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Take a random chance to help revive whats left of pvp?


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premade content w/e they do allow people to form complete teams and build upon supporting content with the end goal to encourage solo players to create groups to play thus creating a community..... the mode itself doesn't matter if you dont encourage a healthy community instead of toxic one


Note im not saying one should HAVE to play with teams but i also dont think players have any right to bash on premades no other place in the game can this be applied...can you imagine if in wvw they forbid you from picking a server but instead just randomly put you into random worlds so people wouldn't have the unfair advantage of friends on coms dear no that would inconvenience me to take the time to do the same


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In reality if they they continue with duo que then having a single LB is fine. just make the matches 2 duo teams and 1 random pug for both teams. If we finally go back to team que then there should be a Team que / Leader Board and a solo single player que / Leader Board. Solo players have theirs and teams of 2, 3 and 5 have their own.

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> premade content w/e they do allow people to form complete teams and build upon supporting content with the end goal to encourage solo players to create groups to play thus creating a community..... the mode itself doesn't matter if you dont encourage a healthy community instead of toxic one


> Note im not saying one should HAVE to play with teams but i also dont think players have any right to bash on premades no other place in the game can this be applied...can you imagine if in wvw they forbid you from picking a server but instead just randomly put you into random worlds so people wouldn't have the unfair advantage of friends on coms dear no that would inconvenience me to take the time to do the same


They have edge of the mists. That was pretty popular at one point in time.


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> 2v2 ranked would be the biggest joke ever, the game is balanced around 5v5 there is absolutely no space for that. Two or three comps would farm the whole gamemode while being boring as hell


Yeah, if that was a thing, and supposed to be competitive, I would expect some major nerfs to high mobile specs with access of stealth and high burst, otherwise the game would be just as boring as Conquest is right now.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > premade content w/e they do allow people to form complete teams and build upon supporting content with the end goal to encourage solo players to create groups to play thus creating a community..... the mode itself doesn't matter if you dont encourage a healthy community instead of toxic one

> >

> > Note im not saying one should HAVE to play with teams but i also dont think players have any right to bash on premades no other place in the game can this be applied...can you imagine if in wvw they forbid you from picking a server but instead just randomly put you into random worlds so people wouldn't have the unfair advantage of friends on coms dear no that would inconvenience me to take the time to do the same

> >

> They have edge of the mists. That was pretty popular at one point in time.



Edge of the mist still has everyone from your orginal world plus some but that doesn't detract from my example....it would only apply if you entered edge and you were put on a random team..... but even if you wanted to compare edge has never been "popular" even at its best of times it was a haven for uplevels..... but again you still have the abilty to form groups with the people you originally joined with ( world selection)

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Deathmatch has consistently been … "less than optimal." Courtyard felt nightmarish to me and resulted in consistent stomps. Even in the present system, maps that encourage deathmatch style play are not popular, witness Spirit Watch.


2v2 etc. are an issue because the game is not balanced for that.


Stronghold was removed from ranked because of it's farming potential for certain teams. I have no reason to think it's better now.


**Something like a "payload" map might be successful. One side defends the convoy, the other attempts to destroy it.** Beyond that, the only "new" game mode I see working is 1v1 dueling. **That, or bring back POLYMOCK.**


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing should be random in revitalizing pvp...all it will take is programing hours for new game modes. The same circleyerk fighting for 6 years is getting old. They seem to be aware od this now and are creating some 2v2 tournaments and, i believe i read that they are also redoing wvw to be completely different, just give it time like at least 2 more years. I hope it will be less but programing takes time. Nothing is quick with programming that i know of specially gw2 code.1 giant 35+gig file takes time to do properly.

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> @"Runic.8507" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > if deathmatch and stronghold were fixed then I would vote for them.


> What don't you like about Stronghold? I've been really enjoying it.


probably left a bad taste in his mouth from when you could 5 man stronghold in seasons and cheese to the top. I know it did for me, I haven't played stronghold since they switched badges and changes seasons around. If you thought the majority of people don't have a clue how conquest works try pugging stronghold

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Stronghold sucks so bad, you may as well play a real MOBA. There's also other ideas such as ANET releasing a "Vanilla GW2" or pre-HoT expansion that doesn't delete the other expansions such as HoT or PoF but offers only Vanilla or Pre-HoT traits and builds in a PvP setting.


2v2 is nice and all but like there's just too many evades in the game, until that gets nerfed it's not gonna do much sadly. The expansions are really a money grab: HoT and PoF is just bad in morality (It deleted so many specs and made people waste so much time learning that spec in the first place, it deleted specs that were the fundamentals of what made GW2 great in the first place) and in principles (Literally, ANET thinks evading while attacking is balanced and is "healthy" for new players and for overall competitive play, it's logically inconsistent).


But ANET could get more money AND make people happy at the same time if they had a concept of the greater of goods and the lesser of evils. Sadly ANET will always be a fail teenager who can't take criticism type of company and will always make garbage decisions because they have legit never improved.

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