations I feel should not change your weapons skills but your utility and give you a temporary buff to your stats for the duration. Avatar of Melandru Should be changed to make you a fairly competent healer all be it with rare use due to its high cool down.

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> @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.

> > > >

> > > > also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"

> > >

> > > The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^

> >

> > one of the purposes of racial skills is to add flavor to the races but it's kinda shot in the leg because of the whole "don't want race to affect combat" and racial skills are combat skills. your suggestion is to take the "add flavor" aspect and take it out behind a tool shed with an anti-tank rifle (as not only do you remove race specific abilities but you also take race specific themes and give them to everybody solidifying that race is just a cosmetic option).


> Your point is very fair, however I would easily say that the bit of flavor is lost when its not very viable to use said skills anyway. The reason I say everyone has access to it because ultimately GW2 is all about accessibility and you couldn't expect something on this level to be unique to each race for that reason alone.


> As for the themes themselves, there are more and more emerging characters in the world that embrace others cultures somewhat, the Charr and the Norn have respected each other for a good while, as early as the early time-frame of GW2. All it really means gameplay wise is you won't find many NPC's embracing another races style within core Tyria.

> Each Race still has its core ideals at its center however Lion's Arch, I strongly remember reading how Rytlock was surprised at Charr and Humans being so social on his first visit to Lion's Arch, the Pact and many factions exist that are multicultural and would pull from these pools of knowledge to their benefit, OK a Charr may be reluctant to use Avatar of Balthazar, but if it was life and death I think they'd give it a go.


i don't disagree that racials should be reworked i'm disagreeing with how you wish to accomplish it


also there's a difference between being accepting of other cultures and becoming one homogenized culture

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.

> > > > >

> > > > > also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"

> > > >

> > > > The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^

> > >

> > > one of the purposes of racial skills is to add flavor to the races but it's kinda shot in the leg because of the whole "don't want race to affect combat" and racial skills are combat skills. your suggestion is to take the "add flavor" aspect and take it out behind a tool shed with an anti-tank rifle (as not only do you remove race specific abilities but you also take race specific themes and give them to everybody solidifying that race is just a cosmetic option).

> >

> > Your point is very fair, however I would easily say that the bit of flavor is lost when its not very viable to use said skills anyway. The reason I say everyone has access to it because ultimately GW2 is all about accessibility and you couldn't expect something on this level to be unique to each race for that reason alone.

> >

> > As for the themes themselves, there are more and more emerging characters in the world that embrace others cultures somewhat, the Charr and the Norn have respected each other for a good while, as early as the early time-frame of GW2. All it really means gameplay wise is you won't find many NPC's embracing another races style within core Tyria.

> > Each Race still has its core ideals at its center however Lion's Arch, I strongly remember reading how Rytlock was surprised at Charr and Humans being so social on his first visit to Lion's Arch, the Pact and many factions exist that are multicultural and would pull from these pools of knowledge to their benefit, OK a Charr may be reluctant to use Avatar of Balthazar, but if it was life and death I think they'd give it a go.


> i don't disagree that racials should be reworked i'm disagreeing with how you wish to accomplish it


> also there's a difference between being accepting of other cultures and becoming one homogenized culture


No problem I misunderstood ^^ and certainly you are correct about that second part :D

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> I was going to make a similar suggestion soon. The major difference I would suggest to lower the work load would be to change only a hand full of traits for each profession. As well as for skills that are supposed to be a part of the race's identity, like the norn shapeshifts, if another race were to use that same skill mechanically it would function the exact same but aesthetically it would just be a spirit aura as opposed to the transformation the norn would get.


> Skills I'd also suggest go through some major changes as well. I think that each specialization should provide a total of 12 skills each with different skill types, such as Turret, minion, concentration or what have you. 4 Elites, 2 heals, and 6 utility. This could give you a sense of the race's identity and differences through skills. I'd also rework the transformations entirely. Norn Transformations I feel should not change your weapons skills but your utility and give you a temporary buff to your stats for the duration. Avatar of Melandru Should be changed to make you a fairly competent healer all be it with rare use due to its high cool down.


I really like the idea regarding the Aura's thing, I'd say it woudl have to vary between each one. Reminds me of how in GW1 when your human and use bear form, you get the skills, but don't fully "Become the Bear!". Glad to hear other people been thinking about it, I've been sitting on suggesting this for over a year now ^^. (Aside from in a way too large post I made about a year ago I think xD)

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> @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > if every race can use them then they kind of loose most of their purpose.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > also you can't brush aside lore problems with "lol, why not"

> > > > >

> > > > > The lore reasons isn't brushed aside with why not, its more so there actually isn't a lore reason you can't have this. The why not is more so addressing the "Why not discuss this idea", sorry if I put that part forward badly ^^

> > > >

> > > > one of the purposes of racial skills is to add flavor to the races but it's kinda shot in the leg because of the whole "don't want race to affect combat" and racial skills are combat skills. your suggestion is to take the "add flavor" aspect and take it out behind a tool shed with an anti-tank rifle (as not only do you remove race specific abilities but you also take race specific themes and give them to everybody solidifying that race is just a cosmetic option).

> > >

> > > Your point is very fair, however I would easily say that the bit of flavor is lost when its not very viable to use said skills anyway. The reason I say everyone has access to it because ultimately GW2 is all about accessibility and you couldn't expect something on this level to be unique to each race for that reason alone.

> > >

> > > As for the themes themselves, there are more and more emerging characters in the world that embrace others cultures somewhat, the Charr and the Norn have respected each other for a good while, as early as the early time-frame of GW2. All it really means gameplay wise is you won't find many NPC's embracing another races style within core Tyria.

> > > Each Race still has its core ideals at its center however Lion's Arch, I strongly remember reading how Rytlock was surprised at Charr and Humans being so social on his first visit to Lion's Arch, the Pact and many factions exist that are multicultural and would pull from these pools of knowledge to their benefit, OK a Charr may be reluctant to use Avatar of Balthazar, but if it was life and death I think they'd give it a go.

> >

> > i don't disagree that racials should be reworked i'm disagreeing with how you wish to accomplish it

> >

> > also there's a difference between being accepting of other cultures and becoming one homogenized culture


> No problem I misunderstood ^^ and certainly you are correct about that second part : D


from a lore perspective you are creating one homogenized culture (which is what i have an issue with)

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> from a lore perspective you are creating one homogenized culture (which is what i have an issue with)


It's bad explaining on my part there ^^, I wouldn't say that's true in terms of what I want to happen mechanically, what a well traveled adventurer does and knows is going to vary heavily from the average Tyrian be they solider, official or otherwise.

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> @"Gotenks Jr.3752" said:

> > from a lore perspective you are creating one homogenized culture (which is what i have an issue with)


> It's bad explaining on my part there ^^, I wouldn't say that's true in terms of what I want to happen mechanically, what a well traveled adventurer does and knows is going to vary heavily from the average Tyrian be they solider, official or otherwise.


it kinda is, the other cultures would just survive because of npcs. leaving with a race's culture only existing in npcs while player characters would all belong to the homogenized culture.

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The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.


If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.


> If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.


If they're not meant to be good why have them in the game? If they're not meant to be used what good are they to the players? Why have them at all? Personally, having them as common skills wouldn't be a problem. People could still use them as a means of role play or flavor for their character. Having them open to other races could be that "X character of the Sylvari race was so captivated by the norn culture she wanted to study and learn from them and practice in their arts." or something like that. I feel that this argument isn't that convincing since the skills are in the game, the races were supposed to have differences. But Arena net can't have it both ways. They can either make the skills good and give players a reason to play something aside from Human, make them good and keep them open to all races, or Keep them garbage and players annoyed at them and questioning why arena net introduced races in the first place.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.

> >

> > If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.


> If they're not meant to be good why have them in the game? If they're not meant to be used what good are they to the players? Why have them at all? Personally, having them as common skills wouldn't be a problem. People could still use them as a means of role play or flavor for their character. Having them open to other races could be that "X character of the Sylvari race was so captivated by the norn culture she wanted to study and learn from them and practice in their arts." or something like that. I feel that this argument isn't that convincing since the skills are in the game, the races were supposed to have differences. But Arena net can't have it both ways. They can either make the skills good and give players a reason to play something aside from Human, make them good and keep them open to all races, or Keep them garbage and players annoyed at them and questioning why arena net introduced races in the first place.


or they could rework them into non-combat skills

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > > The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.

> > >

> > > If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.

> >

> > If they're not meant to be good why have them in the game? If they're not meant to be used what good are they to the players? Why have them at all? Personally, having them as common skills wouldn't be a problem. People could still use them as a means of role play or flavor for their character. Having them open to other races could be that "X character of the Sylvari race was so captivated by the norn culture she wanted to study and learn from them and practice in their arts." or something like that. I feel that this argument isn't that convincing since the skills are in the game, the races were supposed to have differences. But Arena net can't have it both ways. They can either make the skills good and give players a reason to play something aside from Human, make them good and keep them open to all races, or Keep them garbage and players annoyed at them and questioning why arena net introduced races in the first place.


> or they could rework them into non-combat skills


And how would that work exactly? You're going to need to explain it because that has no in game equivalence.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > > > The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.

> > > >

> > > > If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.

> > >

> > > If they're not meant to be good why have them in the game? If they're not meant to be used what good are they to the players? Why have them at all? Personally, having them as common skills wouldn't be a problem. People could still use them as a means of role play or flavor for their character. Having them open to other races could be that "X character of the Sylvari race was so captivated by the norn culture she wanted to study and learn from them and practice in their arts." or something like that. I feel that this argument isn't that convincing since the skills are in the game, the races were supposed to have differences. But Arena net can't have it both ways. They can either make the skills good and give players a reason to play something aside from Human, make them good and keep them open to all races, or Keep them garbage and players annoyed at them and questioning why arena net introduced races in the first place.

> >

> > or they could rework them into non-combat skills


> And how would that work exactly? You're going to need to explain it because that has no in game equivalence.



Take the useless Norn shapeshifting ones for example. Remove all combat abilities(or turn them into Costume Brawl abilities) and let you shift in and out at will (instead of the pathetic duration and absurdly long cooldown).


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Bad idea, it would open a can of worms. Then youd end with like you are useless if you arent a sylvarri engineer or an asura elementalist and so on. When racials have been worthwhile, Anet have been quick to nerf them to the ground.


Imho, they should just be removed. Heck, Revenant cant even use any!

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Bad idea, it would open a can of worms. Then youd end with like you are useless if you arent a sylvarri engineer or an asura elementalist and so on. When racials have been worthwhile, Anet have been quick to nerf them to the ground.


> Imho, they should just be removed. Heck, Revenant cant even use any!


This is what people said about break bars.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > > > The problem with anything racial is that if it has a large enough impact on how a profession is played, like in this case being an entire trait line, it will not be enough to be "X class", people would start asking for "X race X class" because that race performs better on the class because of the racials in some way or another. This is why the racial skills are slightly underwhelming compared to class skills, they are there for flavor.

> > > >

> > > > If you in order to solve this gives the racials to all classes, they are not racials anymore.

> > >

> > > If they're not meant to be good why have them in the game? If they're not meant to be used what good are they to the players? Why have them at all? Personally, having them as common skills wouldn't be a problem. People could still use them as a means of role play or flavor for their character. Having them open to other races could be that "X character of the Sylvari race was so captivated by the norn culture she wanted to study and learn from them and practice in their arts." or something like that. I feel that this argument isn't that convincing since the skills are in the game, the races were supposed to have differences. But Arena net can't have it both ways. They can either make the skills good and give players a reason to play something aside from Human, make them good and keep them open to all races, or Keep them garbage and players annoyed at them and questioning why arena net introduced races in the first place.

> >

> > or they could rework them into non-combat skills


> And how would that work exactly? You're going to need to explain it because that has no in game equivalence.


have the skills work like tonics or things you'd find in the toy category of the gem store

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I’d like them if they performed more like traits that affected your character during combat but didn’t really effect your skills.


For instance.

Norn. When critically hit transform into the wereform of your spirit animal.

Sylvari. As an engineer you summon plant based turrets and bombs. Could change aesthetics based on race

Asura. Jump into your golem when under 25 percent health

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